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Three days later.

"Yes, I made it!"

After three hard days of cultivation where he didn't stop meditating except to sleep, Rainer managed to breakthrough the Initial Manifestation Stage.

Alisha had been worried about his sudden focus on meditation and she was afraid that Rainer would end up harming himself, so she went to check on him several times a day.


After clenching his fist, Rainer's muscles and bones crunched, hiding a formidable force.

"I must be two or three times stronger than a regular man. Let's see what skills we've gained."


After whispering her name, a snake about a metre in length and emerald scales appeared beside him.

"What did you take? Your size were thirty centimeters at most yesterday!"

" The spiritual beasts book says that beasts will grow with their master's time and effort, but only a few days have passed since you were born. This is unprecedented."

Lerna hissed in reply, as if she said it wasn't her fault.

"At least it's good news, you seem to have gained a lot from my breakthrough. Let's check your skills."

A semi-transparent panel instantly appeared at his sight.


Spirit Guardian System:

User: Rainer Lorren

Guardian Spirit:


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Corrosive snake (1st Rank)


Evolution:Not available



" Are those '???' still there? I thought it was some kind of glitch, but it must be a hidden feature or something like that."

"Time will show me more about this system and all its functions, so far I've unlocked a way to check our skills using it."

After 'clicking' with his finger on (+), an additional screen appeared.


Rainer Lorren:

Mimic:Allows user to utilize a weaker version of their Spiritual Guardian's skills. You cannot emulate more than one skill at a time.


-Corrosive Glands: Lerna is able to add a powerful corrosive toxin to her saliva.

-Emerald Armor: Lerna's scales are strengthened, they are as strong as a stone.

Note: Evolutions produce positive or negative effects on skills.


"Mimic? That's my unique skill?"

"It doesn't sound like a direct combat skill, but at least Lerna's got good skills."

"Emerald armor passively replaces Lerna's scales with harder ones, furthermore this skill will be strengthened with my breakthroughs.Meanwhile, corrosive glands are an indirect increase in her offensive, I guess it will be very useful against beasts specialized in defending."


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After closing all the system screens, Rainer decided it was time to put everything they learned into a real battle.

"Let's go Lerna, we'll go to the Western Woods to find a beast we can test our skills on."

After announcing his departure to Alisha, Rainer went to the entrance of Fair Wind, his hometown.

Although it was called a city, to Rainer it was no bigger than a town on Earth, one could easily claim that a 'city' was a grouping of a few villages around a Guardian Clan.

The clan would send patrols to the surrounding areas of the city to kill all the beasts, while their residents would pay them a tribute.

The Lorren Clan was like a King in these borderlands, of course, other clans were waiting for any chance to snatch their territories and vice versa.

A gatekeeper at the city entrance was surprised to see Rainer, after all Rainer never stepped outside the city.

When he learned about the existence of magic beasts, he sheltered himself in the city because he was powerless to defend himself out there.

Things had changed now, he became a Guardian and along with his Spiritual Guardian he could handle the situation in the woods, as long as he didn't get too deep into territories filled with powerful magic beasts.

After stepping outside the city, Rainer felt as if he was free from the weight of a heavy chain around his shoulders.

"Hhhhhah.... I haven't felt so free in a while."

Rainer headed towards the western woods, more commonly known as the Mist Woods because of the thick mist surrounding it all the seasons of the year, which made it harder for the men to exterminate those magical beasts.

Numerous Guardians from the Lorren Clan and foreigners have lost their lives in the depths of the woods because they underestimated it.

After two hours of walking, they both reached a small crystalline lake.

"Every one of us must have water to survive, sooner or later a beast will come to the lake to drink. We just need to be patient."

Luck seemed to smile at our hunters as a few minutes later, an ape-like creature appeared from the bushes.


The ape had a black fur all over his body apart from his back which was glowing with a metallic grey hue.After securing the area, the ape proceeded to drink from the lake.

"It is a Silver Back Ape on the first stage of cultivation, its fur is robust especially on its back which is as hard as steel and its grip strength is the real business.

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Rainer recalled the information he had gathered from the clan library about the beasts in the surrounding areas.

"It will be best to end him quickly with an attack on a vital point like the neck."

Rainer thought of a plan and gave his orders to Lerna.

Now that he had opened his Astral Gate, Rainer was surprised to discover that he could send his thoughts to Lerna, which was something he had never heard about except for a few spiritual beasts oriented to the mind control.

After receiving his orders, Lerna sneaked towards the ape, but when she was a few feet away, the ape seemed to notice something weird going on,but it was too late.

Before he could turn around, a shadow rushed over his neck at high speed and pierced it with its ferocious fangs.

Rainer who was hiding behind a bush saw how some greenish fluid was leaking from the ape' s neck holes.The drops were falling onto the ground and steam was emitted from where they had fallen, showing high levels of damage.

The ape quickly tried to grab its attacker but the nimble serpent released its neck and crawled quickly out of the ape's range.

Attempting to hunt down its enemy, the ape noticed a heavy stinging in its neck, looking closely, the fur around the bitten area fell off and the flesh was warped.


The ape roared in pain as it rushed at Lerna, who did not expect such reaction from the ape.

*Peng Peng*

The ape kept swinging his arms around trying to inflict a fatal blow on Lerna.

Rainer, seeing that Lerna was in danger, came from his hiding place and alerted the ape, who pointed in his direction.

Its gaze of anger and suffering made Rainer freeze, it was like seeing his body from someone else's perspective, unable to move a single finger.

When the ape saw a new enemy, it picked up a large rock and threw it at the immobile Rainer.


Luckily,Rainer regained control over his body just in time to evade it.

"Hu... hu... hu... that was close, I thought I'd be killed..."

After standing up, Rainer finally realized that this wasn't a game!

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The ape knew it was kill or be killed and that's how Rainer should take it too!

"Thank you for giving me a lesson...Lerna!

Communicating his plan to Rena, Rainer ran around the ape as he used his 'mimic' skill to throw acid out of the pores of his right hand.

"So my skill works like this, huh. It looks like magic...."

Lerna also threw her corrosive spit on the ape, who roared in sorrow after the continuous attacks.



A few minutes later, the ape's corpse fell to the ground, not even the powerful vitality of the Silver

Back Ape was able to withstand the barrage of corrosive projectiles, having perished in regret for not having been able to smash that shameless human who never once dared to approach it. A stream of tears could be seen flowing from his disfigured face.

"I think we've gone too far with those attacks, Lerna...."

Exhausted, Rainer threw himself to the ground resembling an angel, beside him, Lerna hissed as she surrounded Rainer's arm showing her worry about him.

"Let's grab that mane from his back, not even your corrosive effect was able to leave a scratch on it, it will be perfect for creating a light armor.

After a break, Rainer got up and proceeded to dismantling the Silverback Ape.

"This is exhausting, I think it would be better if we hurry up and get back to the clan before nightfall, it's already too late."

After dismantling the ape's body, they both returned back the way they had come.

*Rustle Rustle*

"Oh, My Goodness! We are so screwed..."

A fierce looking jaw, teeth sharper than blades and reddish eyes like blood....

A Berserker Wolf!

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