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Rainer walked through the dark woods while Alisha and Lerna followed him, they moved in silence, staying alert due to their persecutors.

"Why are they after us, Rainer?" Asked Alisha, after walking for so long without a break, she looked exhausted.

"I don't know, but we weren't more than an hour in that cave and they already found did they do it?"

Rainer didn't understand how they were tracked.

"Maybe...they are beastmen, it would explain how they found us, they used their smelling sense to detect us."Said Alisha after considering all the information they had about their persecutors.


"You are right! That corpulent man was looking for us by smell!"

"Why are they chasing us then? We haven't even entered into the territory of beastmen yet... "Asked Rainer

"Surely they are bandits, we should be careful..." Alisha warned.

"Don't worry, I won't let nothing happen to you." He said as he smiled in trust.

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"I trust you, Rainer... "Alisha whispered.

At Rainer's request, Alisha ceased to treat him as his master, which unified them even more after several weeks of fighting side by side.


In a cave near Rainer's location, a group of fifteen men were resting while they conversed...

"Boss, are you sure they are anywhere near here?" Asked a thin man, with a large scar running through his eye and right cheek.

"Don't you trust in me, Scar?" The corpulent man grunted.

"It is not what I meant Boss! You, the Crimson Wolf, could not be wrong!" Scar replied quickly, fearing to upset his boss.

The Crimson wolf, the leader of an infamous bandit group that operated near the border of mankind, after hearing reports of an abyssal beast, they left their former lair and decided to flee to another territory.

When they were crossing the border, their boss detected the smell of two persons! After following their trail, they were able to find a luxurious carriage.

"They must be rich!" They thought.

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"That's a Lorren clan crest, they are a small border clan,so this will be easy" Said Crimson Wolf as he licked his lips.

Crimson Wolf was an infamous group of bandits, thefts, **** and murder were their most common crimes.

The strength of their boss,allowed them to do whatever they wanted in minor clan territories.

This wouldn't be the first time a young master of a minor clan has been robbed and killed by them.


"Sniff Sniff...I'm smell them! They're close, it' s raining a bit, but we can catch them!" Said Crimson Wolf.

"Wooooo!!!" The bandits roared, killing and robbing was their life and their greatest pleasure...


Rainer's group advanced in the darkness, after hours of walking, they had not been able to find a trace of Liann...

"Where did that idiot go? Those guys wouldn't be a problem for someone like her..."Rainer thought, during the journey, he had been a witness of Liann's strength.

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She was able to kill a magical beast at the Core Formation stage in a few moves!

When a magic beast reached the Core Formation stage, its energy crystallizes into a core that works like an energy storage.

If a cultivator is able to refine that energy, his cultivation speed would be increased in several stages!

Of course, Liann retained the beast's core while she mocked Rainer.

Rainer and Alisha took refuge in the trunk of a huge tree, she covered the entrance with an illusory barrier.

From outside you would see a wooden cover, but you wouldn't be able to notice the difference.



The sound of branches being stepped on resounded in the silent night. Someone was out there!


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Both remained silent as Lerna crawled to the tree entrance.


"Boss, the track disappears in this area, I think they are aware that we follow them..." Scar said while leading a five-man squadron.

"No, they are still here, I notice their presence. It must be some kind of stealth technique!" Crimson Wolf had a lot of experience in this business, he quickly discovered that Rainer and Alisha were hiding near them.


Rainer and Alisha were able to see and hear the bandits, they were surrounded!

Both of them held their breath as the Boss approached the tree and placed his hand on the bark!

"Mmmm? This wood is dry while it is raining!" A frightening smile was formed on his face as he spoke.

"Guys, the puppies are here!" Said Crimson wolf as he drew his machete.

Rainer and Alisha had been spotted!


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