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The whole space station could house about 10 thousand people.

Most of these people were family of the staff members, mainly the scientists and researchers.

In this enormous piece of metal wondering in the space, there was everything the people living there needed.

There was huge floors dedicated only for entertainment such as a shopping and a garden for relaxation.

As for other enormous floors like the greenhouse and water depot, water recycler, etc. Were heavily guarded by guards and periodic patrols.

All of the Independent Scientific Union station were built similarly, the main difference was only in size, and capacity.

If the target of the invaders was a person and not something, it would take some time for them to find the person in such big station.

Forge was sure that as soon as they find what they want, it would be the doom of anyone in the station.

So, she decided to follow through with her plan to get to the escape pods, even if the risks of dying were high.

As she stealthily walked through the corridors, she stumbled across a body that belonged to one of the facility's guards.

Forge crouched by the body and retrieved the weapons in the body while holding back her uncomfortable feelings growing inside her.

She put the holster that had a pistol at her waist and carried the rifle across her chest.

Although she wasn't a soldier, she have received training in close combat and also weapons. Under the rule of the Miniknog, every citizen is forced to learn how to fight, at least the basics.

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Carefully scanning every corridor while walking forward she finally reached the emergency stairs.

On her way she met with some invaders, but she just hid herself in rooms until they were far enough.

Just when her hand grabbed the knob the door opened by itself.


Forge blankly stared at the two invaders wearing black tactical armors that opened the door.

The two soldiers were also dumbfounded and stared at Forge for a moment before they finally recovered.

As they were trained, they recovered from the surprise faster than Forge and lifted their weapons at Forge.

Once she recovered, she was met with two muzzles pointed at her.

The soldier didn't hesitate as his hand tightened and the finger over the trigger moved.

Forge was filled with despair, she closed her eyes and in a last struggle also tried to lift her weapon to take a few shot at the soldiers.


A gunshot echoed across the empty corridors and stairwell.

"What?" Forge was waiting for the pain, but it didn't come.

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*Bang, bang...*

Two gunshots followed after the first one.


Forge fearfully opened her eyes and just caught the sight of one of the soldiers falling at her direction while the other one fell on the ground beside her.

"Ah..." Forge exclaimed as she stepped to the side and dodge the falling body.


The black armoured soldier fell head first in the ground.

She was instantly dumfounded by what was happening.

She really thought that her life was about to be over, never crossed her mind that the two invaders would mysteriously die right in front of her.

"Are you alright, cutie?" A voice came from the dimly lit stairwell.

Forge immediately reacted by taking aim at the door.

There was still fear in her face and her heart was beating like crazy because she just escaped from death's door.

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"Why so agressive?" From the stairwell a glowing yellow figure emerged.

It was a male Novakid wearing their usual leather cowboy clothing with a red scarf, and an "Omega" brand on his face.
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"W-w-who are you?" Her voice stuttered a little as she asked.

"I'm Lenny, a Bounty Hunter." The Novakid bowed while taking off his hat and placing over his chest as a greeting. He had a lazy and charming smile on his face as he asked, "And who might be you, beautiful?"

"What are doing here, in the space station?" She asked cautiously. Her aim quivered a little, but she kept the rifle up and aiming at Lenny.

Her eye involuntarily went to the rifle that was on Lenny's hand. It was the same of the invaders, that's one of the reasons she was still careful and wary at him.

Although she could see the faint smoke coming from the muzzle of his rifle, which indicated that he was the one who accurately shot the two soldiers on the head, she still had to be cautious.

"Nothing much, I just had a meeting with an informant. That's all." Lenny calmly shrugged his shoulders as he didn't mind being under Forge's aim.

[Is it the truth?] Forge asked herself while staring at Lenny's face, searching for any indication of falsehood.

Lenny's face showed a relaxed and honest expression. Coupling this with the fact that he shot dead both of the invaders, Forge had no reason to doubt that Lenny was telling the truth.

She lowered her weapon but stayed alert while asking, "Where were you going?"

"The communication room of sorts, I'll try to communicate with someone and ask help. Who knows, maybe I can contact the Interstellar Police or the Nova Rebellion."

"But they certainly have jammers around this station, communication will be difficult and limited."

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"Better than nothing... But certainly this station has better devices that can somewhat bypass normal jammers, right?"

"Yes, that's true, but..." Forge glanced at the fallen soldiers and their equipments before continuing, "They came prepared, I don't think this is going to work."

"We can't know without trying." Lenny lazily said, "Besides, even if we fight our way in one of the escape pods, we would be shot down by one of the enemy's ships. Chances of survival are minimal."

"As I can see, the chances of survival are already grim, doesn't matter what we choose do."

"Don't be so pessimistic, how are we going to survive if we don't even try?"

"I'm not saying we-"

"Shhhh..." Lenny placed his finger over Forge's mouth and signalled for her to be silent.

[...?] Forge was confused for a second before she heard some noises coming from a few floors above them.

It was very strange since the emergency doors are soundproof.

That could only mean that what was making the noise was inside the emergency stairs.

She looked at Lenny's face and caught him looking at her.

Only one glance was needed to Forge realize what he was planning to do.

He nodded with his head, and Forge also did the same.

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