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"That's the harsh reality, dear." Esther made the chair approach John and gently patted his head, "Nothing in this world is all good and nothing is all bad. Yes, the Terrene Protectorate obeyed orders coming from the Letheia Corporation and made a few terrible decisions, but this doesn't change the fact the Terrene Protectorate also brought a semblance of peace throughout the universe. We protected the innocent and weak from the criminal organizations, wars and even natural hazards. Don't let the harsh reality change your view over the Terrene Protectorate's image. People, from whichever race, need hope, they need something that bring them the sensation of security and the Terrene Protectorate was that. You was that."

"I know..." John's eyes reddened, "But it hurts... Having being lied for so many years. Seeing the the image of the organization that I treated like my home being so different from the reality. It... Hurts..."

He never got to know his parents, he never had a home until he was 5 years old and was adopted by the Terrene Protectorate to become a Protector. He spent most of life in the Terrene Protectorate. The Terrene Protectorate was like a home for him.

He admired Protectors and the Terrene Protectorate. Since the time he saw what was the job of the Protectors, he aspired to became a Protector himself.

He thought they were the symbol of justice and peace, but now, this image was torn apart by the reality. The organization had became corrupted and outdated. Exploiting from the young Protectors' beliefs and passions to send them to certain death or to become watchdogs for the Letheia Corporation.

John rested his head in Esther's shoulder and silently sobbed for a few minutes.

He felt like his heart was being teared apart by the sudden revelations. Each new information was like a knife stabbing in his heart.

His beliefs, will and determination were shaken to their core.

He felt lost. He didn't had the determination to fight against the Ruin and restore the Terrene Protectorate anymore.

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"I'm fine now..." John lifted his head from Esther's shoulder.

"Really?" Esther concernedly asked.

"Yeah..." John cleaned his reddened eyes.

Esther took a careful look at John and was relieved that he really seemed to be okay now.

"What you plan to do now... That you the shameful truth of the Terrene Protectorate?" Esther hesitated, but still asked.

"What else can I do?" John's eyes burned with determination, "I don't have to think about this for now. I must focus on the task that is ahead of me, right?"

Esther sighed in relief and gently smiled, "Yes."

"I don't remember if you said before, but may I ask, what is my first task?"

"Oh. The task is to find the Ancient Artifacts. We can started with any race, but since your ship is currently in the Gamma Sector I think is better to start with the Florans, there is a lot of Floran colonies around this particular sector."

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"So... How exactly I find this Artifact?"

"Your job is quite simple. You must use the scan mode of your Matter Manipulator to scan cultural objects from Floran cities and then I'll analyse them and search for clues about where the Artifact is located."

"That simple?"

"That simple."

"Alright..." John didn't thought the job would be so easy, "Then... I be taking my leave."

"You better get a few days of rest, dear." Esther advised John, "You're still completely bandaged with bandages covered in blood."

John looked at himself and realized that he didn't took out the bandages. He waved goodbye to Esther and embarrassedly left the place.

He went to the Royal Hotel, again, and took the same room for 2 days.

After entering the room the first thing he did was to take a shower.

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He took off the armor, the clothes and the bloodied bandages away.

Looking at himself in the mirror of the bathroom he saw that all the injuries had been healed and just a few faint scars were left behind.

John took a long shower in the hot water and then proceed to select a clothing for himself.

It was at this moment he realized, he had no clothes beside the Protector uniform and the Scouter's Armor.

He walked off the bathroom and called the reception of the hotel using the old style phone that was in the living room, "Hello, may I know if the hotel has clothes selling or to renting?"

"Earnest. Yes, he have clothes that our customers can rent." The receptionist Glitch said through the phone.

"Okay, I would like to rent a casual clothing, something like a jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie."

"Wait a moment sir, your clothes will be sent in the next 10 minutes." The Glitch said, "Something else?"

"No, that's all." John said thanks and turned off the phone.

He went back to the bathroom and started to comb his hair and doing the finishing touches.

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*Ding Dong*

The bell of the room chimed.

John tied the bath towel around his waist, covering the lower parts and went to the door.

He opened the door and he saw the receptionist Glitch outside.

"Here, sir." The Glitch reached for his PIPS and took out a box out of it, "Here is your clothes, there is more options inside the box, pick what you like."

"Thanks." John thanked the Glitch and took the box inside the room.

He roamed through the clothes of the box and picked up the black jeans, white simple t-shirt, and a black hoodie. He was going to use his boots of the Terrene Protectorate uniform, he always found those for comfortable.

After he wore the clothes, he looked at the mirror and approved his new look. He almost never had the chance to use casual clothing in his entire life. Since young he was adopted by the Terrene Protectorate and had to follow orders and regulations of the Academy, no casual clothing, only uniforms were allowed in the Academy and in the campus.

He liked the outfit, it was light and comfortable, different from the uniform.

[Now... What next?] Esther said for him to rest, but his definition of rest was only sleep, he never really had what people called fun, [Lenny said he would be in the underground facilities, maybe I should go find him...?]

With that decided he left the hotel and went back to the Shopping Complex.

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