SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 614: 614 Vaizer's Resolve [Pt 2]

Jared simply watched the suffering beastfolk with no emotions.

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The boy was really going to let him die without any consideration at all.

N-no I dont want this!

Vaizer realized he would do anything to live.

He betrayed his people.

He joined the Nether Cult.

He abandoned everything to get his hearts desire.

KEUUUKKKK!!! His Mana Core was already at critical point.

Any second now, and his death was going to surface.

Not yet! I cant die yet!

Vaizer simply wanted to live on his terms. To soar higher than any Beastfolk ever had. He wanted to rise even far beyond. To do that

F-fine! I surrender! I give up! Ill cooperate! Vaizer screamed.

His eyes were tightly shut, and a miserable expression clouded his bruised face. The creatures body trembled as he waited for helpsalvation from the imminent death that crept up on him.

Wise choice.

With a snap of Jareds fingers, Vaizer felt the irregularity within his Mana Core to cease. No longer was he feeling the dreadful signs of Mana Overload.

I only paused the effect. If you dont give me what I want to know, itll resume.

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The Beastfolk instantly understood.

He hadnt gotten freeat least, not yet. Unfortunately, he was still a dog on a leash. The only thing that changed was his master.

Ill keep it nice and simple. You dont have any objections, do you? Jared gave a warm smile.

If it wasnt that Vaizer had just seen him being a completely ruthless being, he would have been sold. He truly didnt seem harmful in any way.

N-no The beastfolks voice trembled as he answered.

He couldnt believe he was going to divulge cult Intel, but he had to do anything to survive.

Perfect. Lets begin.


I asked a series of questions, to which my prisoner gave me honest answers to.

Hes not lying. I thought to myself.

The reason I knew this was because I constantly monitored his pulse, heart, Mana Core too. He couldnt escape my appraisal.

Other than the palpitations that came about due to fear, there was no sign of dishonesty. Despite that

This is useless.

Nothing I got was worthwhile.

I pretty much knew the location of the Cult, so confirming it from him didnt help in any way. The number of Arcanas in their possession, their remaining members, etc. I already know all these things.

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As for their grand goals, or the reason behind seeking the Arcanasthe questions I had no answers toVaizer couldnt provide me with an appropriate response.

As I feared, he wasnt aware of anything substantial.

W-we all have our reasons for joining the Cult. I dont know what the leader desires, but he said with the combined abilities of the Arcana, we can do anything.

Well, their leader wasnt wrong.

Arcanas dealt with the laws of the world. I could only imagine how much one could control if they possessed all that power.

The very prospect worried me.

Unfortunately, when I asked about who this leader of theirs was, Vaizer didnt particularly know. He simply gave a vague description.

H-he looks young, but his profound wisdom and power makes it evident theres no way hes just a kid. So said Vaizer.

Based on what I surmised from his words, their leader was very strong. Since he was the head of the organizationhaving an even higher position than the First Seat who, apparently, was the one who busted the Beast KingdomI expected some massive power.

Such a thing couldnt be achievable by a kid or perhaps it was.

Is it possible that their leader is reincarnated like me? Is he a Singularity? Theres so much I dont know Unfortunately, Vaizer didnt know as well.

The beastfolk also mentioned something about him being accompanied by a woman in white. He added that the woman was also quite powerful.

His mother, perhaps? Or could the whole thing be an act?

It wasnt like shapeshifting didnt exist. What if he simply took on that persona to misdirect anyone from realizing his true identity?

That meant he could be anything, for all we knew.

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Vaizers testimony was flawed because even he hadnt conversed with the leader beyond official settings. The only time they spoke alone was when he was recruited.

Vaizer described it as the most inspiring moment of his life, but that didnt matter to me.

In the end, Im back to square one A sigh escaped my lips.

At the very least, tell me the names of the Cult Members.

So far, I knew quite a few of them already. Vaizer, being one. The others included;

Legris Damien

Reed Sterling

Fairy King Beruel

Stefan Netherlore

Yeah that pretty much covered it.

I was still missing out on the true names and identity of the upper three members of the Cult. Descriptions would also be nice.

A-ah, t-theres theres t-the

Suddenly, I felt something surge from within Vaizer.

It was murky and dark, and it consumed him from within.

Shit no way Nether?!

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G-guurrrrrghhhhhh Vaizers choked scream echoed as he gave a shocked glare at me.

His expression was akin to that of betrayal. He must have suspected my hands in this or at least my culpability in refusing to prevent such an outcome.

However I had no idea!

Before I could respond or help the Beastfolk, his body underwent rapid corruption, and the darkness completely shrouded his being.

N-noooo Every fiber of his being was engulfed in the pitch black energy. And before long he became one with nothingness


My eyes were wide with rage at this point. Not only had I been outdone by the enemy, but it was at such a critical moment too! Just when I was about to find out something I wasnt aware of.

Vaizer had those answers and they intentionally cut me off!

Rage swirled within me, but more than that existed frustration.

I couldnt detect the Nether in him at all. Just how much was it integrated into him?

From what I heard, it seemed the Cult Leader made him stronger by undergoing some procedure.

He recieved a new Mana Core, but what of he got something else too?

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