“H-Hyuuuung!!! I can’t believe you’re leaving!!!”

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This was why I wanted Sung to be the last person I told my farewell to.

I saw how he went all emotional on Aloe when she informed him of her departure, and now it was my turn.

‘Oh well…’ I smiled.

It just went to show how much he valued our short whole together, I suppose.

“Haha. I might come and visit you someday. Who knows?”

“Really? That would be awesome!”

“I know, right?”

It was uncertain if that was ever going to happen. However, to properly give this world something to help them—a final parting gift—I decided to entrust Sung with something I knew would help him and this world in the long run.

“I will be teaching you one.last technique. It’s my trump card.” I smiled, placing my hands on his shoulders.

“O-oh? Hyung’s strongest spell? I can’t wait!”

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“It’s not a Spell. It’s more than that. It’s a well-guarded secret that I haven’t even taught to my friends.”

I had no idea why I was revealing something so close to my heart to someone I knew for a meager one month.

Perhaps it was because I knew it would be extremely difficult for him and this world to survive without having this sort of insurance on their side.

‘Maybe…’ I maintained my smile and looked at him with utmost seriousness.

“I call it Spellcraft. It’ll allow you to harness more power and protect those dearest to you.”

“Spell… craft…?”

“Yes. Now you must promise me, Han Soo. Promise me you’ll never teach this to anyone until you’ve figured out they’re deserving of such power.”

Even though this world most likely needed Spellcraft to survive, and only Han Soo couldn’t protect everyone, I was also cautious about the power of Spellcraft falling into the wrong hands.

‘That’s why I didn’t tell the Chairman and Directors.’ Not all of them could be trusted, and in time the Hunter Association would realize that.

But Han Soo was different. I had done my due diligence to research him—past, present, and future.

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His future would change a bit, thanks to my current influence, but that wouldn’t change who he was at his core.

He was a good person.

“You are a worthy successor to Spellcraft.”


I was only able to show him the basics, and tell him how to go about it.

The rest was up to him. Though, I had a little more assurance than mere faith that he would be able to learn it before it was too late.

‘And he must also find successors that he can trust with Spellcraft as well.’

Once I was finally done sorting out my last loose end, it was time for us to leave.

“I certainly hope you’re satisfied now, Jared. You’re done with everything you want to do, right?” Kuzon said, his brows furrowed in annoyance.

“I am. And thank you for being patient with me.” I smiled.

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“How is Sung now?” Aloe asked me, her eyes filled with concern for the young man.

The way they parted was rather emotional, after all.

However, the moment I recollected Sung’s determined expression, and the promise we shared, I could only give one response.

“He’ll be fine.”

A relieved smile formed on Aloe’s face, and I granted her a reassuring nod.

“Well, since we’re all here, I suppose it’s time to leave.” Kuzon spoke, preparing the Blu-Blu, our ticket out of this world.

“Well. I’m ready when you are, Kuzon.” I chuckled.

“Tch. About time.” He responded with rolled-up eyes.

“Same here.” Aloe interjected.

“Yeah, yeah.”

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The orb in his grasp shone golden, and a bright portal appeared before us, calling us to yet another unknown realm.

‘I wonder what we’ll encounter this time around.’ With that thought surfacing in my mind, we all took a leap of faith and ventured into the golden spatial rift.

… Unaware of what awaited us on the other side.


[Grand Federation Calendar: Year 3,567]


A fortified facility stood imposingly on the grand Zipliblog planet’s surface, a testament to the advanced technology and security measures employed by its insect-like inhabitants. Inside, the air hummed with a subtle energy as bipedal guards, adorned in sturdy armor, patrolled the corridors, their multifaceted eyes scanning for any signs of intrusion.

And then—


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