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Husk was so mysterious that no one knew his face or even an inkling of his origin. The only available information about him was that he was a Human and a male.

His face was always covered with a mask.

But no one could doubt his skills. He brought the Nova Rebellion from the brink of extinction to one of the biggest organization on just 13 years.

While his rise within the organization was filled with heidous plots, betrayals and backstabbing, he left no opposition to his rule and swiftly had complete control over everyone.

Even Letheia, Terrene Protectorate and Miniknog together were unable to stop Husk's meteoric rise.

And thus Nova Rebellion become even stronger and ruthless under his rule.

The soldiers were loyal to the point of carrying suicide mission and exploding themselves just to bring an enemy down with them.

This brought fear onto Terrene Protectorate and Letheia Corporation that suffered terrible lost on Husk's hands.

They never fought a enemy that knew them better than themselves.

It was around the rise of Husk that Asra was also able to grow.

The rise of the organization against the establishment.

No government is able to stay forever in power. No country is able to rule forever. No corporation can grow indefinitely.

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The limits had been reached.

Corruption inside the Terrene Protectorate. The fractured Letheia Corporation in three Factions that constantly oppose each other.

It was inevitable the rise of opposition.

John frowned as he thought about Nova Rebellion.

They weren't as terrible as the news network claimed them to be.

While it was true that they always caused death to where they go, they always refrained from causing innocent casualty. Different from Occasus Cult that where ever they go, a ocean of blood was left behind.

Letheia Corporation had a lot more blood in their hands than Occasus Cult and Nova Rebellion combined.

After learning the truth from Esther Bright, John became skeptical and doubting everything that have some connection with Letheia.

[What Jevil actually did?] John frowned as he thought, [I don't believe one bit that his crime was just what they told the news channel.]

He gave up thinking too deeply at Jevil's situation and started to think about humanity's situation.

With the lost of Earth and the other two biggest Human colonies, the Human government should be in shambles and filled with infighting.

Even though Pandora seemingly took control over the UEG, John didn't believe that they had the influence and military power to fully control other Humans colonies, especially now that Letheia would not waste this chance to cause internal strife in the Human government and decide which side will become the overlord of the Human race.

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Whole Esther Bright might be able to bring stability, it won't last long.

It was certain that foreign governments and organizations will start to influence different parties within the UEG.

John realized the need to speed up his search for the Artefacts now more than ever.

As soon as the Ruin is destroyed, the less casualties.

John stood up and went to the door since he heard someone knocking on it, interrupting his train of thoughts.

It was one of the mansion workers that came just to deliver his blue uniform.

John thanked the man and entered in his room to changes clothes.

On he put it on, he looked inside his Inventory and retrieved his Scouter's Set of armor.

Seeing the state it was in, John bitterly smiled.

There was no way he could continue using it, the whole metal armor was filled with holes and deep cuts that went through the whole armor, almost ending in the other side.

He decided what he should do next. He needed to go to the Ark Outpost, search for Esther, upgrade his ship, get new weapons, and fix his armor or get a new one.

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John left his room and walked entered in the living room that was downstairs, at the first floor.

The moment he got there, he saw the old Floran, Akna, and Peri that was beside her.

She had her gray spear in hands and was using a armor that was a mixture of wood and plant fiber.

While John thought it was an armor, he couldn't actually see it as one, mainly because it was way too reviling. There was too many open spots in the abdomen, and above the chest, vital parts of a body that a well-delivered bullet could easily create deadly wounds.

John never understood the motives of Floran armors since they basically leave most of the vital spots open.

If it is to leave it unprotected, why wear the armor? It was for the best to just change to a clothing since it's way lighter, and since Floran's basically fight using their physicals advantages in speed and strength, it wouldn't change much.

But John decided that it wasn't time to think about such things. He should get directly to the point.

"Are you leaving?" Akna's sharp eyes instantly saw through John's intentions.

"Ah? Yes, a few things happened and I cannot wait any longer. I need to continue with my mission."

"You're not fully recovered, John." Peri interjected, "It will take one day or two with your current recovery speed."

"I need to go." John's determination was burning stronger than ever. He was adamant in leaving despite his internal injuries that had yet to recover. "A lot of lives depends on it."

Akna's eyebrow rose slightly as she saw John's determination.

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Peri stared directly at John before saying saying in a serious tone, "I'll go with you."

"What?" John confuses glanced at Peri's serious face before asking, "What did you say?"

"I'll go with you." She said slowly, "I can feel something calling for me out there, in the space. My place isn't in a tribe. My adventurous spirit cannot be contained. Besides..." Peri's eyes suddenly glowed with an eerie and cold light, "I still have a debt to settle with the Syndicate after what they have done with my tribe and family."

"Are you sure about this?" John asked Peri while he stealthy glanced at Akna. He wasn't against this, but he wasn't sure about Akna's will. Peri seemed to respect her grandmother very much and he was sure that if Akna was against it, Peri would surely obey her grandmother.

"Go with him, child." Akna lovingly looked at Peri as she gently caressed her head, "I know that you hate being forced to do something."

"Thanks, grandmother." Peri closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle feeling of Akna's fingers running across her head.

"John, take this." Akna took something from her PIPS and threw in the air.

John easily caught the bag. As soon as he glanced at the contents, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

It was bag filled with Pixels. From the weight and size of the bag, John could calculate that there would be about 100 thousand Pixels, that was an enormous quantity.

"Consider this my prize for you winning the Great Hunt." Akna smiled.

"Thanks, this will be of great help." John said sincerely.

"Now, go." Akna lifted her hand from Peri's head and urged her to leave.

John and Peri both said goodbye to Akna as they left the mansion through the main door.

The moment they left the door, both disappeared in a blinding blue as they beamed up to John's ship that was still on orbit.

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