‘I plan on ending this soon.’

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~Don’t tell me… you’re going to use it again? Kuzon, your body! This is really dangerous. If this is what you want to do, then I won’t assist you anymore. I won’t allow you to risk your life.~

The young Midas gave a knowing smile and sighed.

‘I have a plan, but I can’t do this without you. Will you really abandon me at this crucial stage? This is the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life. This is what I’ve always trained and worked hard for!’

Drops of tears were falling from Kuzon’s eyes at this point, and they became vaporized the instant they came into contact with the air.

‘I will kill Kido right here and now, and I don’t care if I die while doing it. Do not forget the basis of our arrangement.’

~W-wait, Kuzon… I…~

‘You provide me with power when I want to kill Kido, and in exchange… I’ll set you free to see the world beyond this one. Well, you’re in luck…’

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The Familiar was silent, at this point. Kuzon had spoken the truth, after all. The underlying basis of their contract couldn’t be refuted.

“… After today, you’ll be free.”

~I can see the future, Kuzon. I can see everything. You’ll die if you do this.~

A smile formed on Kuzon’s face and he nodded slowly. His sweat slowly started to dry up, and the tears in his eyes ceased.

~Are you okay with that?~

‘Will I win?’ The Midas boy swiftly responded.

That was all that mattered.

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~You will. You’ll win, but—~

‘Then I don’t care. I’ll join my family in the afterlife, and the Midas Race will completely vanish from this plane of existence.’ Kuzon’s smile was sad.

No one wanted to die, and he was no exception.

However, his resolve to do anything to win far surpassed his fear of mortality.

~What of your friends? You’d really die and abandon them in this world? Do you not consider how they’ll feel? What of that girl you like? Ana, right?~

Kuzon’s smile faded, and his face darkened. He had tried his best, but he couldn’t hold it anymore.

“S-stop it already, Xenia…” At this point, a stream of tears flowed from the boy’s gleaming eyes.

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He thought of the two people he cherished most in the world. He thought of the girl he had grown so attached to, and the boy who kept surprising him beyond expectations.

Their relationship was flimsy and unconventional, and he didn’t have many memories with them, but… Kuzon had never felt close to others, other than his family.

They were his friends.

“… Don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be.”

The young Midas was stunned by how his heart ached and how the tears wouldn’t stop. He had been able to pull off so many bizarrely calm facades during the most critical moments of his life, however, his composure was failing him here.

“I don’t want to die here… I don’t want to die, but…”

He was only a teenager, wasn’t he? He wasn’t even an adult yet. Even with his power, the young heart he possessed wouldn’t let him have his way.

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“… But if I don’t kill him now, I won’t be able to live with myself. This is my purpose. It’s the reason I’ve done everything till now.”

At this point, Xenia realized she couldn’t stop the young boy from his mission. It was tragic to see her host die, but…

~Very well. I will grant you my eyes.~

Kuzon nodded with a smile, drying his tears as he made his final preparations.

“Right here and now… I’ll erase the Midas Race from this world!”




[The Base]


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