On the other side, Tang Xi was lying in bed and browsing the news idly, when she suddenly heard footsteps. She looked up as someone knocked on the door of the ward. Tang Xi raised her eyebrows. Her family usually didn’t knock on the door but instead entered into the ward directly. Tang Xi said ‘Come in’.

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The door was pushed open and the butler of the Qiao Family who was pushing the wheelchair of Qiao Yuxin came into view. Tang Xi hurriedly beckoned them in and asked, “Aunt Qiao, why are you here?”

Qiao Yuxin asked the butler to push her in front of Tang Xi’s hospital bed. Smiling, she took Tang Xi’s hand. “I just heard from Ah Liang that you are in hospital. Why did you get yourself hurt again? Though you left the sanatorium ahead of me, you were hospitalized twice after that and at such short intervals. Are you cursed? Let’s go to the Ling’an Temple to pray to the Buddha after you are discharged from the hospital, okay?”

Tang Xi blinked, so it seemed Aunt Qiao came over today just to say these things to her?

“Aunt, it is too much trouble for you. I’ll go there myself. It’s not very convenient for you to go to the temple.” Tang Xi smiled sincerely. She had no religious belief from when she was born. She would go to the temple to pray to the Buddha? She was afraid that the Buddha might be offended by her impiety.

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Qiao Yuxin smiled and said, “I know you are always worried about me. Ah Liang chose the right one. You’re a good girl. I’m really glad that I am fond of the girl Ah Liang loves. You two get married when you graduate from college, alright?” Then she continued. “There are only the two of us at home all these years. I’ve been in hospital for so many years, so Ah Liang is always alone at home. He must be very lonely. If you marry him, I’ll have nothing to worry about.”

Tang Xi blinked and wondered why Aunt Qiao came here. Why did she ask her to pray to the Buddha with her and then suddenly urge her to marry Qiao Liang?

Tang Xi opened her mouth and was about to speak, when Qiao Yuxin looked at Tang Xi with a smile and asked, “Are you too happy to speak? I can understand you. It’s not easy to find a young man as good-looking and capable as Ah Liang, so I always say that both of you are lucky. It’s also not easy to find a girl as beautiful and kind as you…”

Tang Xi hurriedly interrupted Qiao Yuxin. “Well, Aunt Qiao, I am just a freshman in high school…”

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“That’s okay. I know you’re very excellent. I heard you had a bet with your brother that you’d finish the high school course in a year. I’d like to congratulate you in advance. By the way, you’ll be able to finish the college course in two years, right? I don’t think it’s necessary for you to go to graduate school. You don’t have to find a job. There are a lot of positions available for you in the Xiao’s Group. It’s not a bad choice for you to get married early.”

Tang Xi was speechless and just listened to Qiao Yuxin who said excitedly, “Oh, yes, you can have a lot of children. If you don’t have time to look after them, leave them to me…”

Tang Xi chuckled awkwardly. “It’s still too early to talk about this, Aunt Qiao.”

“No, Qiao Liang is already 27 years old. It’s not early at all.” Qiao Yuxin said, “Though you’re only 23 years old, Ah Liang is 27 years old and will be thirty years old in three years time. He is not young at all, so, Rourou, please, please let me see my grandson soon in the near future. Don’t let my son wait a long time, ok?”

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Tang Xi paused. Yes, her real age was 27 and she was actually not a 23-year-old girl. She was actually as old as Qiao Liang and only three years younger than Xiao Yao, one year younger than Xiao Sa, and just as old as Xiao Jing.

It turned out they were both this old. It turned out they had wasted five years.

“Okay, Aunt Qiao, I promise you, after I graduate and finish all the things I should do, I’ll marry Qiao Liang, become his wife and stay with him forever.”

When Qiao Yuxin heard Tang Xi’s promise, her eyes lit up and she took Tang Xi’s hand in both of her hands and said excitedly, “Really? Do you really promise me that you’ll marry Qiao Liang?”

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Tang Xi nodded in affirmation. “Yes, I’ll marry him.”

She would only marry Qiao Liang in this life and wouldn’t marry anyone else. Coming back to life, she finally knew he was someone that she would never let go.

At this time, Mr. He and Monitor Li Haoyu were standing at the door dumbfounded.

They were quite sure that they didn’t hear it wrong. Just now they heard the conversation between the lady and Xiao Rou. Xiao Rou would marry Qiao Liang in the future, and that Qiao Liang should be the same person they knew. He was the President of the Qiao’s International Group and the number one golden bachelor of City A!

So now Xiao Rou was not only the Miss of the Xiao’s Group, but also the future wife of the owner of the Qiao’s International Group?

Monitor Li Haoyu looked at Tang Xi lying on the bed and lowered his head in silence. ” Yes, a beautiful girl with good grades like Xiao Rou was probably being chased by many men and should marry a successful man like Qiao Liang .”

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