Chapter 8 Sequence Nine After the reader

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Left the apartment where the party was held, Abner, carrying 350 pounds, two copies of Extraordinary materials, and a handbag of learning materials, was not in a hurry to go home. Instead, after removing his disguise, he went to the Bridge District and made a detour before returning to the Bar of the Brave.

After finding Kaspers in the lounge, the other party greeted him with a smile and the first thing he said was: “Storm, I’m glad you’re still alive. It seems you didn’t mess with them.”

But Abner ignored his ridicule and interrupted directly: “Mr. Caspers, I still have a few things I need your help with.”

Kaspers also restrained his smile when he heard this and asked with a frown: “What’s the matter? But let’s get one thing straight, I feel that I have already paid off the favor I owe your father and I won’t be doing any more business with you at a discount.”

Abner, who was carrying hundreds of pounds, now had a much stiffer posture and simply nodded before saying: “Money is not a problem. There are three things, for now. First, I need a revolver or gun.”

Thinking about the powerlessness he felt when facing the extraordinary power earlier, even if the opponent had no malicious intentions, Abner was still desperately eager to have some means of self-protection. Even if it meant relying on external objects.

“Yes, three pounds. In addition, I’ll give you 50 rounds of ammunition and a gun bag,” Kaspers immediately quoted the price. He may have said there would be no discount, but it was still cheaper than selling it to someone else.

“Secondly, I hope you can introduce me to a shooting club. Is it possible to practice casual marksmanship even if I don’t know how to use a weapon?”

Kaspers nodded and quickly tore off a piece of paper from the notebook on the table. He scribbled a few lines and then handed it to Abner, saying: “Go to this address after nine o’clock tomorrow morning and find someone named Deve. He will take you there. By the way, I’d like to remind you that the annual fee for similar clubs is not cheap.”

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Abner took the note and looked at the address, which was located on Strand Street in St. George’s District. He recalled the location and realized it was quite remote, almost in the suburbs. Would he have to take the subway to practice shooting in the future?

Secretly pushing these chaotic thoughts out of his mind, Abner’s expression remained serious as he continued: “Third, I want to rent a laboratory with infrastructure equipment, and it would be best to have it now.”

Kaspers looked at Abner in surprise when he heard this. As someone who knew about Extraordinary people, he immediately guessed what the other party was planning to do and tried to persuade him: “Are you really in such a hurry? Can’t you prepare a little more?”

Abner nodded firmly and said, “Long nights and dreams!” Initially, he hadn’t been in such a hurry and had planned to borrow the public school’s laboratory to complete the potion the next day. However, the events of the night had touched him deeply and he felt that it was worth it to get the power to protect himself as soon as possible. In less than three days after crossing over, he had been directly or indirectly exposed to several extraordinary events. Although everything seemed fine at present, it was hard to say whether he would encounter real danger in the future.

Because of Emperor Roselle’s outstanding contribution, Kaspers understood the idiom “long nights and dreams”. He sighed and motioned for Abner to follow him while trying to persuade him again. “I once had a friend who told me that extraordinary people may seem beautiful, but they are actually just a group of poor people wandering on the edge of crisis…”

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“Thank you, Mr. Kaspers, I am very familiar with the risks of Extraordinary people, but I have to choose this path.” Abner followed the other party’s limping footsteps, and couldn’t help sighing secretly: The father of the original owner really made a good friend!

Kaspers stopped talking after hearing this, and led him out of the bar in silence, to a courtyard in the next street. He took out the key, opened the courtyard door, and walked in.

Abner looked around and found that this place was located on a street corner, covered by buildings on three sides, and the location was very hidden.

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“This is where a friend of mine lived before. The laboratory was not demolished when he moved out, so you can just borrow it. Anyway, everything belongs to him, so I won’t ask you for a fee. Well, you can temporarily live here for a while.” It’s late,” Kaspers said, turning around after opening the living room door.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Kaspers!” Abner thanked him sincerely. Without the help of the other party, he would not have had such convenient conditions now.

Kaspers waved his hand and said: “It’s just a deal, you should be careful! I’ll come back tomorrow morning to take you away, and bring the revolver you want by the way… If you still exist at that time…” Then, without waiting for Abner to reply, he left the yard directly.

It’s not so easy to lose control after drinking the Sequence 9 potion, right? Abner felt a little terrified by what he said, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow, and he would not back down even at this point.

After taking a deep breath, he turned on the switch of the gas lamp in the house. Clusters of flames ignited and quickly grew in size. The bright light first occupied the interior of several wall lamps, and then passed through the transparent glass, covering the room with a bright glow.

Using the light, Abner quickly found the laboratory of the former owner of the house. He started the ceremony without much rest, and created a ‘spiritual wall’ in the laboratory to avoid being disturbed during the preparation of the potion.

“Except for the pure water, all the auxiliary materials are carried with me. The main materials are currently placed in a tin box and do not need to be processed… All I have to do is distill pure water, grind the thread ball grass into powder, extract the juice of calamus, and put all the ingredients and stir them one by one?”

Although according to “Lord of the Mysteries”, the preparation of the potion of Sequence Nine is so simple, as long as the ingredients are put in according to the ratio, but Abner is still a little nervous. It took nearly half an hour to really prepare the medicine.

Looking at the blue viscous liquid that was hard to tell whether it was a cup or a piece, Abner swallowed hard, then he gritted his teeth, picked up the glass flask, tilted his neck, and drank the potion.

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grunt! grunt! The icy potion went all the way down the throat, with countless bubbles bursting all the time. Suddenly, a huge flow of information poured into my mind, turning into fireworks blooming one after another.

If a weak-willed person encounters this situation, they may lose control and become a monster on the spot!

Fortunately, Abner is not only quite strong-tempered, but also often realizes the feeling of this kind of information flow hitting his mind when using the “Pure White Eye”. The most difficult step compared to others.

But especially so, he still felt that his head was swelling, and there was a tendency to be cracked, and there were countless double images when he saw everything, and there were countless buzzing and roaring sounds in his ears.

Abner knew that the power of the potion could not be completely controlled, and it was caused by the spillover. He recalled the method that Old Neil taught Klein in the novel, and entered a state of meditation, only then did he get rid of the state of abnormal vision and hearing.

After a while, Abner woke up from his meditation. He clenched his fists and said to himself with some excitement: “I have finally become a Extraordinary!”

Then, he looked down at his body, but found nothing abnormal. However, his clear thinking ability told him that his concentration, memory, and even his comprehension ability had been significantly strengthened. Although he couldn’t compare with the state of ‘Pure White Eye’, he was still better than himself before drinking the potion. at least two or three times.

After calming down his excitement, Abner took out the blue gemstone contained in the iron cigarette case, and he planned to verify whether the pure white eyes had any improvement after becoming a “reader”.

The left and right eyes blinked four times quickly alternately (this is the hint action set by Abner to actively open the pure white eyes), and his pupils instantly turned pure white.

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Ten seconds later, as his eyes blinked again quickly, his pupils returned to the usual light blue color, but this time, he was just a little tired and didn’t intend to pass out.

“After becoming a Extraordinary, the use limit of the pure white eye has probably increased to about 15 seconds. And if it is closed within 10 seconds, it will not cause too much mental burden, but it cannot be opened continuously. According to my speculation, It should be at least two hours apart. Once the 15-second limit is used, or it is turned on continuously in a short period of time, there is a high probability that it will still fall into a coma for 6 hours! Well, this limit is not static, it should be related to the mental body and itself It is related to spirituality, with the digestion of the potion and the enhancement of spirituality, the use time of the pure white eye will gradually increase.”

“However, more importantly, after I became a ‘reader’, I can finally initially control Goldfinger. This control does not only refer to the switch, but also the behavior in the state of pure white eyes! Every time I turned it on before, In fact, it has been operating multi-threadedly. Not only is it recalling and understanding the books it has read, but it is also analyzing Extraordinary characteristics, analyzing and planning various information… This kind of computing power is too scattered and wasteful. I had no way before, but now, at least I can limit this kind of operation to a certain range! For example…”

Thinking of this, Abner opened the bag at hand, and took out the ancient Fusac language materials given by the old man “Eye of Wisdom”, and then blinked alternately, and entered the state of pure white eyes again! Only a few seconds later, Abner closed his eyes and fell on the prepared cushion. His last thought before passing out was: “My reasoning seems to be correct. Continuous opening will indeed lead to forced coma…”


At the same time, in a worker’s bar near the dock area, Hugh and a man in his thirties were sitting opposite each other in the corner. Amidst the din of the bar, Hugh seemed to ask some question that made the latter quite agitated. He pounded the table with his fist and said in a hateful voice:

“You asked why the boss kicked me out, and instead hired that guy called Shik’s little boy? Can you believe it? I still want to know! Can you imagine? That person just met the boss, talked to the boss for less than 10 minutes, and gained the boss’s full trust! Even people older than us have to work hard to earn the boss’s trust, but this little kid just waltzes in and gets it easily! You must know that Boss Rosen is a suspicious person, and he doesn’t trust any strangers at all! If the boss was normal in other respects, I would suspect that he was transferred by that little boy!”


If you find any mistakes comment below so I can correct that.

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