Spirit Vessel

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 : Reversed Chase

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Grand Wisdom Master was surprised from observing Feng Fei Yun. He only saw a lonely vagrant who covered in mud and had messy hair. The depressing part was that his naked feet were as white as snow; how could this man have anything to do with appearing beautiful and heroic?[1]

It would be strange if the noble Dong Fang Jing Yue had eyes for this person!

Regarding the words of Feng Fei Yun, Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng naturally didn’t believe half a word. However, since he wanted to rely on Feng Fei Yun, at this moment, his only option was to send Dong Fang Jing Yue away first.

After half a day of plotting, Feng Fei Yun and Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng looked at each other and smiled. One old fox and one little fox seemed to have reach an agreement.

“Stay your hands!”

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng stood in the high platform, his black robe fluttered in the wind. One large shout suppressed the unrest waves in the curtain of the night.

The angry Ancient Jiang soldier, at this moment, stopped their attack and withdrew back to the red ivory warship. Of course, there were some stubborn soldiers who didn’t listen and still enclosed on Dong Fang Jing Yue; their red eyes still showed their will to fight.

When Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng shouted once more, the arrogant ones – that did not listen the first time – finally and reluctantly retreated.

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng was skinny like a bamboo stick; he stood straight and said:

“Little miss Dong Fang, even if you are the noble descendant of the Yin Gou family, once you have murdered a person from my Ancient Jiang tribe, don’t even dream about this matter being settled easily.”

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng naturally knew that Dong Fang Jing Yue didn’t kill anyone, but since he had a secret pact with Feng Fei Yun, he formulated a plan to take care of her.

Dong Fang Jing Yue elegantly and gracefully stood under the moonlight. Her toes stepped on the clear water, that was gleaming with the reflection of the moon, like a slender and elegant lotus tree. Her spirited eyes, like the stars under the veil, were faintly discernible like the mist, and she indifferently smiled:

“This Dong Fang Jing Yue from the past till now had only killed evil people with heinous crimes; I have never indiscriminately killed an innocent person, there must be a misunderstanding.”

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Even though she was just in a big battle, she showed no sign of fatigue or weakness. It was apparent to see that she did not use her full power, there was not even a drop of sweat present on her forehead.

The corner of Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng’s mouth slightly angled. He glanced at the hiding spot of Feng Fei Yun, and let out a dry chuckle:

“So anyone that little miss Dong Fang chases is an evil villain that committed heinous crimes?”

Feng Fei Yun’s heart was laden with sorrow, this old man was truly contemptible. He dared to call me an evil villain. I do want to see what Dong Fang Jing Yue will say to sully my good reputation though.

Dong Fang Jing Yue hated me to the bones and marrows. Naturally, there would not be clean words out of her mouth. It would be strange if this damned old grandma didn’t slander me, ah. In his mind, Feng Fei Yun had already began to curse Dong Fang Jing Yue.

Dong Fang Jing Yue contemplated for a moment; she remembered the scene where Feng Fei Yun used one fist to knock her down to the ground. Suddenly, an anger surged within her heart, but to say that this Feng Fei Yun was an evil heinous villain was out of the question. In the end, this little boy led people to kill San Ye. Regarding courage, intelligence, and character, he was the best of talents. Of course, this was because Dong Fang Jing Yue didn’t know about the past of young master Feng; she only evaluated the current Feng Fei Yun.

If she knew that the previous young master Feng had committed a myriad of evil deeds in Spirit State city, maybe the killing intent in her heart would be even stronger, and would want to cleanly kill this son of a bitch to her heart’s content.

Dong Fang Jing Yue’s expression became a bit unnatural, and she said:

“On the contrary, he is not a heinous villain who is wicked beyond redemption. Regarding his character and aptitude, he would be considered to have apex talent. It is just that he and I have some personal vendetta, I cannot let him go.”


‘Apex talent, personal vendetta… Empress? Male slave? Fuck, could it be that the words of the little boy was true, that this little miss actually favors him. This is a quarrel within their emotional entanglement! Too much trouble, too much trouble!’

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng had observed the subtle changes in Dong Fang Jing Yue’s eyes; plus, her words, after careful analysis, confirmed that the little boy Feng Fei Yun did not lie. It was really because he was too handsome so she couldn’t forget about him. This was why she chased him until he had no road to the heaven nor door to the earth.

Feng Fei Yun, at this moment, was very touched; standing in his dark corner as he stared at Dong Fang Jing Yue on top of the far water, his eyes had a surprised expression:

‘This… Dong Fang Jing Yue, even though is a bit hot headed, but she still could be considered rational regarding her gratitudes and grudges. On the contrary, I am the despicable man with the heart of a nasty person. Even though she and Shui Yue Ting resemble each other immensely, her moral character is not just one hundred times greater than Shui Yue Ting’s.’

“Ah! A woman’s heart is like a salty egg; on the exterior, it is naked and clean, but god knows how many flavorful flowers are inside.”

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Having had an emotional experience with Shui Yue Ting, Feng Fei Yun had been deeply wounded. His heart had completely lost its trust regarding women; no matter how much he favored Dong Fang Jing Yue, there would always be a gap in his heart.

“Sigh! Little miss Dong Fang, these types of things cannot be forced, ah!”

Grand Wisdom Master sighed. His heart was lamenting, these youngsters are too vigorous. For someone they like, they could chase them for three days and three nights. This spirit was worthy of admiration.

Dong Fang Jing Yue coldly scowled:

“If he dared to do it, he must take responsibility. This isn’t a matter of force or not; today, I must capture him and make him give me a reasonable answer!”

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng’s eyebrows twitched; this little boy Feng Fei Yun had an illicit sexual relation at first, then discarded her away. This had became even more complicated! Oh heaven, why did I have to meet such a complicated matter?

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng considered himself to be highly intelligent, but regarding the matter of romance between men and women, it gave him a feeling of confusion.

“This little boy Feng Fei Yun is such a bastard. If I knew this was a lover’s quarrel, then I wouldn’t have accepted; however, since I have already agreed, then there is no road to turn back.”

Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng gently fixed his beard for a little bit, then he said:

“Ahem, I’ll clarify once again: the person you are chasing is not on the red ivory warship. If you want to intentionally cause trouble again, then I won’t be so reserved with you. Murder must be paid with one’s life, a blood debt must be repaid by blood.”

The Ancient Jiang soldiers were also shouting together:

“Murder must be paid with one’s life, a blood debt must be repaid by blood!”

“Murder must be paid with one’s life, a blood debt must be repaid by blood!”


Feng Fei Yun was laughing in his mind, but he also waited in eager anticipation. He wanted to see how Dong Fang Jing Yue would deal with this matter. This girl’s intelligence or cultivation were extremely capable. Her temperament was not comparable to an ordinary person; if she made a move, then the earth would shattered and the sky would be frightened.

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The clear jade fingers of Dong Fang Jing Yue began to move on her red lute. Her heart was wavering; Feng Fei Yun was most likely hiding on the red ivory warship. If she wanted to catch this bastard, she could only go through the gate of Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng, as well as the few thousands of powerful Ancient Jiang soldiers.

“Hmph! If Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng wants to shield him, then this little girl can only offend.”

Dong Fang Jing Yue’s beautiful eyes shot out two rays of indigo spirit flowers, which headed straight ahead. The temperature between the sky and the earth immediately dropped; the waves on the large river surfaces that were rampaging were suddenly turned into a thick layer of ice.

“A song that wrenches the heart, O where do I find a knowing ear?”

Dong Fang Jing Yue used three of her fingers to play continuously, each finger was as fast as lightning treading the water, the lute strings fluctuated; her silhouette was like a white butterfly flying in the sky.[2]

“Bang bang!”

This one tune’s momentum was terrifying; the frozen water below was shattered into thousands of ice edges, like a mountain of sabers or a rain of swords, which hissed and flew towards the front.

“Two songs that wrench the heart, don’t reminisce the gentle feather that flew away!”

A pair of white heavenly wings were born from the sound of the lute. They appeared behind her back, and were around three zhang in length. Holy and beautifully pure, they dispatched many divine white lights which covered the long river.

One flap of her wings and she was already on top of the red ivory warship.

“Three songs that wrench the heart, flowers fall from the rain as I become sorrowful!”[3]

“Whoosh whoosh!”

Black clouds gathered, along with thunder, above in the heaven curtain; the sky was frozen by the power of the lute and naturally became many black flower petals which rained down like the rain in a dark night.

Feng Fei Yun stared at the beautiful black petals in the sky, and the ice mountain of swords and sabers; his heart became alarmed. The cultivation of this little miss Dong Fang was much stronger than his imagination, maybe she had reached the grand completion stage of the Divine Foundation.

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Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng remained motionless, he only opened his mouth to gently say this one word. From his mouth, came five mysterious dark streams of air, like a turbulent flood; the bright brilliance filled up the vast sky.


The rain of flowers became dusts in the sky, which fell down into the river. Even the frozen swords and sabers were instantly shattered into drops of water.

The night became bright again, the clouds that covered the sky were dissipated, which revealed a bright full moon.

“Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng is just like the legends; today, this little girl finally has learned.”

The voice of Dong Fang Jing Yue slightly filled the air, moving farther and farther away. When it couldn’t be heard any longer, she had already traveled dozens of miles away.

Just by listening to her voice, it was clear that she was seriously wounded. Her breath was lacking vitality, and most of the spirit energy in her body had disappeared.

This was the best moment to thoroughly beat a drowning dog; Feng Fei Yun couldn’t let go of such an opportunity.

Heh Heh! Dong Fang Jing Yue, this day finally had happened to you! If this young master doesn’t pursue you for three days and three nights, then it would be strange![4]

Feng Fei Yun took advantage of Grand Wisdom Master Jing Feng’s inattentiveness and jumped down from the red ivory warship. He quickly took cover and then stepped onto the water bank to chase towards Dong Fang Jing Yue’s direction of escape.


[1] I believe the reason why his feet being white as snow being depressing is that Fei Yun called himself heroic, but his feet are as white as a girl
[2] Treading the water is an idiom saying it is of a very fast speed
[3] I couldn’t find an existing English translation for the second and third line so if someone is aware, let me know
[4] Someone finally have a day like this – meaning to get one’s just deserts

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