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The most powerful figure in the clan was standing in front of Rainer!

The Ancestor, it was because of him that the Lorren clan enjoyed the peace for more than a hundred years. No one knew what realm of cultivation he had reached, but no surrounding forces dared to take any action against the clan.

Of course, other clans also have their own protectors, but which nation would use nuclear bombs against another one that also has them?



The Grand Elder understood that there was something odd about the man standing in front of him, but he didn't know what it was.

After seeing Rainer's scornful grin, Gunm began to doubt about his own actions.

"May I ask, who are you lord?"

Asked Gunm as he recalled a very similar meeting back in the past.

"Did you forget about me after thirty years?...It was not a good idea to recommend you for the role of Grand Elder as reward..."

Said the middle-aged man as he sighed.

A spark crossed Gunm's mind as deep hidden memories in his mind bloomed.


He promptly recalled how thirty years ago, when he had barely become an adult, he met a servant whom he scolded for neglecting to serve him. All he could remember afterwards was a succession of beatings that kept him three months from getting out of bed...This was his most shameful experience he had always tried to forget.

That very day, his father complimented him and explained to him that he encountered the Ancestor of the clan! For unveiling his disguise,he earned a recommendation for the role of Grand Elder when he got older!

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It made him neglect his cultivation and his training, after all, he was assured of his position. His work as the Grand Elder was not the best, it was the worst in the whole clan's history, taking bribes and suppressing others were only the tip of the iceberg....

But now, thirty years later, it was time to pay for the broken dishes...


Jull was getting tired of so much waiting, so he decided to catch himself Rainer.


When he entered through the door, what awaited Jull was the Grand Elder lying on the floor, his luxurious robe was ragged and his body completely bruised.

Gunm was in the corner of the room, crying like a kid, facing him, a middle-aged man scolded him as he threw blows at him.


It never crossed Jull's mind that someone able to put the Grand Elder in such a condition could do whatever he wanted to him.

Jull quickly infused his spiritual energy into both legs and charged against the man.

The man didn't seem to notice Jull's deeds which made him smile disdainfully.


The punch that should have claimed the man's life didn't even shake him from his place.

The man, as if he had been stung by a mosquito, turned his gaze towards Jull.

"Don't worry, you'll be next..." He said before ignoring him again.

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"I think you should go have that arm treated, elder."

Rainer's voice sounded among Gunm's cries.

Rage filled Jull's eyes again, his target was in front of him, this was the best chance to kill him!

When he tried to attack Rainer, he noticed that his arm had twisted in a horrifying way!

The sudden burst of pain rushed to his nerves and fainted almost instantly due to the shock.

Lerna, hanging from Rainer's neck, rushed at Jull to deliver a fatal blow.

"You can't do it, Lerna, halt!"

After Rainer's shout, Lerna returned to her original position, but she did not stop looking mercilessly with her predator eyes at Jull.

Rainer would obviously be happy to kill both elders, but if he did, there would be nowhere to run, especially with the Ancestor now present.


A few minutes later, due to all the fuss, the head of the clan appeared personally in the warehouse!

"I knew it was going to be you, Ancestor..."

Said Zin as he sighed.

"I told you many years ago to call me Grandpa Wolfang.Though I have to say that I am very disappointed with the current state of the clan, you let yourself be fooled by those stupid geezers!You should display your strength and rule them with an iron hand!"

Said Wolfang as he knocked the Grand Elder for last time.

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"That's why there are several factions in a single clan... I won't do anything personally since the duty of the Protector of the clan is to stay shaded, but I expect things to change from now on!

"Of course, I'll personally handle it, don't worry Grandpa Wolfang!"

Said Zin as he trembled, anyone would do it if they could see the ways of this protector.

"I'm going to stay with the kid since I have things to talk with him. Oh by the way, deal with his accusations, I was training him in the forest on the day this other brat disappeared."

Said Wolfang, expressing his clear support towards Rainer.


Zin was surprised to hear that Rainer was being trained by his grandfather.

"I don't know if Rainer is the luckiest or the unluckiest one of his generation... I hope he will not die..." Thought the head of the clan as he took both elders from the warehouse.


"Well, now that we're alone, tell me about your sudden increase in strength..."

Asked Wolfang as he stared at Rainer.


Rainer didn't know what to say, if he lied, Wolfang would find out and if he told the truth, who knows what the Ancestor could do.

"The truth is..."

Rainer decided to tell Wolfang how he found an ancient ruins where he obtained a manual from the ancient era. Of course, he omitted the meeting with Jehako,the Sealed Palace and the Giant Race.

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"Did you think I would take that manual away from you?...You thought correctly, if you had found me in my youth, I would have done anything to get it."

Said Wolfang indifferently.

*Glup *

Rainer couldn't help but swallow saliva, he was a fat sheep served in front of a lion!

"But it is a pity that you cannot change your cultivation method once your spiritual core has formed."Said Wolfang as he smiled.


Rainer sighed in relief at the news the Ancestor had given him.

"Tell me about this cultivation method, it has an attribute, doesn't it? From the perturbations in the air and space I would say it's the spatial attribute!"


Rainer was surprised, almost nobody was supposed to know about the existence of these rare attributes and his great-grandfather was one of them!

"Don't be so surprised, in my youth, I used to go out on adventures, on several occasions I found ancient ruins.You will not become the most powerful of your clan just by cultivating...".

He said as he recalled his old adventures.

"You have found a great treasure, don't waste it. As a reward for exposing my identity I will personally train you the last days before the tournament!"

Not knowing the reason, Rainer had the feeling that something bad was about to happen.


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