Chapter 1: 01. This Person Has a Sense of Familiarity.

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All the magnolia trees in the urban were awoken, Their petals unfurling like white sails. The city streets were transformed, Awash in their pristine light. 


The air was filled with their sweet fragrance, A welcome respite from the city's din. The magnolias stood like sentinels, Guarding the city from the darkness. 

A sleek black commercial vehicle drove through the city streets, eventually entering the premises of "Xiangyue Communication". The vehicle came to a slow stop in front of the office building. 

The driver informed, "Mr. Xiang, we have arrived at the company." 

Xiang Mingzhang opened his eyes and pressed his knuckles against the center of his brows, suppressing his fatigue. Earlier in the day, he had attended a prolonged round table meeting held by the Municipal Information Department, leaving him in need of a brief respite during his journey. 

Furthermore, keeping with the ethos of simplicity, Xiang Mingzhang chose not to bring any assistants with him to the meeting. He disembarked from the car alone, carrying a weighty information booklet and laptop. 

Upon returning to his office, it took no more than two minutes for his secretary to bring him a cup of coffee. As he perused the meeting materials, Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "Are the sales and pre-sales managers present?" 

The secretary promptly replied, "Yes, they are all here." 

Glancing at his watch, Xiang Mingzhang asserted, "Let them know we will be holding a meeting in fifteen minutes. Ask them to proceed to the R&D center and summon the engineer supervisor." 

The secretary offered a reminder, "Mr. Xiang, time is running thin. We are scheduled to depart for Yaxiwan later and finalize the contract with Yisi tonight." 

Finally lifting his gaze, Xiang Mingzhang realized that the acquisition of equity was not an insignificant matter. He had inadvertently forgotten about it, a lapse that could only be attributed to the incessant pestering from the party with whom the contract was to be signed. 

"Yisi Technology" had once held a prominent position within the industry. However, following the demise of its founder, Chu Zhe, four years ago, internal factional disputes plagued the company. This internal strife led to the departure of several executives, a loss of clientele, and a severe decline in performance and reputation. 

Chu Zhe's shares had been left to his son and daughter, with the daughter still completing her studies. Consequently, their influence alone was not enough to bring about positive changes. His son, Chu Zhichen, was a mentally disabled heir to immense wealth, indulging in a debauched and destructive lifestyle fueled by food, drink, promiscuity, gambling, and vice. 

Chu Zhichen may have been the eldest son, but he was an incompetent heir. Year after year, the company's revenue continued to dwindle, and yet he remained resistant to change. Instead, he resorted to tantrums, disturbances, and even attempts at self-harm. He coerced Mrs. Chu into selling their shares to invest in a venture with his friends. 

Recognizing that Yisi could potentially be saved despite its feeble state, Xiang Mingzhang extended an olive branch. The Xiang and Chu families had been close friends for many years, and although their connection had waned following Chu's passing, a bond remained. Xiang Mingzhang's offer was exceedingly generous, prompting both parties to reach an agreement. 


From the initial contact to subsequent negotiations, the Chu family had entrusted their lawyers with full authority over the proceedings. However, just as the contract signing ceremony was about to take place, Chu Zhichen suddenly went off the rails. He insisted on hosting the signing party aboard a yacht. 

With no time to spare for a night adrift at sea and little interest in indulging in the entertainment provided by Chu Zhichen, Xiang Mingzhang did not take the invitation seriously. 

After careful consideration, he instructed his secretary to summon Peng Xin. 

Peng Xin, director of the sales department and a trusted confidant of Xiang Mingzhang, possessed considerable experience and networking skills. 

Upon entering the office, Peng Xin inquired, "Mr. Xiang, did you need something from me?" 

Xiang Mingzhang stated, "You will be signing the contract with Yisi tonight. I need you to go in my place." 

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Having just completed a project, causing him to shed seven kilograms in weight, Peng Xin was in desperate need of a vacation to recharge. He had originally booked a flight to Santorini for tonight. 

As he licked his lips, he replied without hesitation, "Noted, I will take care of it. Should I communicate with Yisi in advance?" 


"No need," Xiang Mingzhang replied in a composed tone. "The appropriate team has already been negotiated, so you can proceed with the matter." 

Peng Xin nodded, having heard rumors about Chu Zhichen's extravagant lifestyle. It was likely that the party would be anything but simple and wholesome. With his vacation postponed, he might as well consider it a little appetizer for the night. 


Seeing through Peng Xin's thoughts, Xiang Mingzhang remarked, "If you neglect your duties because of personal matters, there will be no need for a vacation." 

"Don't worry, I won't let my business suffer," Peng Xin replied with a smile. "Once Xiang Yue becomes a major shareholder of Yisi, it will be worth celebrating." 

In the evening, the company arranged a car to transport Peng Xin and his team to Yaxi Bay. 

With the arrival of spring, the city was transformed. The riverside and coast became increasingly bustling, as the luxury yachts that had been docked privately throughout the winter were now ready to set sail. 

The wealthy owners of these yachts eagerly awaited the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather and clear skies, and they spared no expense in preparing their vessels for their maiden voyages. 


Chu Zhichen's yacht had been prepared a week in advance. The yachts were scrubbed and polished, the sails were unfurled, and the engines were revved up. Fresh ingredients and top-notch foreign wines had been flown in. The crew, private chefs, and waitstaff were all in place. As night fell, a band arrived to provide entertainment, accompanied by a dozen or so models and internet celebrities to add to the excitement. 

Soon, the harbor was filled with the sound of boat horns and the sight of white sails billowing in the wind. The city was alive with excitement, and the sense of anticipation was palpable. 


Venturing out to sea on a spring night was truly enchanting. 

Xiang Mingzhang, who was initially supposed to attend the party, remained at the company for a meeting. The round table discussion during the day focused on the "disaster recovery system." With new needs and directions emerging, major companies and manufacturers needed to communicate promptly. 

By the time he arrived home, it was nearly early morning. Xiang Mingzhang typically resided alone in a hotel-style apartment. Despite the high cost of the land, the presence of luxury stores downstairs prevented any feelings of loneliness. 


After taking a shower, Xiang Mingzhang stepped out, his upper body still damp and glistening. The water droplets clung to his skin like diamonds, highlighting his well-defined muscles. He took a deep breath, savoring the feeling of being refreshed and clean. 

It had become his habit to drink a glass of cold water to cool down, allowing him to attain a deeper sleep when he settled into bed. 

Considering that there would likely be no signal at sea, he hadn't received any updates on whether Peng Xin had completed the contract before taking a break. 

However, his phone suddenly began vibrating incessantly at midnight. 

Xiang Mingzhang quickly woke up, knowing that his sleep wouldn't be disturbed without a significant reason. He answered the call and asked directly, "What's the matter?" 

The secretary urgently relayed the information, "Mr. Xiang, something terrible has happened. Chu Zhichen's yacht exploded at sea!" 

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A bolt of lightning seemed to strike the ground as Xiang Mingzhang instantly awakened, his heart sinking. "What about Xiang Yue's team?" he asked. 


The secretary responded, "We don't have specific details yet. Chaos reigns at Yisi's location, and it's difficult to contact the person in charge. All the rescued individuals have been taken to the hospital. I'm on my way there!" 

Xiang Mingzhang swiftly got out of bed, quickly dressed, and made a mental calculation. He instructed, "Put the negotiations with Yisi on hold for now. First, confirm Peng Xin's safety." 

After ending the call, Xiang Mingzhang hurriedly changed his clothes and headed out. 

Upon arriving at the hospital, he encountered a blockade at the entrance, as the search and rescue efforts were still ongoing. Ambulances continuously shuttled back and forth, keeping the emergency center in a constant state of busyness. 

Xiang Mingzhang, wearing a knee-length windbreaker, strode forward. The hem of his coat danced in the wind as his short hair became slightly disheveled. However, his expression remained calm from start to finish. 


He approached the front desk to inquire about the medical records. Fortunately, all five individuals from Peng Xin's team had been rescued and were receiving treatment in the hospital. 

One member of the team was in the intensive care unit, with two others currently unconscious but in stable condition. The remaining two were unharmed. 

In the ward on the eighth floor, Peng Xin lay on the bed, receiving intravenous fluids. Still in shock, he trembled when he heard the door open. Xiang Mingzhang's generous salary had instilled a sense of loyalty in him, and he harbored no expectations of receiving any special care. Thus, he was taken aback to see Xiang Mingzhang appearing in the middle of the night. 

"Ah..." Peng Xin stammered, "Mr. Xiang, why did you come here personally?" 

Xiang Mingzhang glanced at the others in the room and realized the gravity of the situation. With one team member's life hanging in the balance, his mood was naturally tense. He replied, "Do you think I can still sleep at a time like this?" 

Peng Xin found himself in a state of shock. It was his first time going out to sea on a luxury yacht, and he had narrowly escaped death... Everyone had been enjoying themselves when suddenly, the tail of the yacht caught fire. Fortunately, the fire had almost extinguished itself before the explosion occurred. 

Filled with regret, Peng Xin sighed, "I'm such a fool for saying I'd jump into the sea if I delayed my business." 

Xiang Mingzhang reassured him, "You took the risk for me. Rest well. The sales department would be at a loss without your sharp tongue." 

"You value me so much, it makes it worthwhile for me to have risked my life," Peng Xin straightened up and retrieved a briefcase from under the pillow. "Regardless, I will fulfill my mission tonight, and the purchase contract is all in here." 

With one hand, Xiang Mingzhang took the briefcase and pressed his other hand on Peng Xin's shoulder. 

At that moment, the secretary rushed over. He hadn't expected Xiang Mingzhang to come to the hospital and hurriedly explained, "Mr. Xiang, Yisi's staff are all on the ninth floor. The person in charge asked me to gather information, and that took up some of my time." 

Xiang Mingzhang fixed his gaze on the secretary and asked, "Have you finished with your conversation?" 

With sweaty palms, the secretary replied, "I will handle it immediately." 

Xiang Mingzhang instructed, "Contact the family members of our employees, and ensure they are comforted. Call the lawyer and the director of the security department to discuss the compensation plan. Assess the conditions of the hospital, verify the qualifications of the doctors, and arrange for professional nurses to be present as soon as possible." 


The secretary nodded repeatedly, "Understood, I will remember." 

"There is no need," Xiang Mingzhang added, "Tell the assistant to take over. You can leave work now." 

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The secretary pleaded urgently, "Mr. Xiang, let me handle it!" 

"Oh, right." Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "I've been in conversation with Yisi for so long. What's happening upstairs?" 

The secretary looked embarrassed as he responded, "The doctor said that Chu Zhichen is likely in critical condition." 

Upon learning about the incident, Xiang Mingzhang's primary concern had been the safety of his subordinates and the acquisition contract. As for Chu Zhichen's life or death, it held little significance to him. 

However, given the existing ties between the two families, etiquette dictated that he must pay a visit. After all, one cannot avoid attending a funeral when someone passes away. 


Xiang Mingzhang made his way upstairs, finding the corridor outside the ward crowded with people. Youyisi's senior management, along with some relatives and elders of the Chu family, were gathered in the waiting area. Additionally, a team of lawyers had been assembled. 

Awakening from their sleep, albeit sluggishly, the presence of Xiang Mingzhang stirred everyone's nerves, causing them to turn their gazes toward him. 


Without glancing sideways, Xiang Mingzhang walked straight to the door and knocked. 

Inside the ward, Mrs. Chu's eyes were swollen from crying, and her long hair cascaded on her chest. Her daughter, Chu Shihui, provided support while maintaining a relatively indifferent expression. 

A middle-aged man approached; he was well-maintained and appeared to be around fifty years old. This was Li Zangqiu, the chief operating officer who effectively managed Yisi's operations following Chu Zhe's passing. Accompanying Chu Shihui was Li Zangqiu's only son, Li Hang. 

Although Xiang Mingzhang was only 33 years old, it was Li Zangqiu who spoke first, "Boss Xiang, please come in. I apologize for disturbing you so late." 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "Let me see if I can be of assistance." 

Mrs. Chu realized his presence and her tear-filled eyes dimmed, "Mingzhang..." 

Xiang Mingzhang offered comfort, "Auntie, you must take care of your health." 

Mrs. Chu shook her head, "I just want Xiao Chen to wake up..." Before she could finish her sentence, she was overwhelmed by sobs and collapsed into Chu Shihui's arms. 

Speaking softly, Li Zangqiu shared, "The rescue came too late. The doctor has said that the chances of Xiao Chen waking up are very slim. The family needs to be prepared." 

Chu Shihui became slightly agitated, "Mom, did you hear that? What good does crying do?" 

Mrs. Chu exclaimed, "What preparations are you talking about? Xiao Chen will wake up any moment now. What preparations should I be making?!" 

Observing the situation, Li Zangqiu took charge and turned to his son, saying, "Li Heng, take care of the preparations." 

This was about the arrangements for the funeral. 

As Li Heng left, a steady stream of people began entering the ward, waiting for the final journey. Mrs. Chu was completely devastated, her cries seemingly endless. 

Xiang Mingzhang found himself trapped in the ward, unable to leave. He had witnessed enough of people's feigned grief and turned his attention towards the inner treatment room. 

A window separated the room, allowing for easy observation of the hospital bed, but the shutters were partially closed, blocking Chu Zhichen's face. 

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Mrs. Chu, exhausted from crying, covered her mouth and transitioned from wails to sobs. She caught sight of Xiang Mingzhang alone, facing the treatment room, and stepped forward, saying, "Mingzhang, if you want to see him, you can go in." 

Xiang Mingzhang had no intention of doing so. He believed it would be inconsiderate to disturb Chu Zhichen and replied, "I'm afraid of causing any disruption." 

Mrs. Chu choked back sobs and said, "It's alright. Perhaps this may be the last time we see each other. Please say goodbye to Xiaochen." 

Xiang Mingzhang reluctantly agreed, "...alright." 

Upon entering the treatment room, the door closed, muffling the outside noise. Xiang Mingzhang walked slowly towards the hospital bed, his hands tucked into the pockets of his windbreaker. 

In truth, his interactions with Chu Zhichen had been few and far between. The earliest memory he had was of a teenage Chu Zhichen who hadn't yet matured, able to discern that his facial features were pleasant. 

The last encounter had been four years ago, at Chu Zhe's funeral. Chu Zhichen had dyed his hair a purple-red shade, standing out amidst mourners dressed in black, like a dragon fruit growing amidst dark soil. A closer look revealed a slightly gloomy and vain expression on Chu Zhichen's face, uncharacteristic of a young man. 

Regarding clothing, Chu Zhichen had always been timid, and if he were to pass away, finding a suitable set of clothes for burial would prove difficult. 

In short, years of corrupt and indulgent habits, coupled with poor aesthetics and an ignorant temperament, had long marred his once naturally good complexion. 

After spending a night in the sea, Xiang Mingzhang hesitated to look directly at the other party. 

However, as he approached the bed and lifted his gaze, a sudden halt occurred. 

"Chu Zhichen" lay on the hospital bed, his face clean, with black hair cascading over his forehead like a handful of dark clouds partially obscuring his sculpted eyebrows. His eyes were closed, his long eyelashes resting quietly, and his skin, pale from being soaked in cold water, appeared cold and moist. Only the shallow eye sockets were reddened by the sea water's irritation. 

The neckline of his hospital gown was slightly open, revealing a scratch on the side of his neck, covered by gauze. With his left hand pressed against his chest, it seemed as though he was praying close to his heart. 

It was a beautiful hand, bearing an antique signet ring with a silver background adorned with blue onyx, featuring an intaglio of an eagle clutching a bay leaf. 

This person felt so familiar, yet Xiang Mingzhang had never met him before. 

For a moment, Xiang Mingzhang was unexpectedly stunned. As he regained his composure, the stillness of the hospital bed persisted, with not even the sound of breathing audible. He wondered if the other party would make it until dawn. 

When a person nears death, it is customary to bid farewell. 

Listening to the faint cries outside, Xiang Mingzhang thought of a pair of elegiac couplets that would be fitting, recalling the various occasions involving the Chu family in recent years. Offering Chu Zhichen a eulogy would serve as a testament to him. 

"Poor parents with white hair, adopting a clever yet unfortunate son," Xiang Mingzhang spoke in a composed manner. "Since ancient times, death has been an inevitable occurrence, causing great sorrow akin to that of a king's fall." 

Dawn was approaching. 

The handsome face stirred slightly, slowly opening his eyes. 


The author has something to say: 

Hello everyone! The elegiac couplets are from "Yinglian Conghua" 


[T/N: The elegiac couplets are from Yinglian Conghua (詠蓮叢話), a collection of poems by the Chinese poet Li Qingzhao (李清照, 1084-1155). The elegiac couplet is often used to express grief, loss, and longing. In Yinglian Conghua, Li Qingzhao uses the elegiac couplet to express her grief over the loss of her husband, Zhao Mingcheng (趙明誠), who died in 1129. The poems in Yinglian Conghua are also a testament to Li Qingzhao's love for her husband and her deep sorrow at his death.] 

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