The words of the Emperor were absolute, so Kuzon had enough confidence in his declaration.

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His confidence was however in contrast with the look on his interlocutor’s face.

Kido’s eyes bulged, but he couldn’t say anything. His face twisted with anger, but then turned into something else. Something akin to a plea to speak.

“I won’t ask for your final words. Why? I frankly don’t care.”

Kuzon was out of time, and he knew it. Besides, why would he ruin this beautiful moment of transient peace by allowing his madman of an uncle to speak?

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“I guess I’ll be seeing you on the other side…” Kuzon touched Kido’s head, feeling his rough hair while taking in every sensation.

Having his victory being achieved and the object of his hate at his mercy like this… there was no better feeling.

“… Goodbye, sperm donor.”


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Kido’s eyes widened in shock, but it was only met by Kuzon’s knowing smile.

It seemed the boy knew everything!

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He had wanted to use it as his final trump card—his plea for his nephew to see reason—but he never imagined that Kuzon knew everything.

‘When? How? Since when?!’ Kido was in a state of confusion.

How could Kuzon have discovered that he was his biological son?

‘A-ah…!’ It really was no use.

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Even though he wanted so badly to escape, there really was no other alternative.

Kuzon knew about their ties, yet he didn’t even hesitate or waver in his mission to kill him. That depicted just how determined the Midas boy was.

‘Shit… why did I hesitate too?’


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