Shintaro Koyama swallowed a dry saliva. He had entered the Great Labyrinth, but it was darker than he thought. At least, thanks to the flashes his teammates had, he could see ahead. As expected, technology triumphs all.

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He cherished the submachine gun in his arms. It’s not scary at all with the gun in his hand. Quite a few monsters were instantly killed by it, and even the strong Koreans were busy running away. As expected, it was a good decision to enter the new Japanese government.

He looked at Ryuichi Ishihara, the leader of the rescue team, squatting in front of him. The members were currently having a meeting with a map of Seoul.

Ryuichi beckoned Shintaro.

“Koyama-kun, come.”


“According to the information, it seems that the Koreans gathered around this part of the shelter… is Shiraishi there?”

“I’m not sure, but it’s possible. After all, the foreign shelter is near that place.”

“Foreign shelter? What is that?”

The crew were frightened. In fact, a lot of Shintaro’s information was quite inaccurate. He took advantage of his Unique Skill and set foot on Korean soil several times, but he misunderstood the story about Zone 2 of the Korean Shelter. With no one to correct it, his prejudice soon became information.

Ryuichi’s wrinkled forehead twisted.

“An internment, huh… Then Shiraishi wouldn’t have been treated well either.”

“We must rescue them. They destroyed the Murayama Alliance. We don’t know what they are going to do.”

“We will keep that in mind.”

Ryuichi lowered his visor and gave instructions.

“Let’s go. Let Koyama-kun take the lead.”

Shintaro led the way for his group. His unique skill was penetrating. He could pass through, ignoring anything as long as it was material. It was due to that very ability that he escaped through the wall in his first meeting with Seongho.

It could even be applied to arrows and bullets, so it was easy to attack enemies hiding in cover. However, because Shintaro was a timid man himself, he was unable to demonstrate his full fighting power.

‘Still, if I’m with these people.’

Until now, he had wandered in devastated Tokyo, but he felt as if he had finally found light when he entered the new Japanese government. After all, Shintaro thought that Japanese were people who needed to be given orders.

However, since the only person in the new Japanese Government who was over level 15 was Shintaro, no one except him had seen the auction house. After the bunker was opened, everyone hunted nearby monsters and rapidly raised their level, but the highest of them all was only level 10. In other words, the new Japanese government was full of survivors who could not even use the current stores.

They mistakenly thought that the Corrosive Disease was a threat to people, and they endured in the bunker for a year. They looked at the outside situation, but there were so many monsters that it was difficult to get proper information.

As soon as July rolled out, they realized something was wrong. The corrosive disease did no harm to humans. They blew the whole year away. A few personnel erupted in exasperation.

-The Korean government lied!

-They gave us the wrong information. They should be punished.

There were a few people who ran amok amongst themselves, but most of them harbored bad feelings toward Korea. Since they had waste one year, isn’t it natural that they are fuming?

At the chance, former Prime Minister Takahiro Ikeda took his shot. He fanned the flame anger of the Japanese.

-As expected, all the fault lies with Korea. Then, how about using this momentum to uphold the spirit of New Japan? Shintaro-kun said that the Shiraishis inherited the blood of the imperial family Although it’s a remnant from decades ago.

Takahiro’s right to speak in the New Japan Government was absolute. It was due to the number of people who joined the bunker in the first place was limited to his close aides and trusted officers of the Self-Defense Forces.
A few survivors, including Shintaro, also entered, but their forces were extremely limited.

Thus, the new Japanese government’s goal was to become Korea. The problem was that they didn’t have much information.

Ryuichi was concerned about that.

‘Their appearances at the entrance of the Great Labyrinth were definitely far beyond normal…’

The shot they unleashed to them was a warning shot, but it was impressive to see them retreat to the entrance without being too surprised. Ryuichi was a skilled soldier, so he shouldn’t do anything to disrespect the enemy.

‘Shintaro’s words… cannot be trusted 100%.’

As soon as he joined the bunker, Shintaro conveyed the information that the Koreans were not strong enough. It lifted the mood of the officials, but Ryuichi was wary.

Doesn’t that oppose the fact that the Koreans destroyed the Murayama Alliance?

Why did they come to Japan in the first place?

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It was never easy to hunt in a foreign land, not even one’s own.

‘Above all, those outfits… it’s unusual.’

The loose clothing of the woman was impressive enough, but the figure of the man in panties was a total shock to him.

Is he that confident in his fighting power? Is that why he only wore a rabbit headband and panties?

Ryuichi had heard about the man from Shintaro, but seeing it in person was even more shocking. That man even grinned towards the direction where the JSDF members were hiding.

‘We have to be vigilant. First and foremost, we need to gather information at the auction house…’

Former Prime Minister Takahiro ordered an immediate rescue operation, but it was impossible.

Does it make sense to rescue someone without information in a place that is no different from enemy territory?

A minimum amount of intelligence was needed before proceeding with the operation.

Thinking that far, Ryuichi felt strange. For some reason, it seemed they had been going round and round in the same place?

At that moment, Ryuichi saw that the traces he had drawn with a knife earlier on the wall.

“Stop. Koyama-kun, do you know the way?”

Shintaro, who was frantically going back and forth through the wall, stopped and broke out in sweat.

“That’s it…”

“Tell me the truth.”

In a straightforward tone, Shintaro confessed the truth. He said he was lost. The way he traversed before was gone. It was because the path of the Great Labyrinth had changed significantly thanks to Seongho sticking a bamboo spear into Giudecca.

However, they didn’t know that and just cursed at Shintaro inwardly.

Ryuichi hastily gave the order.

“Let’s first find the footprints of Koreans. After th-”

“There is no need for that.”

Ryuichi heard someone’s voice at that moment. The rescue team immediately took a stance and pointed their guns at the sound’s source.

“Who are you?”

Ryuichi asked and someone answered in the dark.

“A friend of the person you are looking for.”


Five people. I stuck my head out and checked the number of Japanese people. The shadow grape that Jiman gave me provided me a clear view despite the dark environment. It was vastly different from the effect of shadow grapes which I root from goblins at the initial phase of apocalypse.

Shintaro… was there. It was clear from his small physique and the spots on his face. I let you run away, but you dare stabbing me in the back?

But there’s still work to be done before I finish my business with him. I need to activate the quest system. In this situation, good rewards would surely come out. So it was difficult to fight blindly before the quest appeared.

The reason why I brought only Seokhyun and Geom-in here in the first place was because of the quest. The smaller the number of participants, the better the reward will be.

I opened my mouth as I hid in the corner.

“Are you guys looking for Yuzuka?”

“From the fact that you say her name openly, you must be Korean.”

“So what is the answer?”

“That is correct. We have come to pick up the daughter of the Shiraishi family.”

“Pick up? She said she wanted to be with us, though.”

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“I need to hear it myself, so let me meet her.”

“Just leave this place first. Or perhaps, you don’t know the way, do you?”

I was sure the Japanese were lost. Because the Great Labyrinth had changed so much to the point it was enough to confuse even me. Which means, the Japanese couldn’t leave the Great Labyrinth without guidance from us.

Frustrated, the other side opened its mouth first.

“I am Ryuichi Ishihara, a member of the New Japan Government. you are?”

“Kang Seongho. I used to run a snack bar in Busan before.”

A bewildered voice was heard.

“You mean a restaurant?”

“Yeah. A little shop that sells stuff to kids in front of the school.”

“I want to meet with someone who has authority other than you. Can you guide me?”

It seems quite polite, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s an enemy.

“No one can give me orders.”

“In other words, you are the best in Korea…?”

“Let’s say it’s similar to that.”

“Sorry, but we have our orders. I need to take Shiraishi with me.”

“You’ll die.”

Then a familiar voice was heard.

“It is a lie! That man has no such power!”

“Shintaro… I let you go with your life intact, and you dare to stab me in the back?”

“Uh, when did you release me? I ran away!”

“I didn’t pursue you, that means, I let you go. Do you know that Murayama that you feared died at my hands?”

“It’s true that the monster union has collapsed, but…”

“Koyama-kun, that’s enough. Let me handle this. Did you say your name is Kang Seongho? I admit that I certainly cannot underestimate you. My intuition is telling me you are strong.”

“Then go back.”

“We also have our circumstances. That’s why we are fully armed. As long as you are a man, you will never be safe. This is a warning.”

In fact, I know that it was just really difficult for them to go back.

Anyway, the quest has to come soon…

Should there be a provocation?

As I thought about this and that, Seokhyun put his chin on my shoulder from behind.

“Are you worried because the quest doesn’t appear?”

“Because it’s a good situation. It’s better to do it while completing the quest.”

“Leave it to me.”

What are you going to do…

Taking advantage of the moment of hesitation, Seokhyun showed off his unique spider walk.

The reaction was instantaneous.


“What, what is that!”

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The Japanese fired a barrage of bullets.


Seokhyun jumped up and down the ceiling and walls to avoid the bullets. His appearance was just like a human spider.

At that moment I could hear Geom-in groaning from my back.

“I didn’t want to see something like that…”

Me too…

Anyway, thanks to that, the quest popped up.

「Challenge Quest: Great Labyrinth Defense
Content: Prevent the enemy forces invading the Great Labyrinth.
Deadline: 4 hours
Reward: 1 Skill Upgrade Ticket, 1 Item Upgrade Ticket」

There you go…

Listening closely, it seemed that the Japanese also got a quest. However, unlike mine, it’s an attack quest.

I called Seokhyun and went out to the hallway. I saw the Japanese people wearing night vision goggles at that moment.

Ryuichi, who was in the lead, gave an urgent order.


I summoned three dimensional holes before their fingers even moved. Rifle grenades were fired and dull flames swept through the corridors. However, the rifle grenade entered the dimensional hole before flying to me and went out to the other dimensional hall. It was the place where the Japanese were taking cover.

Ryuichi opened his mouth wide.


It’s too late.


Rifle grenades exploded among the Japanese and the shooter instantly became a murderer.

I drew my Overmetal sword and charged. When the Japanese suddenly heard a thump, they lost their senses and struggled.

“I-It’s a murderer!”

They know the system, huh?

I thrust my sword into the shooter and he died instantly, chest pierced. He didn’t even have the time to realize that he had become a murderer. The only ones left were Shintaro and Ryuichi.

The former was terrified and trembling, while the latter aimed his gun at me.

“You bastard!”

I grabbed the gun and channeled my strength towards it. The gun’s muzzle was slightly bent by the ignorant force.

When Ryuichi saw that, his face became dazed.

“What in the world…” Those were the last words as I thrust my sword into his chest.

The rifle fell and now only Shintaro was left.

He crawled on the floor and begged me.

“S-spare me… I don’t want to die.”

“Who in the world want to?”

I put my sword on his back. Finally, the Great Labyrinth became quiet once again. As I was about to sweep the firearms, Seokhyun and Geom-in approached.

“It’s more boring than I thought.”

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“They are noobs. There are a lot of guys who aren’t even level 10.”

If you don’t have strength, shouldn’t you first build up your strength before even thinking of attacking someone?

I couldn’t figure out why this group called the New Japan Government came out like this.

Geom-in searched through the belongings of the Japanese.

“This is their order…”

“Can you read Japanese?”

“A bit?”

Well, he’s a game fanatic. It should only be natural.

He squatted down and interpreted the order.

“To sum it up, the New Japan Government is aware of our existence. Even our location.”

“Shintaro must have taught them. After all, his unique skill is quite good. Is there more?”

“They seem to be mistaken about something… They think we hid information about the apocalypse from them. They said we didn’t teach them that corrosive diseases don’t work on people.”

“Didn’t President Jang Won-taek teach them that?”

The documents that Jang Won-taek delivered to the Japanese government through his secretaries were still in our care. So we know that he told them everything. However, they took the information strangely and stayed in the bunker for a year.

So, is the US grinding its teeth at us too?

Seokhyun patted his fist.

“If you beat them, they’ll understand.”

“Seokhyun. Take the hornbill and go to Japan with Geom-in I’ll give you a drone.”

“Do you want me to check the information there?”

“We need to find out where their bunkers are. Remember, don’t go all over Tokyo.”

Seeing him scratching his head, it seems he was really trying to do that. Actually, Tokyo, where there was no Giudecca or anything, was the perfect place for Seokhyun to rampage.

I put my hand on his shoulder and said seriously.

“I know best that you are strong. You have to be careful though. You don’t know what weapons they have.”

“As expected, you are the only one who knows me best, Gimbap.”

I took the supplies from the dimensional warehouse and entrusted them to Geom-in. After the two disappeared, I immediately checked the auction house, and sure enough, there was an uproar.

-Ahjussi, Ahjussi! A complete monster has appeared!
-Da-jeong here. A bald man appeared and he’s no joke! He looks like Rapwi! Mi-kyung, you are near the Great Labyrinth. Go and bring Seongho.

-Isn’t oppa fighting right now?

-He should have taken care of everything by now. Don’t talk back and just bring him quickly.

What kind of monster come?

I got out of the Great Labyrinth riding the hornbill. Then, I met Mikyung and headed to Ilsan Lake Park. When I arrived at the half-collapsed building, an absurd scenery greeted me.

A bald man in a white priest robe was scattering light at the priests lined up in front of him. His voice was so loud that I could hear it all the way.

“Brothers and sisters! Finally, our chance has come. This land is full of heretics who don’t believe in Giudecca! It’s really deplorable. The love of Giudecca who saved us! Our faith! And overwhelming power! I have seen and heard Giudecca’s words with my own two eyes and ears. He wants us to Kill! Kill the heathen!”

“Kill! Kill!”

The priests vigorously raised their swords. The bald head shook his arms vigorously and sprayed the light. Turns out, that was a buff.

“For the heathen, there are only two futures. Conversion or death. It is up to the brothers and sisters to lead them. Come on, let the judgment begin. Everything is Giudecca’s will.”

What a madman…

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