“Truthfully, I can travel back in time and stop the whole thing from happening. I can prevent the Core being stolen, and even ensure the non-existence our viral video.”

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I had [The Hermit] Arcana, after all.

The damages and future problems were not irreparable, especially since everything had only occured within such span of time.

“I could also get what I want from the Hunter Association without resorting to a deal. I already have a good idea who’s behind everything, and perhaps I could even confront them right now to end everything.”

Kuzon looked at me with a suspicious gaze, creasing his brow and making a frown.

“So why don’t you? Since you claim to care for these people, isn’t it better to just solve the issue rather than beat around the bush?”

“I have my reasons.” I smiled calmly.

“What reasons could those be?”

“Control. Both the Hunter Association, and the Shadows of Light… all the key elements in this narrative. It is to give all of them the illusion of control.”

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Agency was very important for every sentient entity. If someone felt they were being forced or made to do something, the optimal effect of that action would differ from a person who felt they were in charge of their own actions and did everything based on their free will.

By ensuring each person—both on the good side, and on the bad—played their part while having the sincere belief in their agency, my plan had a much higher chance of success.

“You’re using them, while they think the situation is playing out naturally?” Kuzon asked, his eyes already burning with something akin to annoyance.

“They’re using us too. People use each other all the time. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. The important thing to note is whether the person using you can also be used, and the intention behind their use of you.”

In my opinion, if someone had a genuinely good intention, and required my help, that was them using me, but it wasn’t particularly bad.

The narrative changed if they were using me malevolently.

“In the end, as long as the best results are achieved, and all sides get what they sincerely want, with no one really getting hurt… isn’t that what’s best for everyone?”

Kuzon shook his head and sighed. I could see his face scrunch up a little in disgust.

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“I can see why you have such a high opinion of Neron. The both of you are more alike than I realized.”

“What? What does that have to do with anything?” My brows twitched in surprise.

“The very fact that you can supposedly see through everyone and everything, yet you can’t recognize that simple fact, is incredibly ironic.” Kuzon rise to his feet, chuckling a little.

I could sense sarcasm in his tone.

“Do what you like, Jared. I’ll play along with your game… for now.”

With that, Kuzon left the parlor and went into his room, leaving me standing still.

For a while, I remained motionless, unable to take a single step forward or behind.

‘Did I make the wrong choice?’ I asked myself.

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By seeing the future possibilities and recognizing the most beneficial.anf advantageous path to take, while seeing everything as chess pieces that had to be arranged in a particular order to fit the narrative… had I taken a wrong path without realizing it?

Or, perhaps I was simply guided by something Kuzon and everyone else could not see and understand.

‘Haaa… I think I understand now.’ A sad smile formed on my face.

When Kuzon said I resembled Neron, he must have been referring to this very thing.

‘So that’s how it is. Neron, you… you also saw things this way, didn’t you?’

Looking into the future and knowing the possibilities while using the most optimal situation to gain the best results.

‘Were we all pawns, given a false sense of control and agency by you? Are we still playing the game you want us to play?’

I couldn’t feel bad about it, even if that was the case. I was doing the same to these people, and it was for their benefit.

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However, something about the whole thing made me uneasy.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

That was simply because, unlike in my case where I knew my intentions were good, Neron’s intentions were a complete mystery to me.

‘What exactly do you want? I… I have no idea.’




[A Rank Dungeon//Frost Wilderness]


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