Spirit Luo Ring

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Martial Skills Hall

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Translator : Zer0


Editor : Grandmaster G





A disappointing mood rose slowly in the heart of Xia Yan. Xia Zixin, she really was not the previous Xia Zixin.


“Elder brother, did you teach me to climb a tree?” Xia Yan’s mind recalled that Xia Zixin had been sighing in his heart long ago as Xia Zixin looked at the tender face of his clothes with a pleading look.


“Xia Zixin, yeah, Xia Zixin, are you really so small and jealous of me? You are like them, thinking that I’ll always be a waste? A waste that everyone in the Xia Family doesn’t want to see? A waste that everyone looks down on... Haha, no, I'm Xia Yan will become the Holy Hall Master and control the entire Water Jade City!”


Suddenly raised his head, his face a touch of proud color will straight up the backbone. Then Xia Yan walked into the spacious Martial Skills Hall of Xia Family.


Martial Skills Hall was big, twice as big as Conference Hall. After Xia Yan entered, he saw more than a dozen outstanding Xia Family's younger generations were practicing with some weapons in the Martial Skills Hall.


Soon, everyone saw Xia Yan who suddenly emerged. Everyone's eyes were suddenly focused on Xia Yan's body. Because they had never seen Xia Yan in this place. In their innermost mind, Xia Yan should not appear in this place.


Xia Guqiu, also saw Xia Yan! Xia Guqiu, son of Grand Elder Xia Lai. Xia Guqiu's arm was deformed. He could only use his right arm! Xia Yan heard third grandfather Xia Changhe said that the fathers of Xia Guqiu and Xia Yan were formerly the two best disciples of the Xia Family. Because the two people were similar in age and seniority, they would unavoidably lead to feisty ideas. Then one time in the match between the two, Xia Guqiu went crazy and seemed to want to kill Xia Yan's father Xia Dongsheng, but the result was that Xia Guqiu's left arm was wasted.

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Since then, Xia Guqiu's father and son have had a great separation from Xia Yan's father, even near the enemy.


“What are you doing?” Xia Guqiu met Xia Yan and immediately leaned his face down and cried.


Xia Yan looked at Xia Guqiu and said, "I want to learn martial arts at Martial Skills Hall!"


The entire hall was quiet!


After a few breaths, sounded"hahaha..."


Xia Guqiu took the lead to laugh, and the other brothers of Xia Yan's peers all laughed. Their laugh to Xia Yan.


Xia Yan's body tremored violently, but soon he broke down his anger. He knew that the more angry he was, the more happy others were. He wanted to pretend that he didn't care anymore so that these people couldn't see what they wanted to see.


Sure enough, saw Xia Yan was indifferent, then Xia Guqiu and others stopped laughing.


"Xia Yan, did you know that you are not qualified to enter the Martial Skills Hall?" Xia Guqiu lifted his eyes and sneered at Xia Yan.


Xia Yan said: "I will work hard."


"Xia Yan, how many of your 108 meridians had already been opened?" Xia Guqiu did not speak. Another young Xia Family's child looked at Xia Yan with a criticism. This person, one of the most recognized experts in the Xia Family's young generation, was called Xia Liu.

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Everyone in Xia Family knows that Xia Yan had been practicing for ten years, and even a meridian had not got through! Xia Liu asked, was to give Xia Yan embarrassment.


Even if a person was bad enough to practice for ten years, he/she couldn't impossible for a meridian to get through. Therefore, Xia Yan was actually recognized as a waste of the Xia Family.


"A waste that even a meridian can't get through, even want to enter the Martial Skills Hall practice? Hahaha..." Xia Liu continually said but  Xia Yan didn't speak.


Xia Yan was expressionless and did not get angry. Before coming, Xia Yan was ready to be mocked by these people. As long as he could enter the practice of Martial Skills Hall, he did not care to be mocked every day. As long as they had enough strength, these people will soon shut their mouths.


"Perhaps I'll get through 108!" Xia Yan's voice was not loud, but the laughter came to an abrupt end. Everyone, looking at Xia Yan with some misconceptions!


This Xia Yan,  Is his brain has a problem, right? In this case, how can he dare to say it?


"You should at least open up a meridian before you talk big? Xia Yan, don't say any more. You need to get permission with patriarch to enter the Martial Skills Hall. I think with your ability, the patriarch will not agree. You still leave here quickly, don't delay our learning and practicing.” Xia Guqiu glanced at Xia Yan with a glance and waved an impatient gesture. The look was like sending a broken jade sword on the street.


“F***! Waste!” Xia Liu scorned and put a long sword in his hand. “Do you know how many meridians I opened? Oh, I tell you, I had opened 87 meridians. You, Waste, Do you think that you can learn martial arts without a meridian could get through? To dream, martial arts needs internal strength to exercise its power."


Xia Liu said with the long sword in his hand shook out a few fierce sword flowers, it seems to be stabbing Xia Yan.


"Xia Yan!"


Suddenly, a dignified voice came from behind, and Xia Yan heard the sound, knowing that the third grandfather Xia Changhe was coming. He turned around, he saw the third grandfather Xia Changhe.

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After seeing the third elder, Xia Liu hurriedly took off his sword, revealing a respectful attitude. Although he was arrogant, when he faced the elder, he didn't dare to not respect to the elders.


Xia Changhe looked at everyone at the Martial Skills Hall and then said to Xia Yan: "Xia Yan, you come with me!"


Xia Yan frowned and thought, the third grandfather seems to want to say something to me? Yesterday third grandfather said that the Elders Meeting was talking to himself at today's Elders Meeting, but it was clear that Grand Elder not only did not help himself but also said something in opposition.


Waiting for Xia Changhe to leave with Xia Yan, the young generations of the Xia Family in the Martial Skills Hall once again exposed their disdain.


“Oh, after practicing for ten years, even a waste could not open up by a meridian. Even if he practices for a hundred years, he will hardly make any progress,” said Xia Liu contemptuously.


"Hey, if the waste can open up the meridians, I will give him three beatings in front of everyone at the Xia Family! I will meet him later, and I bow my head to avoid the road!" Another young disciple played in the hand. Single-handedly, looking at a few people around him sly laugh.


In Xia Family, everyone seems to look down on Xia Yan! And Xia Yan was known to all. Because Xia Yan's father, Xia Dongsheng, was once the best child of the Xia Family, and Xia Yan's mother was the Dark Night Continent's demon! These two factors are destined for Xia Yan, so made Xia Family members had the deep impressions on the minds.


Following Xia Changhe, Xia Yan left Martial Skills Hall and walked towards the Xia Family backyard.


After a full tea break, Xia Yan and Xia Changhe returned to Xia Yan's shabby residence.


Xia Changhe gave a deep sigh, and then looked at Xia Yan and his eyes flickered.


"Xia Yan, don't mention your mother's soul. Xia Yan, as long as you live well, your mother, will be pleased." Xia Changhe looked quite lost and only in In front of Xia Yan, he would only show such a look.


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Xia Yan knew that Xia Changhe had done his best for this matter.


"Yeah, I have a ring here and give it to you!" Xia Changhe suddenly took a breath, one hand into the clothing and probe, draw a black ring, smoothly handed it in front of Xia Yan, the ring surface as dark as ink, you couldn't see what material it was.


Xia Changhe took out the ring, but he looked abnormally serious. Xia Yan thought, 'What kind of precious thing is this ring, Don't tell me...?'


"Xia Yan, do you know how many years our Xia Family had been in the Imperial Dragon Continent?" Xia Changhe suddenly looked awkwardly at the purple branches outside.


Xia Yan knew the history of Xia Family well, of course: “Our Xia Family had been on Imperial Dragon Continent for more than 400 years!”


There were books on Xia Family that had historical information about Xia Family. Xia Yan was familiar with these books, of course.


However, what surprised Xia Yan was that Xia Changhe looked at Xia Yan with a wry smile.


"Actually, we had been on the Imperial Dragon Continent for more than 4000 years." Xia Changhe took a deep breath.


"Ah...?" Xia Yan could not help but exclaim.


Even if his personality was calm, he couldn't help but exclaim.


Note :

Archbishop > Holy Hall Master

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