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Another arrow came from an unknown place, aiming right at John's head.

This time he was prepared. He swiftly moved to the side, leaving from the trajectory of the arrow.

[Found you...] John located from where the arrow came by seeing the trajectory.

*Swish, swish, swish...*

He waved his arm and sent three Razor Feathers with his full strength.

He looked with his eyes wide opened as he watched at the incredible speed that the feathers were traveling.

The Caverns really changed him. He was able to feel that his overall strength had increased, but he never thought it would have been by this much.

The feathers easily travelled the distance of almost 70 meters between him and the Floran that had just shot the arrow.

*Clang, clang*


Unfortunately, the feathers were rather slow, beside being able to travel the distance, it gave time for the Floran to dodge two of the feathers. Only one of the feathers had hit the target.

"Argh..." John heard a low grunt of pain from where he threw the feathers.

[A hit...] John was overjoyed for a moment before suddenly his expression changed, and he rolled to the side.

*Swish, swish, swish...*

A ferocious barrage of arrows assaulted John.

One after another, almost non-stop, arrow came for John, wanting to take his life.

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The bowman was obviously the other Floran that was working together with the Floran that John had just successfully hit with the Razor Feather that coated in poison, the same poison that he was using on his arrows.

With one them down, John was able to move more freely on the platform that he was.


Another arrow came directly for John's head.

This time, John directly activated his Bullet Time, the moment he felt that the bowman was about to shoot.

John watched as the arrow slowly moved toward him.

He slightly moved his body to the side. The moment the arrow was about to hit him, John reached with hand and grabbed the arrow.


John threw the arrow back toward the owner with his full strength.


This Floran was faster than the previous one, he was able to dodge the arrow that John threw back, just in time.

John was able to see some faint sparks that was created by the arrowhead hitting the stone wall.

"*Tch*..." John clicked his tongue in disappointment. He really thought that he would have been able to take the Floran unprepared with such maneuver.

John glanced at his hanging arm. He already lost all the senses from the arm. It almost felt like his arm didn't even exist at all.


John took the Grappling Hook and decided to switch locations.

He aimed at an island that near the last Floran that was hunting him.

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*Swish, swish, swish...*

One arrow after another followed John's trail as he swung from one island to another.

After a few jumps, He finally landed at one platform that was just beneath the platform from where the arrows were coming.

He glanced arround and saw that it was a circular islands with almost 5 square meters.

John's pupils shrunk as felt a strong killing intent locking onto him.


The whole platform that John was shook with the strong impact.

In the place that John was standing just a second ago, there was huge crater and cloud of dust.

John had rolled to the side to dodge from the thing that fell from the sky that was clearly aiming to hit him.

He had just stood up when he felt the killing intent once again.

He turned his head to side.


It moved so fast that John was barely able to see what almost had pierced his head.

John wasn't given the time to think about it because he saw a young Floran charging toward him with a spear on her hands while letting out a war cry.

The Floran was a young female, about 20 years old. He able to deduce this much because the color of her foliage was of a shade of verdant green. She wasn't slim neither small, in fact, she was at least a few centimeters taller than John and thicker than him. Her huge limbs moved as her muscles bulged.


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John took a quick step to the side and was able to dodge the spearhead, but...


John was soon sent flying by the Floran's kick.


[She's fast...] John spat a mouthful of blood. Even though he was wearing armor, the attack he just received was way too heavy that, despite the high tier armor, he received some internal injuries because of the shockwaves.


He unsheathed his dagger while he was still in mid-air and pierced it in the ground.

With this movement of his, he was able to stop his backwards momentum before he was thrown out the platform by the kick.


The Floran was bent on not giving time for John to recover and so she sprang forward with another charge. This time John wasn't fast enough, so his limp arm received a deep cut while he tried to him to side.

Blood gushed out from the injury.

John didn't felt any pain since the poison made his arm completely senseless.

As soon as he recovered from the second charge, John lifted his guard and readied his dagger because the Floran was relentless.

She immediately went with another charge.

Bullet Time!

He was forced to use his power once again.

The world slowed down and John was able to have time to properly think of a strategy to defeat the female Floran in front of him.

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Just as the spearhead was about to touch his face, John finally moved to the side.

He dodged the charge and closed the distance between him and the Floran. A spear would be almost useless in such distance.

The Floran realized John's intentions, but she didn't flinched and sent a kick at John with her left leg.

John used his Bullet Time to be able to get a hold of the Floran's left leg with his only good arm.

Once he caught the leg John used his right leg to give a low kick at the her right leg.


She immediately lost her balance and fell on the ground since she was unable to use her legs to stop her fall.

"Urgh..." She groaned in pain since the fall was rather heavy.

John followed with some restrictions moves as he swiftly disarmed the Floran, and used her own arm to strangle her.

He used his legs to restrain her own legs, and also used his weight to pin her on the ground.

The Floran panicked and struggled as her life depended on it. She used everything she got to try to get out from John's restriction move.

John's forehead was soon covered in sweat as he keep her in the position.

Blood drenched his clothes from the wounds he just received from the nails and teeths of the Floran.

[Just....give.....up.] John gritted his teeth and applied more strength into his strangle.

"*Gasp*...nooo..." The Floran opened and closed her mouth trying to inhale some air, but John was going to let that happen.

She only stopped struggling after a few seconds.

John fell on the ground, exhausted and groaning in pain.

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