Chapter 9: 09. Chu Zhichen's Sweaty Palms Betrayed Him.

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The chair beside Chu Zhichen had remained vacant for the past week. He believed it was a deliberate arrangement by the company to encourage his "independence," so he didn't think much of it. 

As he exited Xiang Mingzhang's office, he suddenly noticed a backpack resting on the empty desk. 

A young man returned from the tea room, his tall stature apparent with broad shoulders and long legs strode confidently into the sales department. 

His open denim shirt rippled in the breeze. The shirt was faded and well-worn, but it fit him perfectly, hugging his muscular frame. Underneath, he wore a simple white T-shirt. His feet were shod in a pair of canvas sneakers, which were a bit scuffed but still looked comfortable. 

The young man, sees Chu Zhichen in his starkly contrasting outfit consisting of a pristine white shirt. The white shirt was so clean and crisp that it seemed to glow in the sunlight. The flat collar gave Chu Zhichen's neck a long and elegant appearance. 

The trousers were a dark gray color and were tailored to fit Chu Zhichen's body perfectly. They were so well-fitting that they seemed to be painted on. 

He was taken aback. "Are you a new colleague?" he asked. 

Chu Zhichen replied, "Hello, I'm Chu Zhichen. I started last week." 

The young man introduced himself as Ling Qi. 

Having just finished his probation period, Ling Qi had taken leave the previous week to handle some school-related formalities and treat his mentor to a meal. He had also applied for staff housing and had been busy with the move. Today was his first day back at work. 

Ling Qi had no knowledge about Chu Zhichen's background or circumstances, and engaged in friendly conversation. "Are you adjusting well to the sales department?" he asked. 

Observing Ling Qi's attire, Chu Zhichen concluded that the young man had yet to fully integrate into the department. Thus, he subconsciously sought a companion with whom he could find solace. 

"It's fine," Chu Zhichen responded with concern. "And how about you?" 

Ling Qi scratched his head. He had pursued computer science for his undergraduate and master's degrees, with the aspiration of becoming an application architect. However, this year, Xiangyue did not have any openings for recent graduates in technical positions. 

He had briefly considered exploring opportunities in other companies, but his mentor had advised him that Xiangyue placed great emphasis on research and development and offered excellent benefits as a large corporation. 

Chu Zhichen pointed towards the window and inquired, "Would you be interested in joining the research and development center?" 

Ling Qi nodded, explaining, "I ended up in the sales department due to my confusion." 

The landscaped lake and the river formed a natural barrier between the R&D center and the office building. 

The lake was a tranquil oasis, its calm waters reflecting the surrounding trees and mountains. The ducks and swans that swam in the lake added to its peaceful atmosphere. The R&D team found the lake to be a great place to relax and clear their heads after a long day of work. 

The river, on the other hand, was a busy waterway. Small ships and ferries plied its waters, and the sound of their engines was a constant reminder of the outside world. The office building was located on the banks of the river, and its employees often looked out the windows to watch the ships go by. 

The two bodies of water formed a natural barrier between the two buildings, both physically and figuratively. 

From their dressing style, temperament, and working methods, the staff in both places were distinctively different. 

Chu Zhichen surmised that Ling Qi must have attended a prestigious school and achieved impressive grades for him to be retained despite the mismatch. 

He elaborated, "Xiangyue places great importance on research and development. The primary reason is that a strong sales force is essential. Technology and business go hand in hand. Without advanced technology, business cannot progress. And if the technology is exceptional, the business has to keep up. Sales cannot go wrong." 

Ling Qi found himself invigorated by Chu Zhichen's words. Not only did he exhibit impeccable appearance, but he was also an engaging conversationalist. Eager to nurture their budding friendship, Ling Qi proposed exchanging WeChat contact information. 

Chu Zhichen happily obliged. With adjacent seats, communication between the two became effortless. When Chu Zhichen encountered technical difficulties, he would seek advice from Ling Qi. Ling Qi, being a professional in the field, was always eager to offer assistance. 

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The Yisi project progressed smoothly, and the promotional meeting remained on schedule. 

The project team had made meticulous preparations and approached the meeting with confidence. Zhai Feng was in charge of presenting the plan. Although typically low-key, he radiated both professionalism and enthusiasm while giving his speech. He was a seasoned veteran at addressing Party A. 

Prior to the start of the meeting, Zhai Feng inquired, "Zhichen, have you ensured everything is in order?" 

Chu Zhichen, responsible for managing the documents and materials, replied, "The final plan template has been handed to Party A for reference, and the detailed materials have been distributed to the decision-making group. Each person has two copies—one encompassing the comprehensive plan of technology and business, and the other focusing on the integration of case studies." 

During their interactions, Zhai Feng had come to rely on Chu Zhichen's reliability. Documents were constantly updated and meticulously organized. With dozens of editions in various categories, it was easy to make mistakes and become disorganized. However, Chu Zhichen handled the task with meticulous care and caution, ensuring everything remained in order. 

Zhai Feng remarked, "You appear to possess considerable experience." 

Chu Zhichen did indeed have experience. He had dealt with contracts worth hundreds of millions, safeguarded critical contracts, and during his time as a bank assistant, a witty motto adorned the office wall: "Mistakes with documents are no trifling matter; they are as serious as losing the keys to a vault." 

However, Chu Zhichen refrained from boasting. He believed that a meticulous preservation process held greater significance than individual effort and replied, "Give it your best and don't create chaos." 

The project team gave their all, and the communication impact of the promotion meeting surpassed expectations. The needs of Party A's company became clearer than anticipated, making subsequent work more manageable. 

After the initial victory, everyone celebrated and reminisced over drinks at a nearby coffee shop. 

The past few days had been arduous. Once they finished their coffees, the director decided to grant them a half-day vacation in the afternoon. 

Chu Zhichen headed home and indulged in a hot bath. The weather was delightful, so he sat in the garden, engrossed in a novel about the customs of banner people. It had been serialized in the newspaper in the past, and now he could read the ending directly. 

His phone rang, and "Xiang Mingzhang" displayed on the incoming call. 

Chu Zhichen answered, "Mr. Xiang?" 

Xiang Mingzhang said, "I'll be in the conference room in five minutes." 

Chu Zhichen responded, "I am at home." 

"Are you at home during working hours?" 

"The promotion meeting concluded, and the director granted us the afternoon off." 

"Which director?" Xiang Mingzhang questioned. "Don't forget that you are an employee of Xiangyue's sales department, not Yisi's sales department. Taking unauthorized leave is tantamount to being absent." 

Chu Zhichen fell silent. 

Assistant Guan was swamped with work, and others were carrying out their assigned tasks. Peng Xin had commended Chu Zhichen on his report, leading Xiang Mingzhang to assign him the responsibility of taking meeting minutes. 

Since Chu Zhichen wasn't present, Xiang Mingzhang didn't have time to waste on conversation, ending the call. 

Listening to the dial tone, Chu Zhichen couldn't recall the page he had left off in the book. At that moment, the front door swung open, and Chu Shihui returned, carrying a large bouquet of flowers. 

As the car departed, Chu Zhichen suddenly recollected something and questioned, "Did you go out to spend time with Li Heng?" 

Chu Shihui replied with a soft "um" as she approached and placed the flowers on the table. The card nestled between the petals was somewhat crumpled and read, "In commemoration of our promised arrival of spring." 

Chu Zhichen smiled and remarked, "Must you send flowers for every season? How romantic." 

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Chu Shihui didn't exhibit much sentimentality. Being in her senior year, she had copious amounts of homework and quickly ascended upstairs to read literature. 

Chu Zhichen gazed at the sizable bouquet of pink roses left on the table, lost in thought. 

Among the competitors this time, the key customers of that foreign company consisted primarily of small and medium-sized enterprises. Consequently, fulfilling this order seemed somewhat challenging, and their competitiveness was weak. 

In recent years, Du Heng had been in the spotlight, and he had scheduled a press conference that afternoon. However, the boss prioritized relationships, and it seemed that Li Heng had largely given up in order to assist Li Zangqiu in securing this order. 

Considering this, Chu Zhichen felt some relief. While contending with opponents and themselves provided ample excitement, it felt insincere to remain disconcerted when the opposing party yielded. 

That night, news arrived from Party A suggesting that Du Heng's plan was excessively conservative. Failure to make progress would only lead to regression, and he was already falling behind. 

Yisi seized the momentum to pursue and prepared to submit their bid. 

Zhai Feng meticulously crafted the bidding document, going through a total of four revisions. 

Chu Zhichen deeply comprehended Zhai Feng's indispensability. Otherwise, he wouldn't hold responsibilities at the core of the team, surpassing both the manager and director. However, he couldn't fathom why such an essential and capable individual was merely a team leader. 

Zhai Feng also recognized Chu Zhichen's abilities, patiently teaching him and assigning him more responsibilities. 

As Chu Zhichen became more adept, he desired to excel in this project. He wanted to prove himself worthy of Zhai Feng's guidance and trust, and he also aimed to use this opportunity to elevate himself to a higher level. 

On the eve of the bid opening, everything was prepared. 

Chu Zhichen ensured the safety of the bidding documents, sealed them, and placed them in a secure lockbox. He said, "Team Leader Zhai, are you still working?" 

"I will review the PPT once more," Zhai Feng, in charge of the presentation materials, replied. "Tomorrow is highly crucial; I cannot afford any mistakes." 

Chu Zhichen advised, "Go home and rest early to recharge your energy." 

Zhai Feng nodded. "Yes, you should do the same." 

Xiang Mingzhang had issued a warning earlier that day, but Chu Zhichen dared not leave casually. Once he finished his work, he returned to the ninth floor, realizing that it was already past closing time. 

Ling Qi was leisurely working on a summary report, typing a line, and then absentmindedly fiddling with his hands for five minutes. Chu Zhichen passed by from behind and lightly slapped his shoulder. "You're quite efficient, young man." 

Ling Qi switched off his phone, prepared to continue working at home. Finally tidying up the apartment, he couldn't help but boast, "I bought a pot online that can roast and boil. Do you want to come over and care for housewarming?" 

Chu Zhichen wasn't fond of greasy foods, but he didn't want to disappoint Ling Qi, so he promised to go over once he finished his work. 

Late at night, only two lights remained in the office area—the one above Chu Zhichen's head and the one in the CEO's office. 

Xiang Mingzhang grew impatient when he was tired. Assuming there was no one else around, he emerged with an evident cold expression and immediately locked eyes with Chu Zhichen. 

They hadn't seen each other for a few days, and Xiang Mingzhang's tone was somewhat chilly. "What a coincidence." 

Chu Zhichen explained, "I took a day off and made up for it by working overtime today." 

Xiang Mingzhang stated, "The company doesn't have a policy of offsetting absences." 

Chu Zhichen hadn't received any notice of a salary deduction, so Xiang Mingzhang must have let it slide. He packed up his belongings and approached Xiang Mingzhang, saying, "Then consider it as if I am waiting for you." 

Xiang Mingzhang snorted. "What are you waiting for?" 

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The two parallelly left the department and arrived at the elevator. Chu Zhichen extended his hand first and said, "Let me press the elevator button for you, alright?" 

Xiang Mingzhang frowned, entered the elevator, and leaned against the wall. 

Above the floor buttons, there was an overview map of the park. Chu Zhichen located the staff apartments, which were nearby, and asked, "Mr. Xiang, what is the size of the single-person staff apartment?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "One bedroom." 

Chu Zhichen commented, "It must not be very spacious." 

Xiang Mingzhang remarked, "Naturally, it is smaller than your villa." 

"I didn't mean anything else," Chu Zhichen explained. "A colleague invited me to housewarming, and I thought of gifting some flowers and plants. However, I am worried that it might be excessive." 

[T/N: Housewarming in Chinese culture is called 乔迁之喜 (qiāo qiān zhī xǐ), which literally means "celebration of a new home." It is a traditional custom for the Chinese to hold a housewarming party after moving into a new home. The purpose of the party is to celebrate the new beginning and to welcome good luck and prosperity into the home.] 

Xiang Mingzhang guessed who the colleague was. "The one surnamed Ling?" 

Chu Zhichen confirmed, "Yes, Ling Qi. He's quite nice." 

Xiang Mingzhang thought to himself, after only a few days of acquaintance, you can already say someone is nice? He remained noncommittal. "No matter how nice he is, he's still a kid. Who knows if he can even take care of plants? Don't burden others unnecessarily." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "So, what should I give instead?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "A robotic vacuum cleaner." 

Chu Zhichen turned around, his eyes gleaming like hidden lamps, and a touch of naive innocence appeared on his usually articulate and smiling face. He asked curiously, "Is that even a thing?" 

Xiang Mingzhang couldn't help but watch and wanted to laugh at Chu Zhichen's "ignorance," but he refrained from saying anything for a while. 

After a moment, he asked, "Will the bid be opened tomorrow?" 

This was the first time Xiang Mingzhang showed any interest in the project, and Chu Zhichen nodded in affirmation. 

Coincidentally, the elevator reached the first floor, and the doors opened slowly. Xiang Mingzhang stepped out without asking any further questions, his eyes lowered. 

Chu Zhichen had a feeling that Xiang Mingzhang didn't place much importance on this project. Perhaps Xiang Yue often handled major projects, making this one seem trivial. 

The next day, the bid opening meeting took place at the pharmaceutical company. 

The three companies and their respective teams arrived early and were arranged to wait in adjacent lounges. 

Li Heng approached Chu Zhichen and greeted him warmly, their relationship akin to that of family, with hardly any contention. Shortly afterwards, Li Zangqiu called the sales director and offered words of encouragement. 

The bid opening meeting involved numerous protocols and took a considerable amount of time. Everyone used the restroom to attend to their physical needs and tidied up their appearances. 

As Chu Zhichen stood by the window, he caught sight of Zhai Feng pacing back and forth. "Team Leader Zhai, don't be nervous," he said. 

Zhai Feng, who would be the technical speaker for the day, paused awkwardly. "Mr. Li considers this project highly important, so I'm feeling a bit pressured." 

Chu Zhichen breathed a sigh of relief. "You're an experienced professional, just stay composed." 

Zhai Feng inquired, "Have the bid documents and bid bond been submitted?" 

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"They have been submitted," Chu Zhichen replied. "You forgot, the director opened the box himself." 

A quarter of an hour later, representatives from the three parties gathered in the conference hall. Party A read out the rules and quotations, officially commencing the bidding process. 

Everyone hoped to secure the first spot. 

Chu Zhichen sat up straight, holding a pen, and followed the proceedings intently. 

The projected screen displayed Yisi's plan, while Zhai Feng held the remote control. His anxiety vanished completely, replaced by a sense of ease and agility. 

After succinctly introducing the main points listed in the table of contents and delving into the topic, Zhai Feng delved into further details, ensuring that every aspect had been meticulously crafted in the countless iterations of the PPT. 

Just as everything was flowing smoothly, suddenly, the screen went blank. 

Zhai Feng was momentarily stunned. He went back to the previous page and attempted to resume, but it remained blank. He then tried the subsequent pages, only to encounter a series of blank pages. Each and every page beyond the PPT had turned into nothingness. 

The director whispered, "What's happening?!" 

Chu Zhichen was just as perplexed, fixated on the screen. 

Zhai Feng instructed everyone to wait for a moment, then proceeded to check the computer. He discovered that the file was corrupted, and the backup had been deleted. 

A murmur arose in the audience. Chu Zhichen immediately called his colleagues back at the company, instructing them to send the backup file urgently. 

Zhai Feng attempted to restore order, first apologizing to the representative from the pharmaceutical company, and then continuing his presentation from memory, intentionally slowing down his pace and buying time. 

However, the representative from the pharmaceutical company raised his hand, calling for a stop. "Your bid documents do not align with the specifications outlined in the bidding documents," he stated. 

An uproar erupted in the audience, and the director stood up abruptly. The bidding documents had to comply with the requirements; otherwise, it would be a critical issue. 

The project manager couldn't believe it. "This can't be possible!" he exclaimed. 

"The discrepancies in the data are significant," Party A expressed their dissatisfaction. "The three quotations exceed millions, and the functionalities do not meet our needs. Are you joking?" 

The director, filled with anxiety, walked hastily to verify the bid. To their dismay, it turned out to be the initial version that had been eliminated long ago, with the data altered to the point of being unrecognizable. 

A mistake in the tender is an irreparable blunder, one that cannot be rectified. 

It cannot be undone, no matter how hard you try, or how much you wish it taken off. 

Chu Zhichen's palms grew clammy, causing the pen to slip from their grasp and crash onto the carpet with a resounding thud. It seemed that not only the lecture materials but also the bidding documents had been tampered with, suggesting foul play. 

In this vast and intricate web of fate, where all things are connected, all things are fated, It seemed that nothing could be changed or altered. That everything was predetermined and inevitable. 

The threads of fate wove themselves together, tangling and untangling in an endless pattern, and they were all caught up in their web, unable to escape. 

Adhering to the regulations, the pharmaceutical company promptly declared on the spot that Yisi was disqualified from the bidding process. 

This project is over. 


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