[Seven Years Later]

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Im nearly there just a little more

My body shook a little more than expected, vibrating at every turn. Sweat covered my skin as I winced and groaned while maintaining my meditative stance.

As I absorbed and condensed the last portion of the essential particles I needed, I was already beginning to feel it I was close!


White colors were lifting off of me, and I began to feel a warm aura envelop me. My stomach felt hot, and my body was in an excited state ready to change forever.

Its here!!! My eyes widened as I doubled my diligent concentration on the formation that was nearly complete.

Five more. Three more one more Finally, the final portion of energy entered the cluster of particles, and a mana core was born!

Haaaaaaaaaa!!! I finally wheezed in relief, crashing to the ground.

My exhausted body could hardly move, but I realized that this was only temporary. After all, I had been going about this for nearly five hours nonstop. I needed to form it today!

Hehehe hehehehe hahahahaha!!!

My laughter echoed throughout the large room where I was in. While I was lying on the ground, with nothing better to do than recover my strength, I glanced across my chambers.

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It was big, too big for a seven-year-old.

Even in my past life, I didnt use such a large space for sleeping purposes.

Well, to be fair, I was never a materialist, since I was so devoted to my studies and passion. My acquaintances often pushed me to enjoy more of life perhaps I should have listened.

Well, it looks like whether I like it or not, thats the reality I live in now.

I was literally swimming in luxury.

Since years passed, the paranoia of my mother had slowly died down. I couldnt still be found sleeping in my mothers chambers at seven, so this had to be arranged.

Of course, this room was directly beside hers so she was fond of dropping by time and time again.

Ah, fortunately, shes on a trip today thats why I could meditate for so long.

My mother, Annabelle, was quite the lively woman. While I found her strange at first, I grew to accept her warmth, kindness, and overwhelming personality.

I shall not make any comments concerning my earlier days as a baby I did some things I am not proud of.

As for my father, I had only seen him on a few occasions, nothing too special or fancy. Unlike my mother, Damien had a more intimidating aura surrounding him. Since he was a Duke, one of the only four nobles granted titles of such rank, his presence had much relevance.

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Apparently, my mother was from a Magic-User household, which was why he married her in the first place all so he could birth an heir who possessed magic.

How amusing. It appeared that arranged marriages based on the importance of magic and political standings had still not changed after so long had passed.

I totally felt indifferent about him, though he showed me his undivided attention whenever he visited home, asking about my studies and affairs, I could tell that it was only because I had mana coursing through my body.

Still, I didnt despise him for it. In such a world where magic was vastly important, it was a given that nobles possessed it.

For a Duke Household not to have any Magic users for over two Centuries, it amazed me how they could still maintain their standing.

Their contribution to the Empire must be indispensable. That must be why Damien doesnt stay at home often hes working quite hard. I thought, forgiving him for neglecting his family.

Family matters aside, there was one thing that bothered me the most it took me seven years to form a core! A whole seven years?!

Unbelievable! I whispered.

I knew my talent in Magic was nearly zero, and my mana was one that barely qualified me to practice magic, but I wasnt expecting it to be this bad.

An average child formed their mana core at five years old after using the quickening technique. Yet

I even started much earlier than anyone in forming my mana core, and dedicated so much time to condensing the mana particles myself this should have increased my speed by threefold at least!

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Yet to think I would be a late Awakened.

I dont even what to think about what would have happened if I didnt personally converge my mana particles and just waited for the core to form on its own I muttered.

I would already be an adult by the time I Awakened. Thats how bad it was!

It got to a point where my parents were worried about me, and rumors even went around about how my Quickening ceremony was false. People thought the Priest made an error in thinking I had mana, since my core hadnt formed. But, since the priest was very reliable, and my mothers faith in me didnt waver, the household persevered.

My father became impatient at a point, but refused to give up faith in me, since I was his only child, though I wonder why he could t just make another one.

Dont tell me he pfft, no way!

N-no way Jared, you. Youve formed your magic core? Annabelle, my mother marveled as she watched me bring out a spark of fire from my palm.

The surprised look on her face, coupled with the tears of joy and relief that flowed out of her eyes made everything worthwhile.

I had been waiting for her to return, hoping to welcome her with this. So, as soon as I heard the clacking sounds of the horses hooves, and the wheels of the carriage approaching the house, I rushed down to meet her.

My, my, it seems young master Jared missed the Duchess so much The maids giggled as I ran past them.

They were wrong though there were only two things on my mind one of which was to show off!

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As soon as Annabelle got down from the carriage, I greeted her with a simple fire spell, causing her to make the expression I wanted to see.

Jared, my sweet baby boy!!! She cried, lunging toward me excitedly.

Ah, I knew this would come!

My mother grabbed me and hugged me tightly, caressing her large bosoms on my chest. Well, at this point I was pretty much used to it.

Ah, I knew it! Youre our pride and joy. Mother is so happy!

Yeah, yeah! I got it! Now lets quickly move on to the next stage. I grumbled internally.

Thats right, it was finally time for the second reason I rushed down. After finally obtaining the ability to use magic by normal standards, the next thing was only natural start practice.

And, since I was the child of a noble family, having access to countless books and materials, there was one thing I needed more than those things, one thing my mother promised she would give me should I completely form my mana core A Magic Tutor!

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