SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 611: 611 Interrogation [Pt 1]

An unconscious Aloe Vida.

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A worried Asa and Maro.

A Beastfolk under Mana Shock.

It didnt take me very long to piece all the information together. I realized that simply standing outside and asking questions would get us nowhere, so I resorted to the only reasonable option.

Lets talk inside.




Aloe was placed on an enchanted beda Magic Tool meant to preserve a persons physical and Mana conditions.

The bed a curtain-like barrier hovering above and around it. The barrier glowed, and then the entire space around Aloe glimmered with white particles of light.

This should stabilize the situation. I thought to myself.

Even if a person was in a near death situation, as long as they were on the bed, their survival was guaranteed.

It contains immense healing properties and restorative effects.

As if that wasnt enough, even if a person was dead, the bed would still fix the body and return it to optimal condition while also ensuring the circlulation of Mana within it.

Dont worry, shell be fine. I told the audience that gathered around her.

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Edward. Ivan. Lemi. Asa. Maro. They all appeared worried for the young lady.

I was too, but this wasnt a relevant time to indulge in such emotion. So far, I only had a basic idea of what could have transpired.

I had to completely understand the situation.

You guys, come with me. I specifically addressed Asa and Maro.

They knew that evey well, as they instantly left Aloes side and followed my leadthough Asa seemed a bit saddened to abandon her bedside.

We left the room and proceeded to another more conducive environment to conduct our conversation.

The Beastfolk, also known as former Beast King Vaizer, was already waiting for us within the space.

Of course, he remained paralyzed as we entered.

The room was large, and it was greatly strengthened with enhancementseven more than that of the entire building.

No one should be able to see through the walls or hear whatever goes on in here. I glanced in Vaizers direction while making this thought.

You two, please have your seats.

Two chairs appeared in the room, and they obeyed instantly. I could tell from their sullen expressions that they were ready to cooperate as long as I fixed their supposed mistakeAloes current condition.

These guys I almost sighed.

First of all, I apologize for not coming to your aid. A lot happened on my end, and it didnt seem to me like you were in extreme danger.

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They expressed surprised upon seeing that I bowed my head, but I didnt care. As the leader, I was responsible for their wellbeing.

Whatever risks they took was on mealbeit indirectly.

N-no, its all my fault. It was my plan to

Yeah. It was Maros fault!

It seemed the two agreed that Maro was to be blamed. It was no wonder the older man looked more miserable.

You say that its his fault, Asa but why do I also sense guilt from within you? You blame yourself too, dont you?

It was better not to address that now, though. The important things came first.

Its fine. Whats relevant now is how to rectify the situation.

A chair appeared right behind me and I sat opposite them.

Now, then, tell me everything that happened.




I see. So thats how it is.

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Once they were done explaining, I could finally see the big picture.

As expected, Vaizer here was their foe. It seemed the Nether Cult somehow caught wind of everyones location, after all.

Despite how hard I tried to hide it that Legris.

In any case, they did well in their fight against Vaizer. For them to have emerged victorious against someone who possessed an Arcana, they had my respect.

[Justice], uh? And with what they heard him say, it sounds like a very dangerous Arcana. Did he not know how to use it properly?

Vaizer was a Martial Artist by nature. Arcanas were basically Magical in nature, thus expecting him to master such complex Magic would probably be asking for too much.

Fortunately, what happened to be the case here was their opponents inexperience in Arcana utilization.

I did everything I could, but she wont regain consciousness. I dont think it is physiological. Maro postulated.

He was most likely spot-on.

Maro is very intelligent, and we both worked on the newly improved Mana Shock potion

Thankfully, he had enough sense not to use the lethal one on Vaizer. That way, we had a perfect hostage.

I see. If you think it has something to do with her Soul, her Soul Brand is still intact. Theres nothing wrong with her in that respect.

If I were to give a diagnosis, Id say she was simply in a sleep-like state. The reason she hadnt awoken wasnt due to any damage or danger, but

Its almost like shes choosing to remain asleep?

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I wasnt certain of what it meant, but there was probably no way to know for sure at this moment.

Lets focus on what we can actually control now My gaze went to Vaizer.

His expression was frozen, and his monstrous form made him appear ber similar to a statue.

We should get some answers from our dear friend, here.

To achieve what I wanted, it was best to do this without any interruption. Besides, it would be best of Asa and Maro rested by Aloes side.

You guys can leave now. Make sure you relax, too. Youve earned it.

They nodded and made to leave. Their backs told me that they were less troubled than when they first arrived.

At least now they knew Aloe wasnt in any danger.

Thank you for your help, the both of you. Youve done an amazing service by capturing him and retrieving an Arcana.

Really, thanks.

They both nodded and smiled faintly, exiting the room soon after.

The moment the door was shut tight, and I once again confirmed that the Magic pervading the room was intact, I gave my fill attention to our prisoner.

Hello, Vaizer. A smile slowly crept on my face as I approached him.

Lets start this, shall we?

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