Chapter 21 Part 1

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Zhou Tingsheng turned down Wuzi’s offer saying he was tired from being on
the road the whole day.


Wuzi was smart enough to leave Zhou Tingsheng alone and went to feed the dog.
He put two strips of raw beef into the bowl, but Desa show zero interest. She would
sniff the meat, but refused to eat it. Some of the girls reminded him: “If the dog is
fed cooked meat all the time, she won’t eat raw meat anymore. Boss, if you cook
the meat first then she’ll eat it.” Wuzi, annoyed by the dog’s pickiness, complained:
“All dogs eat raw meat.” He cooked the meat and after taking a smell, Desa ate it.


Squatting next to the dog watching her eat, Wuzi sighed “This dog’s lost its wolf
spirit after eating too many cooked food.”


Ophelia scratched Wuzi when he wasn’t paying attention.


Zhou Tingsheng fell into a deep sleep and didn’t wake up until the sun had
already set.


Influenced by Ye Qiao, nowadays he liked to close the drapes when he slept
during the day so he couldn’t tell whether it was day or night. When he woke up,
he had no sense of the time but the hungry feeling in his stomach indicated that
he’d slept for a long time.


Zhou Tingsheng got up to put his clothes on. Just as he put one sleeve of his
shirt on, there were a couple of cautious knocks on the door.


Thinking that it was Wuzi at the door, he opened the door only halfway dressed.
He found a young girl at door instead. He glanced at the golden name tag, Mitu.
It was the girl who had handed over the fruit plates as water dishes for the pets
earlier in the day.


Mitu was very young and blushed rather easily. Seeing Zhou Tingsheng’s bare
chest, her face was burning red like a tomato. She lifted the food tray higher than
her own face and asked in a tiny voice: “Sheng Ge, boss let me bring you some
food. Did I wake you up?”


Zhou Tingsheng buttoned his shirt and said: “Come in.”


There was one dish of shrimp, one soup and the rest of the dishes on the tray
were all vegetarian.


Mitu noticed that he hardly touched the shrimp and only ate the leafy greens.
She timidly asked: “Do they not suit your taste? Boss only said to bring some
light dishes so I just picked a few in the kitchen. I didn’t know what you liked to
eat. Do you want me to get something else……”


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Zhou Tingsheng told her there was no need and turned around to look at her:
“You don’t have to stay here to keep me company.”


Mitu was taken back a little but didn’t leave.


She was quiet as a wooden post, her presence in the room was negligible.
Zhou Tingsheng finished eating and was surprised to see her when he turned
back around: “Mitu?”


The girl was startled: “Ay, ay?”


“You still here?”


“Yeah……” She blushed again then smiled: “Sheng Ge, you’re well educated!
Most people who come here would call me Micha when they see me for the
first time.”[1]


Zhou Tingsheng never thought himself as an educated man and was left
speechless that someone considered him educated because he recognized
the rare character tu.


She didn’t seem intent on leaving him alone. Zhou Tingsheng remembered
his pets and asked: “Where are Ophelia and Desa?”


“O…...o what?” Mitu confusedly blinked her eyes. Fortunately, she recognized
the second name and replied: “Boss cut two strips of beef to feed the dog. She
had a good meal.”


Zhou Tingsheng used Chinese to repeat the cat’s name: “Ao-fei-li-ya.”


Mitu was smart enough to realize what the word meant. She blinked and asked:
“Are you talking about the cat? He seems quite shy and hides under the bar
counter and won’t let anyone get close. Our boss even got scratched by him.”


Zhou Tingsheng asked: “Won’t let anyone one get close to him?”


“A lot of people are afraid to touch him.” Mitu proudly said: “But he probably
remembered that it was me who gave him the bowl. He let me touch him.”


Zhou Tingsheng finally found a reason to let her leave his room: “Go bring
him here.”

[1]: The character 荼 (tu) is a rather rare character and looks very similar to
茶 (cha) which is more common as it’s the character for “tea.”

Chapter 21 Part 2

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Mitu obediently went to find the cat, returning shortly after with it in her arms.
Ophelia seemed unhappy being held in her arms, stretching all four legs against
her body, meowing all the while.


Zhou Tingsheng took the cat and started to feed him the shrimps on the plate,
one after another.


Mitu still seemed unwilling to leave, watching Zhou Tingsheng feeding the cat
with great interest. She spoke enviously: “You’re so nice to your cat. The cat in
your home has a better life than a person.”


“......” Zhou Tingsheng found it difficult to communicate with her and simply answered:
“He’s not my cat.”


Unconcerned with their discussion, Ophelia comfortably rubbed against Zhou
Tingsheng’s long fingers.


“He’s not yours and is still this close to you?” Mitu was surprised: “They all said
that it’s hard to get close to cats, even if you’re his owner. They’re never as close
to you as dogs. It’s even harder to get closer to other people’s cats.”


Zhou Tingsheng abruptly turned his head and mockingly twitched his mouth: “Your
boss keeps all of you, are you all close to him?”


Mitu was short; when Zhou Tingsheng turned his head while still squatting on the
floor and ended face to face with her chest. The uniform of the waitresses here was
made specially for them. The creamy white fitted short jacket and the top inside all
had deep v necklines. Mitu wasn’t particularly good looking; she was recruited because
of her ample bosom. She had natural cleavage without the help of any special bras.


Mitu’s heartbeat quickened and her chest went up and down in pace with her hastening


Zhou Tingsheng looked up at her neck, which was very slender, a sharp contrast to
her full, rounded chest. A curvy figure with a naive face was naturally very alluring.


Zhou Tingsheng smiled and turned back. He wiped his fingers with a napkin and
said: “Your boss really knows how to pick the right waitress.”


Mitu couldn’t figure out what he meant.


She was trained to read customer’s expressions. Though she wasn’t good at it yet,
she could tell from Zhou Tingsheng’s eyes that he wanted her out of his room. She
felt dejected, but waited for a while longer. He hadn’t told her to go, instead Zhou
Tingsheng casually looked at her and glanced over her tight short jacket. Suddenly
he said: “Isn’t this too tight? Are you even able to raise your arms?”

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“......It’s alright.” Mitu tried to raise her arms, the tail of the jacket came up with the arm.


Zhou Tingsheng ordered: “Take it off.”


Mitu was well aware the kind of things involved with her job, but she somehow felt
particularly timid in front of this man. She slowly took off her jacket, underneath it
was a halter top. It was a little chilly after dark and she had goosebumps on her
arms. She subconsciously held her arms tightly and timidly asked: “......Shall I
take it off?”


But Zhou Tingsheng answer came as a surprise: “No need.”


He turned his face sideways and pointed to one side of his face: “Come, slap
me here.”




“I’m telling you, just slap here.”

Chapter 21 Part 3


The commanding look on Zhou Tingsheng’s face almost made Mitu’s heart jump
out of her chest. She paused for half a second then stretched out her arm to reach
his face.


She lightly stroked the side of his face, like a voile was rubbing his cheek.


Zhou Tingsheng coldly said: “I told you to slap, not touch my face.”


Mitu wanted to cry: “I can just go out. You don’t have to do this. Boss won’t blame me……”


Zhou Tingsheng then realized that Mitu had mistaken him as an understanding customer
who would stage a show so her boss wouldn’t blame or punish her. He laughed at her
wild imagination: “I don’t mean that.”


He had a hard time controlling his laughter, then he threatened her: “I just want you to
slap me. If you don’t slap me well, don’t you dare to walk out of here tonight.”


Scared out of her wits, she started to slap him as he had demanded.


But she was too weak for the slaps to have any impact. In the end, his cheek was turning
red but he still didn’t think she had tried hard enough.


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“Slap harder.”


Mitu collapsed on the edge of the bed and kept crying that she couldn’t do it anymore.
She confessed that she had come over on her own volition, that the boss didn’t send her
over, and begged him to let her go.


Zhou Tingsheng smirked, it was hard to believe that this timid and shy young girl could
come up with such a big scheme. She cried so hard as if Zhou Tingsheng had forced her
to do something against her will.


Zhou Tingsheng went over to the table to bring his own belt back and coaxed her like
she was a child: “Don’t cry. Let’s do something else. You don’t need to slap me now.”


Mitu stopped crying and asked: “Uhm?”


Zhou Tingsheng stuffed the belt into her hand: “Use this. Use this to whip me.”


Mitu was so frightened that she started to run out of the room.


Wuzi happened to come look for Zhou Tingsheng when the door abruptly opened and
a young girl dashed out of the room crying while putting her jacket on. She ran away
without looking back and didn’t even bother to apologize to her boss after she bumped
into him on her way out.


Wuzi was so surprised to find Zhou Tingsheng had been reduced to the point that he
had to force himself on a girl. But it was even more surprising that the girl was unwilling
to give in to him.


Wuzi walked into the room and found Zhou Tingsheng teasing the cat with half his face
swollen. He looked like he was rather enjoying himself.


So he really got slapped? Wuzi fell for his Sheng Ge and sat down next to him, handing
over a cigarette. Wuzi comforted him: “That girl’s really something. Sheng Ge, it’s alright,
I’ll teach her a lesson later on.”


Zhou Tingsheng picked up the cat into his arms and smiled: “It’s not her fault.” He lightly
stroke the cat under his jaw. Ophelia comfortably squinted his eyes. The cat didn’t even
notice that Zhou Tingsheng had turned the cat around to face Wuzi: “Do you know who’s
cat this is?”


Wuzi was confused: “Who?”


“Ye Qiao.” Zhou Tingsheng released his hands and the cat wanted to jump down to the
floor. But as soon as his paws touched the ground, Zhou Tingsheng grabbed him up
again, caressing him on his lap.


He gave Wuzi a meaningful look : “Get your red envelope ready.”

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