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After the dust cloud settled, the figures of Liann and Alisha were visible.

"Rainer, we have come to rescue you!" Shouted Alisha, she was looking for Rainer's figure in the room.

Liann stared at Hank, he was in the Peak Core Formation stage, he would not be a match for Liann in normal circumstances, after all she was in the third cultivation stage, Core Fragmentation stage!

The aim of cultivators in the previous cultivation stages was to increase their amount of spiritual energy, from the Core Fragmentation stage, one would walk the path to the true immortality!

After nourishing the soul, the purpose of the cultivator would be to destroy his own core and have his spiritual energy nourish his carnal body, driving the cultivators further and further away from simple mortals and endowing them with several hundred years of lifetime!

Of course, this extended longevity had its own risks, by destroying its own core, the cultivator risked imploding and at best, becoming crippled!

Cultivation is a thorny path!

Cultivators would only try to advance when they were confident enough to succeed, no one wanted to throw away their life for a minor mistake.

Liann was in this cultivation stage! Her body was a tank in movement, but after the fight in the woods, her cultivation base was damaged and it would take some time for her to recover, after all, this kind of lesions were the most dangerous!

Without being able to fight Hank directly, Liann decided to summon her devil!

Demons had their own summoning technique which they cultivated for thousands of years, while humans began investigating it during the Great War, five hundred years ago.

"Take care of him, Akto... "Whispered Liann.

"Understood... "A soft voice came from every corner of the room, but its owner could not be seen anywhere!

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Suddenly, a bird-shaped shadow flew from a room corner towards Hank!



Hank was late in reacting, although he covered his body in spiritual energy, he could not block the sudden attack.

A small hole could be seen in his palm!

The bird-shaped shadow was so fast and sharp that it pierced Hank's protection and flesh!

Hank was surprised, he had never fought against something which was impossible to block... he finally experienced what his enemies felt when they fought against him...

"I will take your soul with me!"The bird of death charged against Hank again and it seemed that this time it would not leave a simple hole in his body!


The shades in the room seemed to fuel the bird's power, during its flight, its body grew to fill a large part of the room!


Rainer, who was close to Hank felt the death shadow around him and he was not even the target of the attack!

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After looking at Hank, Rainer saw he was stunned, a puddle of sweat and other liquids had formed under his feet...

"I can't let Hank die this way... furthermore, it would be very pathetic for him to die with that appearance..."Rainer thought before rushing to Hank.

"Apply the spatial energy in your hands! Visualize it!" Rainer was testing a new version of his Void Step technique! If all worked out well, both of them would live, if it didn't work...


When Rainer reached Hank's side, the death bird opened its beak, Rainer's soul seemed to be sucked by the bird!

Before losing his senses, Rainer grabbed Hank with both hands and used Void Step.



"Leave now,Akto."Said Liann after she saw Rainer rescuing Hank.

"Stockholm syndrome? Impossible, it's only been a couple of hours..." She thought.

"Rainer!" Alisha had witnessed the confrontation and she prayed for Rainer's safety.


The air seemed to be splitting as two bodies appeared in the room!

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"I did it! I was able to carry someone to the void with me!" Shouted Rainer excited.


Hank, for his part, was spitting foam out of his mouth and one could see the white part of his eyes, it seemed that he would never forget this day.

"Can you explain to me what's going on here?" Asked Liann.


So you just wanted a've already had it, you brave fool... "Liann started ranting against Hank who had barely regained consciousness.

"Sorry, miss, I didn't know you were a Great Guardian, please spare my life!" In the face of death, everyone was equal, and Hank begged for his life.


Rainer didn't expect Hank to be such a coward in front of someone more powerful than him.

"Can't you forgive him,Liann? He has taught me a new spatial technique!"Rainer tried to appeal in Hank's favor.

"I can do it, but for the proper price..." She said.

"Of course, you are my guests, and I will send you a box full of magical beast cores!"Hank seemed to find a rope as he was suspended from a precipice.

"We'll take it gladly..." Said Liann as she smiled.

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After the turmoil, the city lord and his guards arrived, after clearing up the 'misunderstanding', the city lord was delighted to offer free accommodation to Liann and her 'servants'.

After all, Hank had told the city lord how Liann almost killed him in two moves with her ''spiritual beast''!

"Didn't I tell you not to go out? "Liann scolded Rainer.

"He came and practically forced me to go with him, there was nothing I could have done..."

"In addition, he helped me get a new understanding about spatial energy, now I can apply it to objects and people!" Said Rainer excited.

"Well, thank goodness that guy was so scared that he didn't discover that Akto is a devil...or we would have several problems."Sighed Liann.

"Why would there be problems? The war ended a long time ago."Asked Rainer.

"Yes, but the fact that there is no war does not mean that other races are not being persecuted and discriminated ... There was a group of human anti-demons called demon hunters, they believed that demons were impure beings that had to be purged in order for world peace to reign..."

"I heard that after the great war, they were against the peace and created an alliance, I think they are now a kind of religion or something like that... "Liann was furious while she was talking about the demon hunters, apparently, during the great war many demons died in their hands.

"Listen to me, Rainer, this is the main reason why you mustn't let anyone discover your true identity, if any demon hunter discovers you, they will kill you without any questions and no one will say or do anything about it..."

"I wanted to tell you before, but I couldn't find the right moment..." Said Liann as she sighed.

"It seems the world is not as simple as people paint it, many people are pulling the strings behind the scenes..." Rainer thought as he kept these demon hunters on his enemy list.


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