Spirit Vessel

Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044: Divine Cauldron’s Power

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Eighth was furious yet confident since he has become a paragon. A half-demon was nothing in his eyes.

“Such impudence from a half-demon. King Zhuanlun, I will cripple him.” A paragon from the Yin World took off his black cloak and turned into an engulfing black cloud.

His weapon was a piece of skin refined from a top lord into a spirit treasure.

Feiyun waved and sent out a golden radiance.

“Pluff!” He severed the paragon into two halves; blood splashed out like fireworks.

This immediately frightened those from the Yin World.

He then picked up the skin and used it, turning the sky dark and sucking in ten experts from the Yin World. When he opened it, their skeletons fell out.

Eighth’s expression became colder: “Looks like I’ve underestimated you, to be able to reach this level with the body of a half-demon.”

“I’ve underestimated you as well, you actually managed to withstand King Zhuanlun’s nefarious power. I should have killed you long ago.” Feiyun retorted.

“You’ve realized it too late, your bones will be buried here for sure.” Eighth said.

“Not too late.” Feiyun appeared confident with both hands behind his back. He walked toward Eight; each step increased his aura considerably.

A peak first-level paragon attacked Feiyun but he simply caught the guy with the skin. He added samadhi flame and refined the guy down to a pile of bones.

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“You’re not qualified to fight King Zhuanlun.” A man wielding a golden spear rushed forward.

He was a notorious villain from Sixth Central. He once trained in an ancient grotto for a thousand years before being banished. He later joined Yao Hun and became a capable lieutenant.

Though he was weaker than the old monsters, he was still relatively strong.

Feiyun captured him with the skin but the latter managed to pierce through it with his spear.

“Cosmic Seal.” Feiyun became serious. A Buddhist radiance surrounded him and blinded his enemies.

A great world appeared in his palm with clouds and mists along with Buddhist hymns. The palm strike sent the combatant flying with bloody injuries.

Feiyun used Swift Samsara and unleashed another palm strike. The man smashed into the ground, resulting in a hole with a ten-meter diameter with cracks extending outward.

Liu Suzi couldn’t believe how strong this half-demon has gotten. That evil cultivator was at the second level yet he still got taken down.

“Bam!” The victim rushed out of the pit, furious. His reputation was in shambles after losing the first exchange.

“Furious God Thrust!” He channeled energy into the spear. A sharp wave shot out, turning the ground into lava. It pierced through the clouds right away.

Feiyyun summoned his new cauldron. This was something used by Immemorial Divine Phoenix in the past, capable of turning worldly energy into samadhi flames.

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“Ahh!” The evil cultivator was sucked in by the cauldron. He screamed while smashing the walls, trying to break out.

“Release him and I will not desecrate your corpse.” Eighth’s hand became engulfed with dark energy.

“Fine, you can have him.” Feiyu opened the cauldron and flames oozed out, burning even the sky.

This inferno killed nearly a hundred cultivators from the Yin World, turning them to ashes. As for the trapped victim? Nothing was left of him.

“Samadhi flames! Retreat!” Eighth summoned a trigram seal in front of him. Black and white barriers emerged to stop the flames.

Feiyun began attacking with the cauldron. Eight fiery shadows of phoenixes appeared around him, each towering at dozens of meters.

The cauldron easily sent paragons flying. Many screamed in agony after being hit by the flames.

Those from Crimson couldn’t believe it. Feng Feiyun looked just like a cultivator who has trained for thousands of years.

“Is he not a paragon?” You Ziling was overwhelmed with emotions. She was among the top of the young generation but the gap between her and Feiyun was unreal.

“He must have obtained a fortune, capable of defeating paragons.” The ancestors of the Liu were astounded.

They knew that he had only trained for a few decades yet he could easily kill paragons.

Feiyun did indeed feel murderous today. His evil affinity surged during the massacre.

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He always cared about his friends and followers. Alas, Liu Suhong died in front of him. This reminded him of Nangong Hongyan as well. The pain and shame of watching these two die without being able to do anything…

“No one is leaving today.” He activated his first three domains and sealed the area.

He then killed another twelve paragons. These men worshipped by others were slaughtered like pigs.

When their corpses fell to the ground, the area turned evil with inextinguishable flames.

Feiyun’s hair fluttered to the wind as he turned his weapon essence into a spear, crucifying another evil cultivator.

“He’s just like an asura of death, no one will dare to look down on half-demons after this.”

“His love for the first princess must be so deep, I can feel his rage!”

“We can’t understand this pain without having experienced it.”

“Everyone said that she was blind for picking a half-demon. Now, I think that she was the smartest, this Feng Feiyun is worthy of her love.” The female cultivators didn’t hate Feiyun’s evil aura at all and were actually attracted by his overbearing style.

“Useless trash, how did you all die to a half-demon?” Gu Zhaxi landed on the ground while carrying a corpse.

This was the eleventh ancestor of the Liu.

“No, Eleventh Ancestor!” 

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“How?! These monsters are cannibals, they’ll spare no one…” 

Members of the Liu became frightened. Ancestors were unbeatable in their eyes yet one has fallen so far. This was akin to seeing a main pillar collapsing.

Two more ancestors fell in battle and were eaten. Only bones were left of them.

More and more seniors fell, their corpses piled up like a hill with blood streaming down.

“Don’t be afraid, yield to the Yin World and I will spare you.” Eighth smiled.

Some became tempted, especially the inexperienced geniuses. They thought that surrendering was the only way to stay alive.

“Don’t listen to his treacherous words, you’ll live like slaves there.” Liu Suzi said.

“That’s still better than death.” Someone whispered.

“There is hope in living, nothing in death.” More wavered.

Eighth smiled at her and said: “Seventh Princess, yield, and I will make you my concubine. You can make up for your sister’s mistakes.”

“Bam!” A meteor landed and created a large hole. A fiend with three heads and six hands was in the center. Its evil energy was thicker than those from the Yin World.

The heads looked extremely fierce, looking like an evil spirit from hell itself. Everyone immediately backed away.

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