“Welp, it’s now pretty obvious that you’ve betrayed the Nether Cult, Beruel. I have every right to eliminate you. As for Kuzon’s girlfriend, I personally have nothing against you, but I’ll just treat you as collateral damage.”

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“I-I’m not his—!”

“Yeah, yeah. You look just like his type. Hahaha.” Kido waved off Ana’s response with such levity that one wouldn’t think he was trying to kill all three of them off.

It truly was paradoxical how he interacted with them.

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Even Ana was surprised by her instinctive reply to him. It almost made it seem as though Kido was a likable father figure and not a mass murderer.

“Beruel, Ana, stay out of this. It’s my fight, and I’ll be beating Kido with my own ability.” Kuzon stared at his two partners.

His focused eyes were enough to show them how much he meant it.

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“W-what? No way! There’s no way you can win! You can’t—!”

“I don’t remember asking for your input.” Kuzon silenced Ana as he stared at his opponent.

For some reason, Kido wasn’t attacking. He simply floated in the air, waiting for the three to resolve their conflict and fight him.

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“We can simply retreat. With Jared’s help, and Neron, and Serah… with everyone’s assistance, we’ll be able to win!” Ana protested desperately.

She didn’t seem to care about Kuzon’s indifference towards her. Her sense of compassion and worry for her dear friend outweighed the hurt she was feeling.

“That’s enough.”

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In a flash, Kuzon snapped his fingers, causing the Spell Card in Ana’s possession to glow. It shone brightly, warping space and surprising everyone present.

“Young Midas!”

The two couldn’t move thanks to Kuzon’s [Marionette], and the blue swirl magnified. They all knew their looming fate, but their reactions clearly depicted how they much were trying to resist it.

“Stop! Kuzon, don—!”


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