The scene quickly became that of horror.

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Heavy rains of golden swords fell from the sky, instantly incapacitating the proud and invincible Zenith Hunters.




The attacks were brutal, albeit blunt. Each sword had no edge, and as such, could only deal dull attacks.

One could think this would be better, but that was far from the case.

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At least, when sharp weapons pierced the target in multiple areas, they were bound to experience the sweet release of death.

However, such was not the case with these dull blades.

“S-save meee…”

“S-stop! Stop iiiit!”


Like big chunks of metal crushing their bones over and over again, while rendering them unable to deliver a counterattack, the golden raindrops continued.

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… Until nearly the Zenith Hunters were vanquished.

The ones that remained were four disheveled Hunters—glaring above with both intense rage, and deep-seated fear.

They were the Pillars, yet even they seemed to tremble at the sight of Kuzon’s overwhelming power.

“Oh? You’ve done well to resist until now.” The perpetrator of this gloriously devastating sight smiled.

His golden hair fluttered with the wind, and his hands were in his pockets while he made a casual pose.

“You know, there’s plenty more where that came from.”

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As soon as he said this, more golden blades appeared, littering in the sky with their content.

“Shall we go for another round?”

The clearly frightened Pillars gritted their teeth as they prepared their Skills in retaliation.

From their eye movements and sign language, it seemed they would use their strongest offensive abilities at once in an attempt to destroy the two who remained floating.

“Don’t bother.” The voice came from none other than me—the observer thus far.

“I’ll take it from here.” I told Kuzon, finally descending from my elevated position. “Remain on standby, Kuzon.”

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With that, I slowly fell to the ground, finally touching it with my feet.

“Your attacks will be useless. They won’t work.”

After I said this, what did they do next? One could only assume they would be sensible and retreat.




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