SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 88: Chapter 88 - Points

The room was cool due to the circulation caused by SPELLCRAFT using Wind Magic so I felt no discomfort during the tedious process.

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This takes a lot of time, but its the best option I can come up with for now my resources are limited! My whisper came out as I watched the result of my hard work, study, and dedication.

Within this little room, I was going to bring a revolution to the concept of Alchemy and Medicine as a whole!

Hehehe hehehe


Night fell soon, and I could hear many sounds coming from outside the room. I didnt bother leaving my little comfort zone until I was sure the coast was clear.

The Dorm rules were already established and I had a copy as a handout.

There were several eating spots on the Campus, so the Students could eat as much as they likedwell, not exactly.

The Class System in Ainzlark also came with a concept known as Class Points. The range was from one to a hundred.

Class Points were extremely valuable and were one of the few things I made sure never to forget about Ainzlark. Student privileges were tied to how many points they possessed. From requesting more outfits to buying more luxurious meals in the cafeteriaeverything depended on how many points were in a students possession.

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Fortunately, Class Points were not stagnant. These points could either rise or fall depending on the actions made by the student and they varied depending on individuals and not a collective.

The bad news was that Lower Class Students all had a starting number of 30 Points. Middle-Class students were better off with 60, while Upper-Class Students had the most privileges available to them since they had 90 Points to start with.

An action of demerit caused these points to fall while actions of merit made them rise. This encouraged students to behave in exemplary manners and work very hard. So, in theory it was possible for a student in the Loser Class to amass Points similar to those in the Upper Class.

In theory, that is

Needless to say, I had a starting Point of 30, so there was a limited number of things I could do. I had to ensure that it didnt drop, but increase.

I should get something to eat now

Upon realizing that the hallway was empty, I opened my door and walked out of my room. The stairs were empty as well, as expected, it was 8:00 PM at night.

Most students were either resting or studying in the library or their rooms.

Upon reaching the ground floor, my eyes darted to a door that led to the Lounge area of the Dorm. Based on the handbook I received, a mini cafeteria was situated there so I could get a bite to eat.

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Since it was unilaterally for Lower Class students, the restriction of Points was not an issue to be considered. Still, I didnt want to go there.

I dont want to interact with any student for now my social battery is low.

My eyes left the Lounge entrance as I made my way to the exit of the dorm.

Haa My voice leaked out as I felt the fresh breeze of the outside garden wash all over me.

Artificially making wind circulation was one thing, but experiencing the genuine article far surpassed it. My eyes squinted were wide open as I got used to the dark state of the outside world. The interior of the Dorm was brightened up by several lights produced by magic. So, seeing the night sky felt a little strange.

The surroundings were far from dark, though. Lamps of never-ending light shone all across the school grounds and the fence surrounding our huge compound had many lamps with the same function.

There was literally no way to get lost in such a place.

Curfew is by 9:30 PM. I should get my meal and return quickly

I wouldnt want a situation where I would be caught outside past the appointed time and be penalized. My precious points werent going to be sacrificed today!

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I should speed things up a bit!

In an instant, I carefully circulated mana across my body, strengthening it further. It wasnt as intense as leaking it out of me, but its effects were just as much since my mana veins were far better than most people.

Putting strength in my legs, I dashed toward the nearest cafeteria to get a biteand also some takeaway!

Ill be needing a great deal of energy this night!


Unlike everything else that had happened today, the cafeteria was fairly normal.

No food or drink was outside my Points. That meant there were no restrictions on how many meals I could pick. Food was free in Ainzlark Academy, the only limit was the ability to obtain the meals through Points. Of course, there was a limit to the quantity a student could order at a particular time.

Still, having ten packs of an adequate meal set would suffice.

I thanked my attendant and left the cafeteria in a hurry. While I was still early, I wasnt going to risk nearing the deadline for curfew.

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In a flash, I made my way back to the Dorm and entered in relief.

Whew! Im not late! Looking at the time and seeing that it wasnt even 9:00 PM yet, I smiled in relief.

However, this look of relief soon vanished from my eyes the moment I realized that the ground floor was occupied by so many studentsall of which I had no knowledge of!

Oh shit seniors?!

Since I made quite a bit of a racket when entering the Dorm, swinging the door open, the seniors all turned in my direction.

The piercing stares of everyone sent a jolt down my spine and I gulped without realizing it. I really didnt want an encounter now. I just wanted to eat, meditate, eat some more practice againand sleep!

This had to be the worst-case scenario!

What do I do?!

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