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“Where are we?”

“Where are the others?”

Edward, Lemi, and Ciara found themselves at the very same spot. They were located on a wide expanse of land, white in colour, with presumably nothing to be seen for miles.

“What’s this place? This is supposed to be the Nether Cult’s base, right? Where’s everyone else?” Ciara’s voice was beginning to sound irritated, and the frown on her face proved that even further.

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Edward looked calm, observing as much of their surroundings as he could. And as such, rather than speak, he kept analyzing everything around him, in hopes that he would understand the situation.

Lemi had been teaching him the art of observation and science… and it was really helpful—especially for training his senses and Martial Perception. It didn’t do much for his cognitive abilities, though.

Speaking of Lemi, she was holding a pair of Magic Binoculars, trying her best to survey the area. It was best to figure out where they were before complaining and whining like Ciara.

“There’s no point, you guys. You realize our connection is being interfered with, right? I know everyone is alive, but I can’t sense where they are… or even communicate with them.” Ciara dropped to the white sandy surface, finally sitting down in frustration.

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“You’ve tried your Mind—?”

“Yep! Everything! Our devices don’t even work too. The Nether here is really dense. Urgh!”

Edward joined Ciara in her sigh, realizing that she was right. He had just spread out his senses, and yet he didn’t sense anyone. He also couldn’t connect with Jared and the others.

‘Did she already do all of that before giving up so early? Impressive!’ Edward nodded at Ciara, smiling proudly.

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Well, he soon noticed Lemi’s gaze piercing him, and he quickly removed his eyes from the fussy girl.

“W-well, maybe we should keep searching… you know, for clues and stuff… right Lemi?” A bead of sweat fell from Edward’s face as he made his appeal to the Half-elf.

“Yeah…” Of course, she just shrugged him off.

The three were still in the process of deciding what to do, or how to find their bearing without Jared when… another unexpected thing occurred.

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“Greetings to you all.”


All three jumped back, swiftly reacting to the voice that had greeted them from behind. Once their gazes fell on him, their eyes widened even further.

The man in front of them donned a blue kimono. He had long auburn hair, and a sword was strapped to his waist. His sandals covered his feet, and he had a calm look.

“I welcome you all to the Nether Cult’s abode. I am the First Seat, also known as the Martial Blade God. I was of the belief that there would be more of you, but…”


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