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John and Cael were, at most, acquaintances. They rarely spoke with each other, just a few times in the past, and it always started when Cael keep pestering John until he speak with him.

Most of the times is John fleeing as soon as he catch the sight of Cael's shadow.

Although his relatively coldness towards him, Cael continually stayed by his side.

Cael was the guy that almost everybody in their class avoided like a plague.

With his inherent ability to read people's emotions, expressions, and body movements, he could easily see through lies and falsehood.

On top of his ability, he was also the type of guy that knew about almost everything about everyone.

Spying, hacking, observing.

He always make sure to know everything possible from everyone.

Cael do it more like a hobby, it was in his nature.

If someone wanted to know something about someone else, they go ask Cael and he would know a few things.

That's why a lot of people hated Cael and maintained certain distance from him.

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As for why he was overly friendly with John, no one knew why, the other students always wondered the reason.

The only person that he was somewhat close was the number 1 in the overall ranking.

Only these two speak with Cael.

Well...for John, was more like Cael keep bothering him and pestering him despite John clearly showing he was annoyed by his actions.

In the overall ranking of their class he was at the 5th place.

He was the best at spying, psychology, and hacking.

With his abilities, it was certain he would be assigned to pretty important post as soon as they graduate, that means, after today.


"John, I have some juicy news that I can't help but share with you." Cael was accompanying John as they mindlessly walked around, "All the higher ups of the Terrene Protectorate came to Earth."

John was surprised by what Cael just told him.

"Curious?" Cael mischievously smiled, "If you give me a kiss, maybe-"

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Without waiting for Cael to finish, John had already walked pretty far away from him.

"Wait!" Cael shouted as he caught up with John, "I'll tell you, don't run away. Geez, I was just joking."

Cael cleared his throat and continued, "From the information I gathered, some outposts have been destroyed by a mysterious entity. All the higher up of the Protectorate across the entire universe came back to Earth to discuss about this entity with the Grand Protector and the Elder Council." Cael's face turned serious, "For them to leave their posts just to come here and discuss, this shows how important and confidential this information is. They could have used their PIPS to make a reunion, or have made it via SkyNet, but they still chose to discuss face to face."

"If this is so confidential, how did you got the information?" John curiously asked.

"That's a secret~" Cael smiled coquettishly.

John's whole face twitched as he saw how Cael tried to act cute, "Please... don't try act hurt my eyes."

Cael laughed at John's reaction.

"Where do you plan to go, after the graduation?" Cael asked John.

"I'm planning to go to Beta Sector's border." John answered, "Crimes have been rising around that area, a lot of colonies are suffering under the attacks from pirates and criminals from the BSS."

"Hmm..." Cael scratched his chin.

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"And you?" John glanced at Cael that was beside him, "What are your plans?"

"None." Cael answered with an innocent and lazy smile on his face, "You know how I am. I don't like troublesome things and neither too much work."

[Why would you want to become a Protector then?] John thought to himself.

"Look who is it." Cael suddenly said as he pointed at the people approaching from the distance.

John looked at where Cael was pointing and what he saw made his face change.

The 1st in the overall ranking of their class, Liese Böhm.

And the 82nd rank, Zyanya.

Liese Böhm was a cute young girl that barely reach 1.60 meters in height. Despite being 19 years old, she pretty much looked to be around 15 at maximum. She severally lack charm and sex appeal, at least for John since he wasn't into the very young, cute and innocent-looking type.

She has blonde curly hair with blue eyes, she came from an old family with lineage that dates back even before the 100-Years Great War. From what John heard, her family came from a country that was known as Germany, in the past, when Earth was still divided in multiple countries that constantly fought against each other. Her family has deep roots in the United Earth Government and also the Terrene Protectorate, she was the Böhm family's princess, she have it all, money, influence and background.

Her outer appearance really make people underestimate and lower their guards around her...a fatal mistake.

Liese Böhm was, after all, the 1st rank. She was pretty much well-rounded in everything, top 5 in every single one of the tests.

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Although she wasn't the best in everything, she was close to be.

And one person that was better than her in something was the Floran female walking beside her, the 82nd rank, Zyanya.

Also known as the monster that was 1st ranker in close combat and strength.

Despite having two first ranks, her overall rank was very low, that's because Zyanya was only good at those two things, her grades in the other tests were pretty much disastrous to say the least.

Zyanya was big, bigger than most Florans, about 1.90 meters. Her body was bulky and muscular, she pretty much looked like a bodybuilder. The green in her skin showed that she was young, younger than 30 years old. She didn't have much foliage as her hair, and only a small flower in top of her head.

She had a menancing smile on her face as he talked with Liese.

It was clear to anyone that saw both of them could see they were close friends.

The two women also saw Cael and John and started to walk towards them.

Zyanya's eyes brightened when she caught sight of John by Cael's side.

"Hey, John-" Cael looked to his side and was surprised to see that John had already disappeared from his side.


A green blur went pass him so fast he didn't even managed to catch a glimpse of what was that, he only heard a voice shouting, "Lil'Johnnnnn!!!"

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