SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 617: 617 Haunted Abode [Pt 2]

Ever since they had known each other, Ciara had always been scared of the dark.

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She would often spend her night in his rooma practice that filled their childhood.

Jerry was of low nobility, and his father was the lord of the particular patch of land where Ciara had been brought up.

Still, as was common with those who had very little power, the Lord was close to the people. Which made Jerry know Ciara, and even become friends with her without any form of bias.

She spent some time in his abode, and he spent some time in hers as well. His father had been poor, so they didnt really have much going for them anyways.

But, Ciara had had it much worse. Shed lived in the slums. Her home hadnt been in any good state at all. Compared to her lifestyle, Jerry had felt himself to be a king.

It made him appreciate her more especially her smile and expressive personality.

Well, all of that vanished once darkness arrived.

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Ciara was scared of the dark, and simply clung close to him whenever it was that time of any day. And as the confident one as the man, he had to protect her!

His father had allowed her to spend the night in his house, after some persuasion. Though Jerry didnt know why, the Lord often asked about his experience the next morning.

There was no experience, though. He simply cuddled her and caressed her hair so she could fall asleep.

He would soothe her with his words and they would whisper nice things to each other till they fell asleep.

It wasnt anything special, really.

However they eventually parted.

Despite their friendship, there was one thing that severed the connection theyd hadtalent for Magic!

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It initially hadnt been a problem, but after some time Ciara changed.

He would often declare how he would get to her level, but she always seemed to get even further and further beyond his reacheven at Ainzlark.

Those were some days, huh? Jerry smiled a little, now recollecting how he had been very frustrated and impulsive back then.

Despite their very strained relationship in the Academy, and his dislike for how things had turned out, Jerry couldnt deny he often had certain thoughts about Ciara before he slept.

He had often wondered how she managed to sleep when she was in the female dorms back at Ainzlark. Her fear of the dark had been a serious problem when they were kids, after all.

After wondering for some time, he decided to settle on the thought that she had gotten over her fears.

Looks like I was wrong Looking at her now, Jerry realized she still had that fear within her.

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She was but a frail girl in the darkness!

Just how long did she have to endure like that in Ainzlark being alone in the darkness! It made him realize that her twisted personality in school was probably not entirely her fault.

She had simply been pushed to that point due to her mental stress, no doubt.

Thats why I cant falter here! Jerry removed his mind from her soft boobs and nice smell.

Now wasnt the time to indulge in such thingsnot that he had ever really done so.

Ciara Epilson was relying on him. That was all that mattered!


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I-its unavoidable anyway! Since theyre coming for us, then theres no need to remain in the dark any longer!

The purpose of simply having a small light source had been defeated, after all.

Time to brighten up this place!


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