“Damnit…” The Fairy King spoke from within his hallowed space.

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Surrounded by darkness—with the only source of light coming from the bright screen in front of him—Beruel’s eyes remained fixated on the two unwelcome guests he had.

‘I would have attacked them before they even infiltrated my hideout, but that would have caused too much commotion, and if the Cult gets a hold of my signature, then…!’

Beruel didn’t completely trust the Nether Cult—just like he didn’t put his faith in just about any institution.

After being betrayed, it would be foolish for him to make the same mistakes again.

Besides, the Nether Cult didn’t care about his most trusted subordinate’s death, and the members hardly shared his values.

He was simply using them.

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‘They can’t know of this place, though…’

To the outside world—and even the omnipotent clairvoyance of their leader—this was simply a mountain.

And that was simply because of his strong efforts to hide this location. He was also the most intelligent and skilled when it came to mechanics, which was why none could track him down.

‘I’ve been using clones to cater to my affairs and responsibilities so far…’

Never had he once exposed his real body to them—and for good reason. Perhaps most would call him paranoid, but he was simply being as cautious as he could.

Hubris was the cause of his previous downfall, after all.

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“Speaking of clones…” Beruel sighed, instantly regretting the actions he’d made prior to his notice of Kuzon and Ana’s assault.

“… All of them are scattered around the world—looking for clues for the Arcanas.”

The recent meeting with the Cult had ended with the conclusion that all of the Arcanas had been found, making his efforts worthless.

‘I’ve called back the clones, but it’ll take some time for them to get here, especially since they’re doing it discreetly.’

He had a few left as backup clones, but it was regrettable that he was limited in his arsenal.

After all…

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‘They’re more pesky than I thought…’ Beruel sighed.

So far, Ana and Kuzon had been avoiding the traps he set while also defeating the enemies he was sending to them.

Advancing to the deeper portion of his base got progressively more difficult, but they surprisingly got closer with every attempt he made.

‘I didn’t think they would have Aether… or at least the Midas boy.’

Since he was being absolutely cautious, he had used Aether as the base of the Automatons he was using as security protocols.

Normal Mana or Miasma didn’t work on Aether, making his Automatons practically invincible—or at least, that was how the story was meant to be.

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Instead, Kuzon kept destroying them with relative ease.

It frustrated him beyond words.

“I would have sent a few clones, but he’s clearly proven he can handle them. It’s better not to spread them out, but gather them to form an airtight formation.”

Beruel’s beef was with Kuzon—since he had killed his subordinate. As for Ana… well, no one could know his secret base and live.

“I’ll kill you both for sure.”





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