SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 609: 609 Kazen's Revelation

In any case, you mentioned how you were resurrected by Jareds special technique and got into contact with Aether, right?

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At this point, both Kazen and Aloe were seated opposite each other in the vast glassy roomappearing to be in some sort of consultation.

Y-yeah. But the thing is, he has resurrected others too, yet none of them seem to have experienced the same change I have. I dont understand it myself.

Kazen nodded calmly, obviously assessing the situation with the best of her abilities. She placed her.finger on her chin and thought for a moment, arriving at a conclusion before long.

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I dont know!

E-eh? This certainly wasnt the answer Aloe was expecting.

I said I dont know. Theres so much vague information, so I cant deduce anything. I wasnt there, so how can I tell? Kazen sighed, throwing her hands in the air.

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Besides, you were dead at that point too, right? So theres no way you could give an entirely accurate account. If only that Jared dude was here, I would have asked him to give more useful answers

Somehow, that sent a direct hit to Aloes heart. She instantly felt sorry for not being adequately equipped with the information they required.

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There are many elements that could have caused your transformation. The most plausible is that your soul got exposed to Aether before it returned to your body. But, there are other options

Ah, I see. Aloe whispered, listening more to her mentors words.

You mentioned how Jared saw Merlin, right? That means his soul also has exposure to Aether. Perhaps it resonated with yours upon revival and sent some of its materials to yours?

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However, Kazen wasnt sure about this option. The quality of Aether in Aloes soul couldnt have come from mere trickles. Besides, that was indeed the case, then a portion of Jareds soul should have been attached to hers.

Soul theory was complicated, and the woman didnt want to start delving into it.

The bottom line is that there could be one of many factors, or maybe a combination of many reasons that youre the way you are.

Ah, I understand. I dont know if this is helpful, but Jared mentioned something about him being a Singularity? Do you know what that


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