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In front of Rainer, two groups gathered.

The first group included those cultivators below the Core Formation stage, there were a total of 24 members in this group and Ron Willford, who was in the Late Core Formation stage, was its leader.

Their mission was to divide into small groups of two or three members and distract the beasts, due to their size, they were unable to travel at high speeds.

The second group, composed by Sebas, Troy, Kradlo and Liann would accompany Rainer and Alisha in their mission.

Kill one of the magical beasts before the others reached Pearl City!

Rainer's plan was to kill one more magic beast and then use the Irkalia's Bracelet to summon them!

When a spirit was absorbed by the Irkalia's Bracelet, it became weaker, so summoning only one spirit would be useless, Rainer needed two to be able to face a magical beast without help.

It may sound simple, but using the bracelet was an enormous energy drain on both the bracelet and its wearer.


"I have no idea how we are going to wipe out all these beasts..." Said Kradlo as the group ran through the forest.

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"We have no choice, you also have family in Pearl City, right?" Asked Sebas.

"There's my wife and son, that's why I'm here... I can't let everything I've been fighting for until now be destroyed!" Kradlo's eyes filled with rage, he wanted to crush those damn magical beasts.

"..." Everyone remained silent to Kradlo's words, they were all here for something or someone!

"Our mission is the most dangerous, we will directly face one of those beasts, be careful!" Said Troy as they reached an area covered with rocks and obstacles.

Everyone knew that even with Rainer's plan many lives would be missed...they could only strive to survive!

"This place is perfect." Said Rainer after looking at the area they were in.

To kill the beast without any surprises, the group decided to fight in a place where they had the advantage after noticing the slow speed and agility of the magical beasts.

"They are like siege beasts... "Rainer thought as he remembered how the earth dragon barely moved during the combat, they seemed born only to use their brutal force and nothing else.


"The alpha team has hunted a mouse!" One scout arrived at the designated spot and reported that the Alpha team was attracting a magical beast in their direction.

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"Good job, you can leave the rest to us!" Said Troy as he tapped the scout's shoulder.


The scout left with his incredible agility, he looked like a shadow as he walked away and disappeared in a few seconds.

The scout introduced himself as Yun, he said nothing more about himself other than his speed was the fastest in the area.

The young man was covered entirely by a flexible leather armor and a beast skin mask, he seemed to have grown up in the woods where he learned techniques from the beasts....



Like last time, the ground began to tremble signaling the arrival of the giant magical beast.

"Here it comes, don't be distracted and everything will be fine!" Said Rainer as everyone takes their designated positions.


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The ground shaking caused several people on the distraction team to breathe heavily, and it seemed what they had been taking in order to volunteer had lost its effect.

Some began to tremble and others prayed to the heavens for good luck...

"True, Faust told us there were gods who saw everything we do and focused on people who accomplish great achievements." Rainer thought as he prayed for everyone's survival.


In a white sand desert, a handsome young man with golden eyes and white hair rested on a dune as he used his index finger to draw on the sand.


Surprisingly, the sand the young man used to draw became a real image of what the young man drew.


"Is there anyone who still remembers me?" Murmured the young man as his long white hair danced along the wind.

After finishing drawing, the young man's figure disappeared from the desert, where he had been drawing there was a detailed painting about a fight, in the painting there were many giant beasts and over them, a young man shouted while holding both a sword and a bracelet....

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The drawing was erased after the next wind stream flowed and any evidence about the young man's existence was erased forever.


"Wake up, you brat! A push brought Rainer back to reality.


Rainer had only closed his eyes for a second but he felt in peace and relaxed, if it hadn't been for Kradlo's push, Rainer wouldn't have woken up!

"What happened to me... I felt very comfortable... "Rainer thought as he hit his cheeks to remove any trace of drowsiness from his body.


In front of him a beast totally different from the earth dragon appeared!

A shell covered most of its body, its rounded shape resembled a fortress and at the end of its body a tail covered with spikes swayed across the battlefield.

"A giant tortoise!" Rainer thought as the giant tortoise pulled its head out of its shell, this beast was even bigger than the previous one!


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