Chapter 4: 04. Are You Sizing Me Up?

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On Saturday morning, preparations for the gathering were in full swing. The garden had been watered the night before, and the lawn had been meticulously mowed and edged in the early hours of the morning. The tables and chairs had been set up on the patio, and the food and drinks were already being prepared. 

Mrs. Chu busily attended to the meal arrangements, carefully selecting the tableware and arranging them on the long table for over an hour. 

The Chu family had indeed been remiss in their invitation to Xiang Mingzhang, and this meal served as a gesture of goodwill. Additionally, it was an opportunity to express appreciation to Li Zangqiu, Yisi, and several other executives for their hard work in recent times. 

Furthermore, since Xiang Yue would become a major shareholder of Yisi in the future, it wouldn't hurt to provide an occasion for both parties to socialize before formal contact. 

Satisfied with her preparations, Mrs. Chu debated momentarily between using gold or silver candlesticks before using the remaining time to groom herself. She inquired, "Has Xiao Chen woken up yet?" 

"He woke up early," Aunt Tang replied in a hushed voice while arranging flowers. "It's peculiar after returning from the hospital. He wakes up at six o'clock every day to read. Guess what he was reading yesterday? 'Economic Law'!" 

Mrs. Chu exclaimed in alarm, "He won't be plotting something again, will he?" 

Aunt Tang promptly reassured her, "Oh, heavens no! Let's think positively. Perhaps he has turned over a new leaf." 

Upstairs in the guest room, Shen Ruozhen closed the weighty law book. It was almost time for the gathering, so he got up and headed to the bathroom for a bath. 

Over the past few days, Aunt Tang and Sister Xiu had diligently taken care of him, repeatedly asking throughout the day, "Would you like something to eat?" or "Would you like something to drink?" 

The only request he had made was for clothes. In the past, on the third day of every month, a tailor would visit the Shen mansion to take measurements, and the clothes would be delivered once they were tailored. Shen Ruozhen never had to worry about such matters. 

He had written down his body measurements on a piece of paper and handed it to Aunt Tang, instructing her to find a tailor and order a few suits. 

Aunt Tang glanced at the detailed measurements and remarked, "Oh, this is incredibly precise." 

Unaware of what modern clothing stores were like, Shen Ruozhen meticulously accounted for every detail: five dimensions, three lengths, and one width. Different fabrics possessed different textures, degrees of hardness, and thicknesses, so it was crucial that the sizing be perfect to ensure a flattering fit. 

Aunt Tang compared the height on the paper to his actual height, observing him from head to toe, and commented, "I thought you had grown a little taller that day. I assumed it was just my imagination, but it turns out you really have grown three centimeters taller." 

Shen Ruozhen calmly responded, "It seems I misled you with incorrect measurements." 

"It would have fooled anyone," Aunt Tang chuckled. "Is there anything else you need? I'll take care of it when I go out. This room is quite plain. Perhaps you have some additional requests?" 

Shen Ruozhen requested a small incense burner as he enjoyed burning incense to help him sleep. The other item he desired was books. 

After taking a bath, with his hair still damp, Shen Ruozhen carefully styled it. Having left his freshly ironed clothes hanging overnight, he now took them off and began putting them on one by one. 

As he buttoned the final button, Shen Ruozhen stood before the mirror, lifting his hand to touch the suit pocket on his chest, only to find it empty. He had forgotten that he had lost his pocket watch. 

Naturally, the antique coins in his suitcase and the wax seal of the president were also lost, sinking to the depths of the sea, making them difficult to retrieve. 

With closed eyes, Shen Ruozhen lowered his head gradually, letting go of the most important possessions to him. 

At that moment, Mrs. Chu's voice called out, "Xiaochen," from downstairs. 

Shen Ruozhen felt a jolt, opened his eyes, and once again looked at his reflection in the mirror. 

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The melancholy he had felt earlier dissipated, replaced by a calm and dignified expression. It was not the time to dwell on external matters, nor to be hindered by memories of the past. 

He stared at himself, at the face resembling Chu Zhichen. 

For now, he wished to temporarily conceal everything connected to the past, including the name "Shen Ruozhen." 

Taking a deep breath, he silently bid farewell. 

Making his way down the stairs, Mrs. Chu, wearing a sleeveless dress despite the chill, knocked on the door with determination. "Xiaochen, are you ready?" 

After smoothing the lapel collar of his jacket, Chu Zhichen's expression returned to a state of tranquility. He walked over to open the door, and upon facing Mrs. Chu, he delicately pressed his moist, thin lips together and addressed her, "—Mom." 

Mrs. Chu was momentarily taken aback, inexplicably flustered as she responded, "Oh... Mom isn't used to seeing you so handsome in a formal suit." 

Chu Zhichen descended the stairs to lend a hand, and not long after, Yisi's general manager and two directors arrived. 

Within a few minutes, Li Zangqiu also appeared, dressed in a light-colored sweater that made him appear more amiable than usual. 

Chu Zhichen had never had the chance to converse with Li Zangqiu. Holding two glasses of champagne, he took the initiative to approach and greet him, saying, "Uncle Li, would you like a drink?" 

Li Zangqiu smiled and replied, "Thank you. I'm not late, am I?" 

"You arrived a few minutes early," Chu Zhichen assured him. 

As Li Zangqiu scanned the room while sipping his champagne, he remarked, "It seems the important figures have yet to arrive." 

Aside from Xiang Mingzhang, there was no guest more significant than Li Zangqiu present. Considering his age and the fact that Yisi held a monopoly over power, it was evident that he wouldn't willingly allow himself to be overshadowed in the future. 

Chu Zhichen reassured him, "Uncle Li, no one can replace your position in Yisi." 

Li Zangqiu, who possessed a keen sense of reality, responded in a sober manner, "But it will be at risk." 

Finishing his champagne, he continued, "Well, it's all just a hollow title. I'll be retiring soon. However, Shi Chen, I strongly objected to you selling off your shares. Your father left behind a talisman for the three of you. You're still too young to understand, but once you sell them, you'll have no connection left with Yisi." 

Confused, Chu Zhichen could only express, "I realize I've come to this realization too late. I hope there's still a chance to rectify it." 

Li Zangqiu let out a sigh and then smiled, remarking, "It's good that you acknowledge your mistakes. Your mother did mention that you've changed quite a bit. It appears she hasn't been biased with her assessment." 

Chu Zhichen fell silent, urging, "I hope Uncle Li can offer me guidance." 

Li Zangqiu sincerely replied, "It's not about teaching, but rather delivering honest and harsh words. That is, as long as you're willing to listen." 

Sensing that Li Zangqiu was concealing something, Chu Zhichen responded in a hushed tone, "Uncle Li, I'm all ears." 

Lowering his voice, Li Zangqiu cautioned, "The future of the company is already a foregone conclusion. Selling it to Xiang Yue may be seen as joining a good family, but don't be foolish when it comes to Xiang Mingzhang—" 

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a car horn outside the gate, indicating the arrival of another guest. 

Xiang Mingzhang stepped out of the car and instructed the driver to retrieve the gifts. It had to be admitted that the Chu family's garden was truly beautiful, far more inviting than his own apartment. 

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Striding with his long legs, Xiang Mingzhang admired the surroundings as he made his way to the front courtyard, where Chu Zhichen happened to come out to greet him. 

Under the sunlight, Chu Zhichen wore an elegant black suit that stood out amidst the blossoming flowers. His perfectly styled hair revealed his well-groomed eyebrows and displayed his well-conditioned complexion. The blue agate ring on his finger seemed to reflect the brilliance of a gemstone. 

Xiang Mingzhang only stood still. Following their significant exchange of text messages, he was extremely curious about Chu Zhichen's demeanor upon meeting him today. 

Chu Zhichen descended the steps, extended his right hand, and said, "Mr. Xiang, it's been a while." 

Xiang Mingzhang reciprocated with a strong grip, almost enveloping Chu Zhichen's fingertips, and commented, "Your hand feels a bit cold. Has your health not fully recovered?" 

"Thank you for your concern. It's just that the champagne glass was chilled," Chu Zhichen explained. He then asked, "Do you enjoy drinking champagne, Mr. Xiang?" 

Xiang Mingzhang's gentlemanly demeanor was short-lived, as he reverted back to his old ways, displaying an arrogant and provoking attitude. He remarked, "I didn't attend the signing party and now I wanted to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate on a different occasion. There shouldn't be any issues today." 

Chu Zhichen chose not to argue with the other guests and instead guided Xiang Mingzhang into the villa. Li Zangqiu and the others approached each other to exchange greetings, and on the surface, everyone engaged in cheerful conversation. 

The meal was delightful, and the discussions continued. Xiang Mingzhang chatted back and forth with several individuals from Yisi. 

Curiosity piqued within Chu Zhichen as he listened attentively to their conversation, eager to understand the project they were discussing. Occasionally, Xiang Mingzhang would glance over and ask, feigning consideration, "Should we slow down our conversation?" 

"You may proceed as you wish," Chu Zhichen generously replied without shame or annoyance. "Feel free to savor your wine so as not to become intoxicated." 

A narrow golf course had been constructed in the backyard. After dinner, Mrs. Chu extended an invitation to everyone to enjoy some tea and play golf, allowing for both enjoyment and digestion. 


Leaning back in his chair, Xiang Mingzhang took a moment to cool down his cup of black tea. Reluctant to interrupt the conversation, he raised his head and requested Chu Zhichen's assistance, saying, "Please help me choose a club." 

It was the first time Chu Zhichen had been asked to perform such a task, essentially acting as a caddy. He responded, "It seems that this tea is quite remarkable, Mr. Xiang is unable to resist its allure." 

"Yes, it is remarkably fragrant." 

Xiang Mingzhang awaited Chu Zhichen's selection of the club. After setting down his cup, he rose from his seat and prepared to take a swing. 

Mrs. Chu suggested, "Xiaochen, would you like to join us and play together?" 

Chu Zhichen wasn't interested. 

Li Zangqiu interjected, "He was recently discharged from the hospital, so it would be better to engage in physical activity a few days later." 

Mrs. Chu remarked, "He's a young man after all, so he's recovering quite well." 

Upon finishing his turn, Li Zangqiu wiped away his sweat and approached, asking, "So, what are your plans for the future?" 

All eyes were on Chu Zhichen, except for Xiang Mingzhang. 

Initially, Chu Zhichen had claimed that he wished to invest abroad, yet nobody knew what he intended to invest in. The elders were aware that this was all a ruse, and the reality was that he was squandering his fortune. 

Mrs. Chu had just experienced a few days of comfort and didn't want her son to achieve success, fearing that he may become distant once again. 

Xiang Mingzhang lowered his head, studying the cue brand, displaying little concern. He had already fulfilled his financial obligations to the Chu family, so how the young master Chu chose to spend his money was of no concern to him. 

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Besides, this young master had no intention of joining the company. 

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhichen declared, "I hope to work for the company." 

Xiang Mingzhang: "..." 

Initially, everyone was shocked into silence. The general manager's shot nearly struck a tree. 

Mrs. Chu's mouth hung open wide as she exclaimed, "Xiaochen, are you joking with us?" 


Having deeply contemplated the matter, Chu Zhichen concluded that the best way to integrate into society was through employment. He didn't wish to lead an aimless life, so he wanted to try his luck in the new era, hoping to achieve something significant. 

Moreover, there was an important underlying reason—though the Chu family appeared wealthy, they were merely living off their assets. As someone bearing the name "Chu Zhichen," he felt a responsibility to contribute to the family's prosperity. 

After expressing his intentions, Chu Zhichen turned to Li Zangqiu and asked, "Uncle Li, do you support me?" 

Li Zangqiu responded, "Yisi will be under Xiang Yue's management in the future. If you wish to join the company, you must seek Mr. Xiang's opinion." 

Xiang Mingzhang raised his head stylishly, privately amused by the fact that Li Zangqiu, an experienced person, had just passed the ball to him with one sentence. 

What a humorous situation—Li Zangqiu had treated the company as his personal treasury for twenty-seven years, prioritizing spending over earning. Yet now that he had sold it, he suddenly wanted to change his tune? 

Employed? It was likely just for show. 

Xiang Mingzhang remarked, "Take care of your health first. Everything else can be negotiated." 


Once the game concluded, everyone prepared to depart. Mrs. Chu invited Xiang Mingzhang to a private chamber and presented him with two exquisite gift bags. Upon learning that Xiang Mingzhang praised the delectable black tea, she had made some as a gesture of appreciation. 

Xiang Mingzhang didn't accept the gift without question, instead reaching out to touch the silk bow on the bag, anticipating the next words. 

Mrs. Chu was truly perplexed by Chu Zhichen's sudden change of heart, and she was willing to fight for his inclusion in the company, even if it meant losing face. 

Blushing, she pleaded, "Mingzhang, can you allow Xiaochen to join the company? He has transformed his demeanor tremendously, and he is obedient, ensuring he won't cause any trouble for you." 

Xiang Mingzhang calmly responded, "Auntie, being well-behaved is not enough for an employee. They must also be capable of completing tasks." 


Mrs. Chu proposed, "Give him some work to do, and I will personally cover his salary. You don't need to add him to the official records or anything, he can simply work as a temporary employee." 

Xiang Mingzhang still hesitated, saying, "The company is not a playground. I understand your love for your son, but Xiang Yue's employment system is transparent and fair. What will the other employees think?" 


Feeling ashamed, Mrs. Chu suggested, "Why don't we have one of Yisi's acquaintances bring him along?" 

Xiang Mingzhang dodged the situation, refusing to accept the black tea, stating, "It's too much for me. I won't be able to finish it." 

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Mrs. Chu explained, "There are two portions, one for you to keep and one for your mother to taste." 

Xiang Mingzhang's expression softened slightly, his eyes revealing a hint of warmth as he finally accepted the gift bag. Just as his chauffeured car arrived, he bid farewell and left. 

In the garden, tired from the game of golf, Li Zangqiu didn't wait for his car and instead ordered the Chu family's driver to start the car. Without saying a word, he got inside and drove away. 

Observing Li Zangqiu's departure, Xiang Mingzhang pondered over the fact that the Chu family had relied on Li for a long time. If an outsider were appointed as the family's leader, how would the late Mr. Chu feels about it? 

Chu Zhichen, who had witnessed everything from behind, had cold eyes. 

Lightly coughing and approaching, Chu Zhichen spoke, "Mr. Xiang, allow me to see you off." 

Descending the steps, Xiang Mingzhang shook the gift bag in his hand and remarked, "Mrs. Chu went out of her way to give gifts just to please you. It makes me feel sorry for all the parents in the world." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "So, did you agree?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "If you desire assistance, you must personally make a sincere request." 


With a quick movement, Chu Zhichen blocked Xiang Mingzhang's path. A businessman values profit, and without profit, any request would be futile. He stated, "Mr. Xiang, do you think the employees of Yisi will listen to you or to Li Zangqiu?" 

The sun blazed brightly, causing Xiang Mingzhang to narrow his eyes. The transition between the two entities was imminent. While protocols were important, human relationships mattered just as much. It was still uncertain which individuals within both groups were truly supportive and capable. 


Chu Zhichen held no equity, and thus, no one feared him. As the son of the Chu family, others were naturally inclined to show kindness, making it much more convenient for him to achieve certain goals. 

Furthermore, with Chu Zhichen securing a position under Li Zangqiu's guidance, the support of Xiang Yue would undoubtedly be the greatest assistance he could receive. 

Xiang Mingzhang disliked playing games, affirming, "If there is mutual benefit, you must also possess the necessary abilities." 

Recognizing that Xiang Mingzhang was tempted, Chu Zhichen responded, "You might as well give it a try and allow me to contribute to the family. After all, you have nothing to lose." 

Xiang Mingzhang questioned, "So, you are determined to set off on this journey?" 

Chu Zhichen smiled slightly, declaring, "If you believe I am merely joking, you wouldn't have come here today." 

Staring at him intently, Xiang Mingzhang probed, "Are you trying to manipulate me?" 

"No," Chu Zhichen answered, having said what he needed to say, he returned to the beginning of the conversation and earnestly pleaded, "I am begging you." 

Xiang Mingzhang's eyes traced the smooth, unmarked skin of Chu Zhichen's neck, where the abrasions had once been. The skin was a pale ivory, unblemished save for a few faint scars. His Adam's apple bobbed slightly, but whether it was from stiffness, anxiety, or calmness, Xiang Mingzhang could not tell. 

He reached out and gently touched Chu Zhichen's neck, tracing the line of the scars with his fingertips. Chu Zhichen flinched slightly, but did not pull away. Xiang Mingzhang could feel the heat radiating from Chu Zhichen's skin, and he could see the pulse beating in his throat. 


Chu Zhichen allowed himself to be watched, his expression giving nothing away. 

After a long silence, Xiang Mingzhang closed his eyes and said, "Call me at Xiang Yue at nine o'clock on Monday." 

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