Start with the Readers

Chapter 16.3

Suddenly, the man who appeared to be around 28 or 29 years old seemed to sense something amiss and stopped in his tracks, frowning in the direction of the shooting range. At that moment, a figure appeared by his side – a woman in a complex black court dress, wearing a matching small soft hat. It was the pretty young lady with golden hair and blue eyes that she had seen watching Abbner and Hugh leave through the window that morning.

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The man was not surprised by the ghostly appearance of the woman and calmly said, “Sharon, has someone else come here again? Should we move immediately?”

“No, it’s just someone irrelevant who came here to practice shooting quietly,” Sharon replied briefly.

The man nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, he brought up another matter: “There’s news about earlier. Gor and Lea have already been taken care of by the proxy punishers, only Jason managed to escape. He’s currently hiding in the south of the bridge or in the Jewood area to recover.”

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“Maric, we must find him as soon as possible, otherwise he will soon call on another group of people to track us down…” Sharon said tersely.

“Indeed, the act of engaging in a fight with the proxy punishers is ‘once bitten, twice shy’. They are not idiots, and although the proxy punishers are violent, they are not stupid either.” The man named Maric nodded.

“Can you even quote Russell?” Miss Sharon looked at him askance.

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Maric’s eye twitched and he said finally, “I can read too…”

On the morning of June 3rd, Abbner, having trained for an hour according to Hugh’s knightly exercise method wiped the sweat off his forehead and went straight to the small restaurant in the East District where he had agreed to meet Hugh yesterday. Hugh had concluded that Abbner didn’t need to go to the village every day for training after gauging his physical fitness and sense of shooting. It was enough to have a private lesson twice a week. Although Abbner suspected that this might be Miss Hugh’s excuse for not being able to provide bullets for daily practice – after all, she didn’t have anyone like Kline to reimburse expenses for her. Anyway, they agreed to visit the village only on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, and to meet at this small restaurant on other days if they had anything to discuss.

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As soon as he pushed open the door of the restaurant, Abbner saw the technician Mr. Lian, who he had met before, bowing respectfully to Miss Hugh and handing her a paper bag while showering her with words of flattery in a scarce manner. Miss Hugh seemed to have seen this scene many times before and only slightly loosened her imposing aura. The man across from her had no choice but to stop his flattering and obey Miss Hugh’s instructions before leaving the restaurant in awe and gratitude.

At this point, Hugh quietly breathed a sigh of relief, collected the paper bag and sat down opposite Abbner. “It looks like Mr. Lian’s issue has been resolved?” Abbner laughed after taking a sip of coffee.

“Yes, I went to see the ‘two-faced’ Rosen last night, and he cooperated with my persuasion. He exempted most of the unreasonable interests this morning,” Hugh said while ordering breakfast.

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Abbner couldn’t help but marvel in his heart that Hugh didn’t go to jail for this. But before he could say anything, Hugh brought up another matter: “By the way, a friend of mine wants to see you. Are you free at noon today?”

“Uh, why noon?” Abbner asked subconsciously. “Can’t it be now?”

“Because she might only be able to get up at noon… No, if it’s not necessary, she might not get up all day,” Hugh thought helplessly in her heart.

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