Spring Banquet

Chapter 11

// Love the house and its crow

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Bai Dezhong stared at Jiang Xuanjin in astonishment. When he met Jiang Xuanjin’s calm gaze, devoid of any anger, he quickly calmed down and felt somewhat surprised.

His Highness… was not angry?

Everyone in the court knows that Prince Ziyang is a person who upholds ritual and rules. Being offended by Zhuji in such a manner should have provoked his wrath. But what happened? He seems unaffected, as if nothing happened.

Could it be that he is just overreacting?

“What does Your Highness wish to ask?” Bai Dezhong withdrew his hand, feeling perplexed.

Glancing at the person standing behind him, Jiang Xuanjin frowned. “In a few days, it will be Jiang Yan’s 18th birthday. According to the old master’s intention, it is time for him to start a family. I wonder what plans Bai Dezhong has?”

Bai Zhuji and Jiang Yan were engaged as childhood sweethearts. Three years ago, when they learned about Bai Zhuji’s illness and mental impairment, the situation became awkward for both families. Jiang Yan was the most favored grandson of the Jiang family, and it was already a compromise for him to marry the daughter of an imperial official. He certainly wouldn’t be willing to marry a mentally impaired girl.

However, given the reputation of the Jiang family, they would never take the initiative to dissolve the engagement. The Bai family didn’t know what they were thinking and had been avoiding the topic. Thus, the marriage matter had been delayed until now.

Bai Dezhong sighed and clasped his hands together. “To be honest, Your Highness, the Bai family has received much favor from the Jiang family. It would be inappropriate for us to send our mentally impaired fourth daughter to the Jiang residence. Regarding this marriage…”

“This marriage concerns the reputation and dignity of both families.” Suddenly, Bai Mengshi interjected, “Considering Fourth Miss’s current condition, it’s clear that she cannot fulfill this role. However, there is Second Miss Xuanji in our household, who is knowledgeable, sensible, and considerate. Your Highness may consider meeting her.”

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As soon as these words were spoken, Bai Dezhong turned his head and glared at her.

Madam Bai was taken aback and forced herself to stay composed. “The Bai and Jiang families have been close for generations. We can’t let the relationship be ruined because of one mentally impaired person. My lord should understand the relative importance.”

Li Huaiyu, listening intently, raised an eyebrow and wiped off a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth. She understood what was going on.

Originally, in her mentally impaired state, she was not eligible to marry into the Jiang family. The Bai family matriarch took this opportunity to suggest sending Second Miss of the Bai family to fulfill the marriage. That’s why they wanted to take her away earlier—they saw her as an obstacle.

If it were another family’s marriage matter, she might have yielded. However, this was the Jiang family’s marriage, and it provided her with a legitimate reason to approach Jiang Xuanjin and countless opportunities for revenge.

Huaiyu felt that she couldn’t let that happen.

“Why can’t I fulfill this role with my current appearance?” She curiously lowered her head and looked at herself. “I’m somewhat quite delicate-looking. Even though I was foolish for a few years before, I’m fine now, aren’t I?”

Just as Bai Dezhong was about to scold Madam Bai, but upon hearing these words, his anger immediately shifted towards her. “You dare to speak out of turn?” After roaring these words, he seemed to realize something and looked at her in astonishment. “What did you just say… you’re fine now?”

Huaiyu wore an innocent expression. “Yes, I’m fine. I don’t think I resemble a fool in any way.”

Dezhong was shocked and examined her from head to toe several times before looking at Madam Bai. “What’s going on?”

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“I have no idea what happened either. Zhuji disappeared for two days, and when she came back, she became like this,” Madam Bai frowned, then added, “She completely forgot about etiquette and manners. Could it be that she’s been possessed?”

You’re the one who’s been possessed, and everyone in your entire household has been possessed!

Huaiyu bared her teeth and thought to herself, how could someone as noble as the Princess of Danyang be considered possessed? At most, she could be seen as wandering ghost!

“Your Highness,” Dezhong regained his composure and bowed to Jiang Xuanjin. “This incident happened suddenly, and it’s a family matter of the Bai family. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to Your Highness. Once I have clarified the situation, I will send someone to deliver a response to the Jiang residence.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded expressionlessly. “Very well, then. I won’t disturb you any longer. Farewell.”

Saying that, he lifted his foot and prepared to leave.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Huaiyu called out to him repeatedly, her eyes pleading. “Are you just going to leave like this?”

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t turn his head. “Take care, Fourth Miss.”

Take care? Once he left, she would no longer have a talisman protecting her. How could she possibly take care of herself? Huaiyu widened her eyes, wanting to reach out and pull him back, but when she glanced at Dezhong, whose beard was bristling, she swallowed her saliva and retracted her hand.

Bai Dezhong bowed and made a request to Jiang Xuanjin, “Allow me to escort Your Highness out of the mansion.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded politely and followed him towards the exit.

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“Bidding farewell to Your Highness.” Madam Bai smiled, knelt down, and watched them cross the threshold. Then she turned her head and instructed a servant, “Take the Fourth Miss to the western courtyard.”

“Yes,” the servants responded in unison.

As Jiang Xuanjin walked out of the doorway, his gaze became somewhat unfocused, and he glanced back.

That girl was being held by someone. This time, she didn’t know what she was thinking and didn’t struggle or resist. The servant’s hand was gripping her shoulder with all their strength, causing her fragile body to tremble.

Furrowing his brows slightly, Jiang Xuanjin halted his steps.

“Your Highness?” Bai Dezhong turned back and called out to him.

Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips and coughed twice.

Li Huaiyu had given up on resisting. Without Jiang Xuanjin’s protection, as the Fourth Miss of the Bai family, she couldn’t defy her elders. The more she resisted, the more she would be beaten. So even though that damn servant’s grip was painful, she didn’t make a sound.

However, upon hearing the cough, Huaiyu was stunned. She looked up and saw Jiang Xuanjin standing at the door, motionless.

Her eyes lit up, and Huaiyu immediately shook off the servant behind her and rushed over to him. “Your Highness!”

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“What are you doing?” Both Bai Dezhong and Madam Bai tried to stop her at the same time.

Furrowing her brows, Huaiyu bypassed them and reached Jiang Xuanjin, supporting his arm. She turned her head and said with a serious expression, “If you have the time to scold me, you might as well find a place for His Highness to rest properly. His illness hasn’t healed completely, and he is very weak. If his condition worsens here, how can the Bai family justify it to the Jiang family and the court?”

This was the most serious she had ever been. Jiang Xuanjin, with pale lips, coughed twice again but didn’t push her away.

Bai Dezhong glanced at Jiang Xuanjin’s complexion and had no intention to argue with Huaiyu anymore. He quickly instructed Madam Bai, “Prepare a guest room!”


“Lord Bai,” Cheng Xu, who was following behind, clasped his hands and said, “In these past two days, His Highness’s condition worsened, but thanks to the intervention of Fourth Miss of your esteemed household, he was saved. Currently, His Highness hasn’t fully recovered, and the prescription is still with the Miss of your esteemed household. I have an impolite request and hope that the lord will grant it.”

Cheng Xu was the most trusted person by Prince Ziyang, and his words often carried the weight of Prince Ziyang’s words. Bai Dezhong naturally didn’t dare to underestimate him and quickly said, “Please speak.”

Glancing at his own master in front of him, Cheng Xu said, “His Highess’s body cannot endure the fatigue of travel at the moment. He should rest here, and I hope the Fourth Miss can continue to help with brewing the medicine.”

Brewing medicine? Bai Dezhong furrowed his brows, thinking, who couldn’t brew the medicine? Did it have to be specifically mentioned Bai Zhuji?

But upon further thought, he understood. Jiang Yan was Prince Ziyang’s most beloved nephew, and Zhuji, as the supposed future niece-in-law, must have also gained Prince Ziyang’s favor.

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