SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 68: Chapter 68 - Jared's Overwhelming

Pointing my index finger at a frightened Ivan, I moved my lips and let out little whispers.

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My words manifested and took the form of a Spell. Invisible waves flew from my pointer and were sent to Ivan in a fraction of a moment.


The target yelled out in pain, sending loud noise reverberating across the lounge, even the stairs.

People felt his pain from a distance, but I couldnt care less. After a few seconds of screaming out, afflicted by something no one could see, Ivan collapsed.


I made way for his body to fall to the ground, completely powerless to break the fall. Everyone could see from where they stood Ivan had fallen unconscious.


After the little mishap, I gave a sharp glare to Ivans minions and went to my room. Those who occupied the stairs instantly parted ways and gave me more than enough room to transverse.

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My eyes darted to Stefan. Apparently, he had been watching my fight with Ivan. Just as before, it seemed like he wanted to say something, but was hesitant about it.

Just be quiet, Stefan Im not in the mood! My mind snapped.

Walking past him, I went to my room and shut the door tightly. The moment I felt the familiar ambiance of known territory and knew no one was watching except for those monitoring us, I fell to my bed and gave in to my weakness.

Sleep couldnt come, since I was so hungry. However, I was allowed to enter a drowsy state. My thoughts trailed to the just-concluded fight with Ivan, and all I had done in such an irrelevant clash.

Firstly, from the moment Ivan decided to assault me, I activated sound amplification magic, making sure our commotion attracted a crowd. This was the major reason all the students came to witness our fight even though they would have just been occupied with Whatever activities they had planned for the day.

Since my body was constantly strengthened thanks to my multiple cores and a well-established system within me, I could easily react to Ivan in my hungry state. I could also injure him considerably, even though I was nowhere near being serious.

And then, the forceful deactivation of his spell was also caused by him. Of course, I couldnt directly stop with the Spell since was an Advanced Spell. But, I didnt need to go that far.

Fire runs on oxygen to remain active. Even though Ivans mana summoned flames, it ate at the oxygen around in order to maintain its stable state. Using SPELLCRAFT, I merged my mana with the surroundings and deprived his palm region of any oxygen. This caused his spell to malfunction partway through and fail.

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Of course, the more he tried to activate it, the less it would even work at all. That was why it reached a point where the flames didnt appear at all.

He then proceeded to use melee attacks once again, forgetting I was superior in combat. However, my body wasnt in the best state, so I simply used SPELLCRAFT to harden the surface tension of the air, coagulating space particles with my mana. This caused the invisible shields to protect me.

I didnt have enough focus and energy to completely shield my entire body, so I used my eyes to trail his movements, predicting where he would strike. This allowed me to create little shields only in those areas.

As for the last spell I used to render him unconscious, it was also due to the aid of SPELLCRAFT. Using oscillating waves at low frequencies, I sent them in varying proportions to his ear regions.

Some people werent aware of this, but the ears are responsible for balance in any human body. Picking up sounds in form of waves makes the ear maintain a state of equilibrium.

By distorting the waves and sending various types in uneven proportions, I caused a forced state of imbalance in Ivan. The forced and sudden perception of both high and low frequencies rapidly registering in his nerves caused him to experience artificial pain, sending him into a state of unconsciousness.

Of course, it was all hallucinatory. His physical self remains unharmed well, he did fall, so that was already enough damage on his body.

I sighed in silence, feeling a little frustrated. Using so much effort for such small fry was stupid of me. However, if I had just relied on brute force, I may have destroyed the property of the Academy.

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I had no choice

Of course, that wasnt true but I took solace in that excuse.



I heard steady bangs on my door. A feeling of annoyance welled up within me. My body was in no shape to move anywhere, yet why was I being disturbed.

Sighing, I sluggishly stepped out of bed and moved to answer the knock just in case it was important.

Yyess, whos the-?

My tired voice stopped midway upon realizing no one was standing at the other end. I had opened the door to no one!

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Which bastard did this?! My inner self went wild with fury.

Was I already so tired that I was experiencing audible hallucinations? No, there was no way. Someone had definitely knocked! They must have scurried off the moment they did this. My mind was seething in annoyance, wondering who would have the gall to do such a thing after experiencing my match with Ivan.

The burning anger within me melted the moment my eyes fell to the ground and I saw a container with a note affixed to it. My eyes bulged instantly, recognizing the box that sat on the smooth surface of the floor.

M-my lunch!

My voice was emotional as I nearly broke down seeing such a miraculous existence. I had never been as grateful in both my lives for seeing food. I felt an odd feeling of nirvana at that moment and slowly moved to touch the item, making sure I wasnt hallucinating.

Its real!

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