After reviewing the materials, the old man known as the “Eye of Wisdom” nodded in approval and said: “You’re better than I expected. Although it must be thanks to the ‘Reader’ potion that your memory has improved, your mastery of the material shows that you are very talented in language.”

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  ”This is also thanks to the fact that the materials you gave are very easy to understand,” Abner replied modestly.

  ”Emperor Roselle once said that excessive modesty is hypocrisy, Abner. You must know that it took me a whole month to study this ancient Fusac language material! I didn’t have the ‘Reader’ potion at the time,” the “Eye of Wisdom” said with a shake of his head and a laugh.

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  Abner was surprised by this, thinking to himself that it must take a monster to learn a language in a month without any cheats. Despite this, he maintained a humble expression on the surface.

  ”What is your belief?” the “Eye of Wisdom” suddenly asked.

  Thinking the old man might punish him for not being a loyal believer, Abner hesitated before answering, “Um…the goddess of the night.”

  The “Eye of Wisdom” chuckled, obviously seeing Abner’s weak faith. He said in a persuasive tone, “Looking at the way you hesitated just now, you don’t seem to be a loyal believer of the goddess of the night. I think your character and philosophy are more in line with the teachings of the Church of Knowledge. Why don’t you change your mind and believe in my lord, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom?”

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  Feeling a bit offended, Abner asked, “Is there any benefit in converting?”
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  The “Eye of Wisdom” was a bit taken aback by this question and began to doubt whether it was right to introduce such a practical person to his teachings. After a moment, he sighed and said, “Maybe you heard the wind from Kaspers, but I intended to accept you as a student before. Now, seeing your talent and hard work, I am even more satisfied… If you convert to my lord, I will become your teacher and teach you mystical knowledge. I can see that you are lacking in this aspect now.”

  Abner knew that this was true. While he had read the entire “Lord of the Mysteries,” and knew a lot of secret or high-end knowledge, most of the basic mystic knowledge was only mentioned in the novel, so he didn’t actually know it.

  Although he knew the offer came with strings attached, Abner still didn’t immediately respond. Instead, he asked, “Why?”
  ”Why did you accept me as a student? There are so many talented young men in Backlund, and as a Sequence 7 Keeper, it would be easy for you to recruit students. You don’t have to be so proactive,” Abner explained.

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  The “Eye of Wisdom” understood what Abner was asking and agreed with his caution in not being easily swayed. However, the old man didn’t seem to want to hide his thoughts and said frankly, “If I said I think you’re pleasing to the eye and want to help you from the bottom of my heart, you wouldn’t believe me… ”

Seeing that Abner nodded, the “Eye of Wisdom” changed the subject and continued: “However, this is the truth! I saw you for the first time yesterday, and my spiritual intuition told me that as long as I try my best to help you now, I will get a lot of rewards in the future, and even help me survive disasters! I don’t know where this intuition comes from, but it has helped me overcome difficulties in the past, but it is not as strong as this time, so I trust it.”

  ”Hey, hey, such a magical premonition is the ability of the ‘Reader’ pathway Sequence 4 ‘Prophet’, right? Are you a Sequence 7 ‘Wisdom Keeper’ playing against the sky? Well, unless there is a big boss in this sequence who favors you and lets you experience it in advance…”

  Abner was habitually slandering, but when he thought of this, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He realized that he had neglected a problem before: as a lonely soul in another world with golden fingers, after he had just crossed over and had a bond with the “reader” pathway, the top level of the pathway known as “omniscient” knowledge, would the gods of wisdom have noticed him? What’s more, his golden finger is obviously very compatible with the ability of this path.

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  He hadn’t thought about it before because he felt that his golden finger had the characteristic of “self-obscurity,” which could help him shield himself from prying eyes and pollution, and he didn’t think the second and fifth dragons would pay attention to such a small person as himself.

  But the “good intentions” shown by the “Eye of Wisdom” made Abner less confident. Maybe the God of Knowledge and Wisdom could sense and control this path far beyond his imagination!

  ”Suppose he knew of my existence, but didn’t deal with me immediately, but let a believer indirectly ‘invest’ in me… Does this mean that he foresaw the changes brought about by my arrival in the world? Is there a positive meaning in the future? Well, at least this kind of change is beneficial to him! And the way he chose to help me is not too cryptic, is this ‘to leave a name for doing good deeds’?” Abner gradually calmed down and carefully analyzed the situation. But he didn’t dare to call Erwulong in his heart anymore, he only used ‘he’ to refer to him.

  ”All the gifts of fate have been secretly priced… I don’t know how to repay this ‘good intention’ in the future? I don’t think much about it. Even if I know this, I can’t change anything. If I refuse his good intentions, he will regard me as an enemy? Hey, sometimes it is not a good thing to know too many secrets. If you don’t understand anything, you can be a happy tool pawn… No, is it better to take these conjectures as scaring myself, and the truth may be that the ‘Eye of Wisdom’ has a sudden whim?”

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  After thinking through many things, Abner laughed at himself, looked up at the old man “Eye of Wisdom” who was still waiting for his answer, and took a deep breath. “I am willing to be your student, teacher. My name is Abner, Abner Brain.”

  After speaking, he took off his iron mask. Since he has become his teacher, his naturally have to show his true colors.

The old man “Eye of Wisdom” also seemed very happy to accept Abner as his student. He removed his mask, revealing his blue eyes and thin face. This elderly gentleman had gray temples and a commanding presence.

  ”My name is Isengard Stanton, a ‘Watcher’ of Sequence 7 and a believer in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. From today on, you will be my official student, and I will report to Renburg later to recommend you.” “The Eye of Wisdom”, also known as Mr. Isengard, introduced himself.

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  Abner was surprised at the simplicity of the process, but Isengard explained with a smile: “Our Church of Knowledge doesn’t have many complicated rules unless there is a special ceremony. Everyone will do their best to guide those who love knowledge and are willing to study hard. Plus, this is in Loen, in the territory of the tyrant, so we try to keep things simple.”

  Abner nodded in understanding, and then listened as Isengard continued to speak: “Starting tomorrow, you can move into my residence at 16 Gnall Street in Hillston. I will give you guidance in my spare time and you can also read my collection when I’m not working. In return, you will help me sort and analyze data to cover the cost of your board and lodging.”

  Abner couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at the lack of wages, but he quickly realized that it was better than being ashamed to eat steamed buns for free. He mentioned that he would go out in the morning to practice firearms and fighting, and was not surprised when Isengard approved of this.

  ”Very well, now go and bring that little girl back in. We’ll find out who cursed her and put a stop to it. As your teacher, it is my responsibility to solve the problems of my students.” Isengard stood up, tapping his cane with determination.

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  Abner was pleasantly surprised by his teacher’s willingness to help, and couldn’t help but think to himself “it’s good to have such a teacher.”

  Hugh quickly entered the room again, escorted by the waiter. Upon seeing the two men with their masks removed, she was clearly stunned and looked at Abner with some anxiety.

  ”I have become a student of Teacher Isengard!” Seeing that his teacher didn’t mind showing his true face in front of Hugh, Abner explained. “And he has promised to help us find out who cursed you.”

  Hugh pursed her lips at the news, feeling that she owed another favor, but she didn’t want to refuse. If they didn’t get rid of the person responsible as soon as possible, it could bring danger to Fors in the future. She didn’t want to hurt her friends again.

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  As a result, Hugh also removed her mask and sincerely thanked the two of them. “Thank you, Abner. Thank you, Mr. Wisdom Eye.” She thought that Abner had begged his teacher to help, so she thanked both of them.

  ”You’re welcome. Let’s get going right away! You just need to clarify the specifics of the situation on the way.” Detective Isengard waved his hand, ready to take action like a famous detective.

  Hugh and Abner glanced at each other and quickly followed Isengard, telling him what had happened and leading him to the subway station.

 In the subway station near the Holy Wind Cathedral, Isengard scanned the area with his keen eyes, searching for any trace of the person who had cursed Hugh. Using his knowledge and experience as a “Watcher” of Sequence 7, he was able to restore a torn badge in his mind screen through the observation and analysis of the curse power on Hugh. This ability, known as scene rewinding, was a spell-like ability of the “Keepers.”

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  ”It looks like that person suffered a backlash here. Hmm, the badge they used for the curse should be a level 3 sealed item… Your extraordinary item level is not low, Abner,” Isengard said with a half-smile. However, he had a lot of powerful items himself, so this comment was not meant to covet his student’s things, but rather to test Abner’s reaction.

  Abner awkwardly laughed and didn’t offer any explanation. His pure white eye was his biggest trump card, and he did not want to expose it unnecessarily.

  ”The traces of the operation have not been fully erased. It seems that this is not the work of a professional criminal… At least, not a professional criminal who has dealt with detectives. You two followed me here, so I can deduce that they are likely hiding nearby,” Isengard said, his keen mind quickly piecing together the clues.

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