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March 30th of the Year 2209, from the Terran calendar.

It had started.

It really had started.

The people never thought it was going to happen, but it did happened.

The war broke out between Marcians, from planet Mars, and Terrans, from from Earth.

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The reason for the war is pretty simple that even a person completely uninterested in politics like me could see.

Resources, natural resources.

Earth has always been the center of humanity, but because of it, the need of resources is also huge.

Ever since the start to of the Spatial Race in 2111, Earth had been always on front of Mars in the exploration, colony and extractive technology in space and foreign planets.

While Earth was exploring the infinite space, Mars was focusing their technology in something else... Augmented Humans.

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They used biology, technology, and chemistry in a research to create supersoldiers capable of sustain the FIMMS (Full Immersion Man-Machine System) technology that was used in their humanoid mobile robots that they called Mechas.

Mechanical implants are made in the Human's spine so that it could easily connect to the Mecha through a cable, and...

Oh, sorry I started to ramble a little.

I'm a mechanic and I was really interested in such innovative technology that the Martians had created.

But, anyway, I saw with my own eyes how such a army of humanoid machines can be as fearsome as a fleet of Earth's warships.

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The official declaration of war came two days after the conflict in the planet ASPX-801.

The planet was extremely rich in natural resources that Mars really need, but Earth also need the resources and don't want Mars to get stronger, so the fleet of warships and fighters, from Earth, entered in conflict with the army of Mechas of the Martians.

It was a quite a battle.

I'm just a mechanic in one of the warships that were lucky enough to survive the battle. I saw how the Mechas were able to destroy warship's forcefield, frames, and able to infiltrate into the ship, causing a complete bloodbath.

This conflict was bound to happen...

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Ever since Mars win the war for Independence against Earth in 2086, diplomatic tension between the two planets has always been raising. The relationship had always been stained, with Terrans looking down at Mars, their previous colony, and Martians looking down at Terrans, for losing a war against them.

This war is going to be a very long one, and the amount of deaths is going to be higher than any previous war we have ever experienced.

I just hope...

Hope that this war isn't going to end with both sides throwing mass destruction weapons at each other's planet.

Let us pray that such situation doesn't occur.

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