Spirit Vessel

Chapter 974: 974

Chapter 974: Underground Spirit Veins

The members of Lifeless headed for the center of the ruins in order to find the spirit veins underground.

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Feiyun quietly followed them while keeping a safe distance. Anything evil that came out from the ground was taken care of by them.

He had sent out a messaging talisman three days ago to Xue Shuang and Yao Ji, telling them to bring powerful demons here.

Today, he saw a spider mark left on a broken pillar left behind by Xue Shuang.

‘These demons are so fast, they’re actually ahead of me. I wonder if they’ve met Xuanyuan Xixi.’

On the fifth day of the journey, they traveled through dangerous areas but nothing ever made it to Feiyun.

He spent his time refining and replacing the beast souls. He was at the early fifth level right now and could use the Buddhist essences in the kingdom to reach the peak. His beast souls would also reach the fifth level.

However, even using the essences would take time due to his higher cultivation. It was dangerous as well because of the monsters and those from the Yin World. He couldn’t fully focus on cultivation given the circumstances.

Of course, he could always find a place to hide and train. Alas, that would mean missing this opportunity and experience.

Training could be done whenever but these opportunities would never come back.

Today, they finally found the location of the spirit veins – nine abysses in an abandoned location.

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The veins coursed beneath the abysses like dragons. Five of them were occupied by the five geniuses from the Yin World.

They wore all white and looked like mummies. An aura surrounded them as they basked in the energy of the veins.

The other four were taken by the black-robed men in order to improve their cultivation. Each time they breathed, a large amount of energy entered them and there was a clear improvement.

“Damn, someone got here ahead of us.” The nine veins were priceless resources; each comparable to an entire mine.

The three daoists were moralistic but they knew what to do given the situation.

There was no such thing as not killing in the cultivation world. Clan massacre for resources was as common as can be.

“Cultivation resources belong to the virtuous. We’re virtuous while they’re evil cultivators. We shall slay them and take back the spirit veins.” You Yilin already hated this group so he was the first to enter an abyss to fight a prodigy.

His allies also did the same and began an all-out battle. They were just as merciless as evil cultivators. This was the only way to survive in the cultivation world.

The members of the Yin World were caught off guard by these “moralistic” cultivators.

“Fuck, you’re more wretched than bandits!” One of them shouted.

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Feiyun was impressed by these daoists. They weren’t obstinate at all.

He wouldn’t miss this chance to take advantage of the situation. He sat down on the ground and used his Great Change Art. It permeated into the ground and reached one of the spirit veins.

‘Damn! A trinity fire vein spanning for more than eight thousand miles. Refining it might make me a mythical genius.’ He was moved since this has been his goal for a while in order to beat Xuanyuan Yiyi and eventually, Shui Yueting.

Plus, this was a trinity fire vein. No wonder why the daoists got greedy. This vein was perfect for a fire-affinity cultivator. For example, Feng Feiyun with his Immortal Phoenix Physique.

There were three cultivators fighting there right now. One was Nangong Yebai swinging his green saber with lightning speed.

Though the large robe should be limiting his movement, he was still quite fast and managed to cut the throat of his opponent.

“Junior Brother Ling Feng!” The third combatant’s eyes became filled with rage: “How dare you!”

“Idiot, am I supposed to wait for death?” Nangong Yebai licked the blood on his saber.

He turned into a phantom and split the head of his opponent into two halves before pushing the corpse into the vein.

“Lifeless? What a joke, this is what you get for opposing us, haha…” His laughter suddenly stopped.

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Something grabbed his throat and lifted him up in the air. He swung his hands and legs back and forth like a drowned person.

“Who… Who…” Runes appeared around him but they weren’t enough.

Feiyun was the assailant. He used his invisible robe and easily subdued the guy. He then cut the guy’s throat with the weapon essence, using it like a saw.

“Haha, it’s me.”

Nangong Yebai’s eyes became all white. “Pluff!” Eventually, the decapitation was completed.

Feiyun shot out flames and burned everything to ashes. He opened the path to the kingdom and took in the entire vein. He stabilized it in the ocean before leaving right away.

The others didn’t notice because they were busy fighting as well. He turned his sight on the second vein spanning for seven thousand miles.

This one looked like blood but it was just spirit energy with a red shade. It served to improve vitality and constitution, raising the chance of successful rebirths.

Two mighty cultivators were fighting right now, unleashing devastation to the area.

Song Chengming was as tough as an immortal pine tree while standing on top of a daoist temple. He found this artifact from an ancient treasury and obtained the legacy of a daoist there. His body became one with the temple so he could use its power.

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The dead daoist had also infused his energy into the temple so it was quite destructive. His weapon of choice was a strange ball. As he poured spirit energy into the ball, it would release ten flexible blades capable of stretching for hundreds of meters.

This was a tenth-ranked spirit treasure – Decagon Blade. It had killed a Heaven’s Emergence cultivator before.

You Ziling was his opponent. She moved like a spirit serpent through the gaps of the blades with dizzying speed, looking as pure and beautiful as always.

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