Spring Banquet

Chapter 6

// The art of deceptive words

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Jiang Xuanjin was furious to the point of half-death.

How could there be such a person? Not only does she disregard etiquette and manners, but she also refuses to listen to reason! He, a dignified man standing seven feet tall, lying in a girl’s embrace, is this acceptable? Moreover, he is the honored Prince Ziyang. When others see him, they should be respectful and reverent. Where did this person find such audacity?

“Look at how feverish your body is, just like a freshly roasted sweet potato.” She pressed him against her chest and gave him a few pats, audacious Li Huaiyu clicked her tongue. “Struggle all you want. If you struggle a bit more, your head will spin even more.”

Stiff all over, Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes were filled with the chill of a deep winter snowstorm as he stared at her intently.

His gaze was practically murderous, but Li Huaiyu showed no fear, and with a smirk, she patted him. “Be good, sleep for a while. We’re still far from the pharmacy.”

“Are you an outlaw?” he asked coldly.

Li Huaiyu raised an eyebrow. “Why do you say that?”

“If you’re not an outlaw, how could you be so audacious?” Jiang Xuanjin squinted his eyes. “Taking advantage of my weakness and showing such disrespect, have you considered the consequences?”

Li Huaiyu curled her lips. “Consequences? It won’t be serious at all. After all, you’re known throughout the world for your adherence to decorum and self-restraint. Are you going to kill me just because I hugged you and kissed you?”

Everyone in the world knows that the Jiang family upholds strict moral standards, and their offspring are all virtuous and upright, following the rules diligently. Jiang Xuanjin, in particular, is among the best, always disregarding personal grudges and focusing solely on the grand affairs of the court.

It is precisely because of this that she dares to act so recklessly.

Jiang Xuanjin closed his eyes and lay stiffly in her embrace.

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This person truly understands him, no wonder she has such a fearless attitude, accurately assuming that he would not use his power to oppress others.

If it were Princess Danyang instead, encountering such a person, she would definitely have dragged him out and beheaded him, right? Villains never suffer themselves, while good people always find life burdensome.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he coughed twice.

The carriage was indeed jolting, and although he had initially been worried about him, the girl’s embrace unexpectedly provided stability. As he lay there, his consciousness gradually blurred.

In his daze, Jiang Xuanjin could feel the person continuously patting him gently, humming a familiar tune that sounded gentle and lingering.

Li Huaiyu was humming the song ‘Spring Banquet’. As she hummed, she lowered her head to look at him. Seeing that he had no reaction, a fleeting glimmer flashed in her eyes.

This might be Jiang Xuanjin’s most vulnerable moment, and it was also her best opportunity to kill him.

She reached out and felt his body, but there were no sharp objects. Searching further, it seemed that he didn’t have a dagger or any similar weapon. Li Huaiyu furrowed her brow, wondering what to do. Should she use her hands to strangle him? But Cheng Xu was right outside the carriage curtain. As long as Jiang Xuanjin made a sound, he would become aware.

Li Huaiyu regretted not picking up a knife when she was fighting on the street earlier. At the very least, even a dagger would have sufficed. How could she have left without taking anything!

Staring at the person in her arms, she felt a bit unwilling. While patting him, she pondered earnestly if there were any other alternatives.

Jiang Xuanjin hadn’t slept well in a long time. This sleep was exceptionally peaceful, with dreams of lush grass and birdsong, a perfect springtime scene. He stepped on the thick grass and leisurely walked forward, noticing a palace dress blooming under a tall jujube tree in the distance, vibrant in color, and bathed in mesmerizing light and shadow.

When he opened his eyes, he remained somewhat dazed.

“Awake now?” Someone extended a hand and waved it in front of his eyes by the bedside. “Impressive, the doctor said you’d sleep until tomorrow.”

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As soon as he heard this voice, Jiang Xuanjin’s expression grew somber again. “Why are you still here?”

Li Huaiyu looked at him in surprise, then felt a bit wronged. “I was worried about you. I accompanied you all the way to the pharmacy, afraid that Cheng Xu wouldn’t take good care of you. I’ve been waiting here nervously. And now that you’re awake, you’re being disdainful!”

Pausing slightly, Jiang Xuanjin glanced around.

It seemed to be a wing of the pharmacy. The sky outside was already dark, and the room was lit with a lamp. The girl was sitting by his bedside, while Cheng Xu stood quietly in the distance.

Rubbing his forehead, he got up from the bed. “Bring me the prescription. Let’s go back to the residence.”

“Why are you in such a hurry!” Li Huaiyu pushed him back with one hand. “The medicine brewed in your residence can’t compare to the medicinal jars from Ji Shi Tang. The senior physician even said that your illness is aggressive, and it would be best for you to stay here for a couple of days for proper recuperation. If you return now, the residence will be in chaos!”

More importantly, it wouldn’t be easy to make a move on the Jiang family here. When the duck is right at your mouth, it must not be allowed to fly away!

Her face showed sincere concern, which made Jiang Xuanjin feel doubtful.

Could it be… she genuinely cares about him?

“Master, I have already sent someone back to inform the others,” Cheng Xu finally spoke from the side. “I thought you wouldn’t want the old master to worry, so I said you would be busy in the palace for a few more days.”

Since Cheng Xu had said so, Jiang Xuanjin fell into silence for a while and finally obediently lay back down.


Even with his eyes closed, he couldn’t ignore the burning gaze beside him. Annoyed, he asked, “Why are you staring at me?”

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Li Huaiyu propped up her chin and smiled mischievously. “You’re good-looking.”

Nonsense, how could a sick person look good? Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brows.

“Don’t give me that unbelieving expression,” Huaiyu said. “I’m a person who doesn’t lie.”

Upon hearing that, Jiang Xuanjin burst into laughter out of anger.

She doesn’t lie? From the moment they met until now, this person hasn’t spoken a single truthful word! If she doesn’t lie, then there are no liars in the world!

“Ah, you finally smiled!” Huaiyu clapped her hands in delight. “You look even better when you smile! I just love seeing you smile!”

Especially when you’re laughing out of anger, it’s particularly satisfying.

Jiang Xuanjin closed his eyes with a dark expression.

Huaiyu happily watched for a while before getting up and walking towards Cheng Xu, extending her hand to him.

“What is it?” Cheng Xu looked puzzled.

“The prescription. Didn’t the doctor say it needs to be brewed again before the end of the hour of the dog? Give me the prescription, I’ll go find the apprentice pharmacist.”

“This…” Cheng Xu shook his head. “I’ll go personally.”

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Huaiyu widened her eyes. “Why? Afraid I’ll poison him?”

“Not at all, but as the master, anything that goes into his mouth should be overseen by me.”

With a dissatisfied posture and hands on her hips, Huaiyu said, “In the end, it’s all because you’re afraid he’ll be poisoned, right? If I oversee it, wouldn’t it be fine? Besides, you’re the only one here. If I really wanted to harm him, wouldn’t it be the same after you leave?”

Cheng Xu was left dumbfounded, momentarily at a loss. He thought to himself, what she said seemed quite reasonable!

“Well…” He took out the prescription.

Huaiyu snatched it away and held it in her hand, waving it at him before walking out.

Jiang Xuanjin opened his eyes on the bed.

“Master?” Cheng Xu asked hesitantly, “Shouldn’t I accompany you to have a look?”

“No need,” Jiang Xuanjin coughed softly. “I actually want to see for myself what she intends to do.”

Cheng Xu scratched his head and whispered, “I actually find this girl straightforward and don’t think she wants to harm you. The things she said…”

“You also believed her words?” Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brow. “After following me for so many years, do you still trust these sweet words and deceitful words?”

Cheng Xu paused and didn’t dare to make a sound.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened as he pondered for a while, then added in a low voice, “They cannot be trusted. Whoever believes them is a fool.”

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