SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 85: Chapter 85 - Disappointment

I was conflicted, no, confused.

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Even though Edward was in the Lower Class, I expected his Martial Arts to be on a particular level. Everyone seemed to hold him in high regard, so it was only natural that he was strong.

Hes most likely like me he failed badly in the Mana Core Grade test

Martial Artists could use Mana to further boost their abilities, so it was actually within reason that they would be tested that way. If he failed the Mana Core Grade Test and still got into Ainzlark, it meant that meant he must have been exceptional in the other sections of the Martial Artist exams.

Why then?

Why is he so weak?

No, it wasnt that he was weak. His strength was far above what anyone of his age would normally possess. I could tell from Edwards body that he had trained very well in Martial Arts, which was why I expected more of a challenge.

He had good strength, but his techniques were sloppy at best. He had a simplistic form and easily predictable patterns. All that brawn and speedgone to waste due to his crude style of fighting.

I got annoyed by this!

Who taught you Martial Arts?

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My voice echoed across the area and I could see everyone who heard me shiver. Their faces paled, they trembled slightlythat is, the Martial Artists.

Turning back to Edward, I saw a disbelieving expression play on his face. It was like something had broken inside him.

Is he about to cry? I thought, noticing a glint in his eyes that signaled tears.

It was all awfully disappointing. For someone who spouted such a grand dream, if he was only at this level and made such a conceited statement Edward was beyond silly!

Huu this is pointless. I suppose this Duel ends in my victory. I sighed, undoing my Earth Magic which returned my blade to dust.

Wringing the wrist of the arm which held the sword with my other, I walked away from Edward in disappointment. At the very same time, the girl called Ana rushed to him in a jiffy.

Our faces crossed each other as we each went our various ways. From the corner of my vision, I could see tears in the young girls eyes. Edward was truly an idiot for making someone so dear to him cry due to his selfishness.

My bag and sac were just around the corner so I picked them up and left without saying another word. Regret formed within me as I realized that the time I spent waiting and engaging in such a useless Duel would have been better spent on bettering myselfespecially in making concoctions.

Needless to say, I had wasted my time!

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E-Ed!!! The feminine, childlike voice of Anabelle rang out as she ran toward her dear friend.

The young girls steps were hurried, but she couldnt reach him in a flash due to her short legs. As soon as she did, though, Ana collapsed to the ground where Edward was lying and observed his body well.

No major injuries, then

Yes, she had figured it out with the small time she used to analyze her fallen friend. His physical state wasnt in a terrible condition. He hadnt sustained any grave injuries, so why?

Ed Her voice trailed, realizing the cause of her friends position.

He could have stood up. He could have continued the fightprobably. But he didnt! Edwards tenacity was something Ana deeply respected about him, even though it sometimes led him into trouble.

Still, to think he didnt resort to stubbornness

I couldnt even land a hit on him Edwards hoarse voice sounded in a whisper.

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At this point, the crowd that had gathered was already dispersing. Having no further interest in the loser, none bothered to approach Edward. Perhaps they already assumed Ana would nurse the emotional wounds of the fallen one, or they didnt want to deal with the hassle.

It was getting pretty late, anyway. The students made their way to the dorms.

Despite the noise caused by the mumblings and grumblings of everyone as they left, Ana didnt miss the stifled statement of her dearest friend.

Edward, its okay. Just calm yourself Anabelle didnt know what to tell him other than that.

Edward was a warrior, she was a Scholar. Brawn and brains were opposite so she couldnt directly relate to the pain he felt. But, she still felt hurt that her friend had lost pretty miserably.

I told you not to challenge him you always do this

Upon hearing these words, Edwards sunken face looked in Anas direction and saw tears fall from her eyes.

She was a terribly emotional person who often put up a tough front when confronted by others. Edward knew her true face though, especially during times like this.

He gave a somewhat sad smile and pulled himself out of his pit of despair. He had lost so terribly that he felt ashamed to call himself a Swordsman. His opponent was a Magic-User, yet, he was able to depict finer swordsmanship than he ever could.

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There was no way he could find the strength in him to rise and further their match even after being easily disarmed and shown such a one-sided battle.

So this is why he proposed a duel with swords it didnt matter to him

His sad smile broadened as he stared at Anabelles crying face. He was an idiot who underestimated his opponent, suffered a miserable defeat, and even caused his dear friend to cry.

. You idiot! Ana yelled, as though reading his mind.

Edward rose from his low estate and sat uprightly on the ground. Ana was kneeling beside him, do they directly side-by-side.

I now understand why he made such smiles and laughs when we mentioned our goals to him they must have been too grand to consider. Someone as skilled as him merely wants to sharpen his skills perhaps I should have had a simpler goal like that too

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