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Meteor Kick, hit your enemies with the strength of a falling star!

Death Finger, after several practices you will be able to cover your fingers with a powerful poison and use it as a hidden weapon! Note: After using the technique,the cultivator will lose that finger.


"What the fuck is this!"Rainer hit the wall with rage, there was no decent technique in this library!

There were two types of spiritual techniques in the library, techniques with mind-blowing names and descriptions that actually had no substance at all.

Lastly, there were techniques that were really powerful but had many inconveniences, such as the cultivator's death...

"What did you expect from the first floor? Divine arts? Don't be fooled, these techniques are for establishing the disciples's foundation, if you want something more powerful then contribute to the Sect and you will be rewarded." Said an Elder sitting in a swaying chair while drinking a sip of his tea.

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He had seen that very expression in all new disciples, after all, most of the techniques here were trash that no one wanted to practice so they were available to incoming pupils....

Sick of searching, Rainer chose two techniques he had seen before and approached the Elder.

"He seems to have had it with searching..." The Elder muttered as he saw Rainer picking up two techniques in a hurry and approaching him.


The Elder did not expect the young man's choice, both were self destructive techniques!

Ghostly Claw, refine your hand in poison to produce a deadly weapon, you could die by your own hand.

Venomous Miasma, dissolve your spiritual energy into a poisonous cloud to poison and incapacitate your enemies, you can also be poisoned by your own technique.

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The Elder spat his tea after reading the descriptions. "Is this youth retarded? Does he want to die so badly?" The Elder thought as he looked at Rainer.

The youth had nothing strange apart from his white hair and paleness....wait, indeed there was something wrong, he was on the Core Formation stage at his age!

"Boy, you better pick other skills and leave these in their place... what do you think about Meteor Kick or Wind Step..."As a Sect Elder, he must guide a promising youth on the right cultivation path.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Elder, but I will take these two." Rainer said as he bowed to the Elder.

"These techniques are very dangerous... if you practice them it is probable you will die, do not pursue strength over your life or you will end up badly..."


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The Elder knew it was impossible to convince Rainer when he saw his firm gaze, so he gave him the techniques after sighing.

"If you have any problems and you want to change the techniques, come see me here and ask for Uncle Li. "This was the only thing he could do to prevent a talented youth from succumbing in the early stages of his power seeking.

"Thank you Uncle Li, I'm leaving."Rainer left the Spiritual Techniques Library after saying goodbye to the Elder.

Several disciples had heard the discussion between Rainer and the old man and showed disdainful glances while others looked at him with pity.

"Another fool who could renounce to his life for a little power... "All the youths thought as they looked at Rainer's back.


"Hey Rainer, why did you choose those techniques? Don't you know how dangerous they are? Many disciples have already died while practicing them, don't be the next one!" Said Tyrant who had also finished choosing his techniques.

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"Those in the Core Formation stage can complete missions outside the Sect and earn contribution points for better techniques ..." The boy advised.

"Thank you, but I'm not stupid enough to kill myself for a little power, if I've chosen them it's only because I have good reasons..." Rainer replied.

The fact that Rainer had reached the Core Formation stage was not a secret among the disciples, many people envied his luck after he explained he found a rare herb that after consuming it allowed him to advance as smooth as silk.


In his room, Rainer smiled unconcerned, the reason he chose both techniques over the others, apart from the fact that they were all completely absurd, was because these two techniques had a great synergy with his poisonous spiritual energy.

As long as he used his spiritual energy he would not need to rely on those powerful and deadly poisons that would cause him more harm than good, he had all the technique's benefits and no disadvantages!

"Let's start with the Ghostl Claw!" Rainer said before drawing out the jade slip and using his spiritual energy to read the content.


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