Starlight Has No Past

Chapter 49.2

Chapter 49 Part 2

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Surprised by the sudden outburst, Ye Qiao tightly clasped her cellphone. She had heard stories of people being set up and ending in a miserable condition in this business. Many became mentally ill because they couldn’t handle the fall from the peak of their careers. But it looked to her that Zhao Mo was in an even worse condition. Ye Qiao began considering whether she should call someone for help. But who could she call?

As Ye Qiao was mulling over who to call, tears suddenly began falling from Zhao Mo’s eyes: “He didn’t want me anymore. I just wanted to get ahead in this business. Does a person with no talent have to be a nobody all her life? I just want to fight it my way…...What did I do wrong?” Her eyes suddenly turned vicious looking and she raised her voice: “Now you have everything! Why do you still have to keep stepping on me? Just because I have touched the man you like?”
Her eyes were out of focus. Ye Qiao was sure by now that Zhao Mo was mentally disturbed. She walked over to touch Zhao Mo’s shoulder: “Calm down. I’ve never done anything to harm you and I won’t in the future. If you need help, let me know and I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

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Zhao Mo brushed off Ye Qiao’s hand. As if she had suddenly regained her senses, she wiped her tears off and anxiously said: “I don’t need your help. Where’s the bathroom? I need to go to the bathroom.”
Ye Qiao pointed in the direction of the bathroom. Zhao Mo held her bag in her arms and rushed into the bathroom.

Ye Qiao shook her head and started to search for psychological consultation services in Yang City on her phone. She had just opened the search engine’s web page when she received a call from an unfamiliar number.

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Ye Qiao answered the call to the cold voice of a young girl from the other side: “Hello, is this Ye Qiao?”
Ye Qiao was silent for two seconds: “Ruan Feiyan?”
“It’s me. I didn’t expect you would recognize my voice.” Ruan Feiyan snickered. But as Ruan Feiyan remembered when Ye Qiao had said that her heart could recognize its daughter, the cynical smile disappeared from Ruan Feiyan’s face. Her voice grew colder: “How about it? You like the gift I sent you?”

“What are you talking about?”

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“It hasn’t arrived yet? Ha, you’ll get it soon enough.”
Before she finished her sentence, the doorbell at Ye Qiao’s home started to ring, like an omen of her fate.
Ye Qiao paused for a moment before she moved towards the door to open it.

There were four policemen standing outside the door. They showed their identification to Ye Qiao: “Are you Ye Qiao? We have reason to suspect that you’re involved in drug related crimes, please assist us in our search of your residence.”

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At this moment, Ruan Feiyan’s voice came from the cell phone: “This is what you owe me. I want you to have a taste of what my mom went through!”
The call abruptly ended. The policemen led a police dog past by Ye Qiao and went directly in the direction of the bathroom.

Soon they brought Zhao Mo out of the bathroom with a policeman on either side of her, each holding an arm. There was a syringe left on the bathroom floor. Zhao Mo’s eyes were even more out of focus than before, immersed in an illusory high. When she passed by Ye Qiao, her lips curved up with a rancorous smile.
The very next second, a pair of bright silver handcuffs landed on Ye Qiao’s wrists. An austere voice sounded next to her ear: “Ms. Ye, you’re now a suspect for providing a place for drug use. Please come with us.”

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