Chapter 1 – Shining Rimu and Evolved Rimu

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I stare at the glowing Rimu on the sofa of the Seeker. I talk to him, but he doesn’t hear me or doesn’t respond; I feel lonely.

“Claretta-san, you mentioned evolution. Is everything okay?”

I can’t help but worry. What’s going to happen?

“I’m sorry. I only read about it in a book, so I can’t say for sure. I heard that lower-grade monsters such as goblins do not undergo this phenomenon, and in the case of evolution, they stay in their nests and take their time. It is said that this kind of glowing phenomenon occurs only to special monsters. However, there are only a few cases of sightings, and almost nothing is known about them. I think this phenomenon is happening because Rimu-chan is a special Holy Slime.”

It is said that special monsters are glowing at the time of evolution, though little is known about it. The situation is fitting, but I can’t shake off my uneasiness.

“Do you know how long evolution takes?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know.”

That’s right. I heard that you don’t know anything. It is precisely in a case like this that I need to calm down.

“No, it’s not something you should apologize for, Claretta-san. You said you didn’t know anything, and I’m sorry too.”

“No, there is no need to apologize. You’re worried about Rimu-chan, so you must be impatient.”

“Thank you.”

“Wataru-san, Fuu-chan says it’s fine.”

“Really, Marina-san?”

“It is true, so calm down, Wataru-san; you can talk with Fuu-chan, can’t you?”

Oh, that’s right. I’m trying to calm down, but I can’t calm down at all. Then, I asked Fuu-chan a question to make myself calm down.

“Fuu-chan, is Rimu going to be okay?”


In the meantime, I can rest assured, can’t I? They’re the same slime, and it seems she knows it’s not a problem.

“Can you see what’s going on with Rimu?”

“…Becoming awesome…”

Becoming awesome? I guess that means evolution, right?

“I guess that’s right. It’s going to be great. Do you know when it will end?”

“…I don’t know…”

You don’t know? It’s hard not to see the end. Evolution started suddenly, but is it the same in other places? I think it would be too dangerous to be attacked during evolution… but then again, doesn’t it take that long?

“Is it okay if I just keep watching? Is there anything I can do to help?”


No, huh? It’s hard to just watch.

“I see, Fuu-chan; thank you.”

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“Wataru-san, did you find out anything?”

Claretta-san asked me worriedly. You are a good person, Claretta-san.

“Yes, but I don’t know the details, but I heard that Rimu will be fine, and he will be awesome. Also, Fuu-chan doesn’t know when it will be over, and there is nothing to help with.”

“I see. I’m glad there are no problems. But it’s hard to just wait and see.”

“Well, all we can do is wait and see; let’s do our best.”

Thankfully, the ladies will be watching over him, too. Rimu, they love you, don’t they?

Is Rimu going to evolve? …I’m happy and worried about it… I’ll be happy if he stays cute. What’s going to happen to him? I’m sure I’ll cry if he starts to rebel or something.

As I stood by and watched Rimu, about two hours later, the light on Rimu began to diminish. …I wonder if it’s about to end?

As we all watched with bated breath, the light subsided, and a plump and glamorous Rimu appeared…

“Rimu, are you okay? Is there anything that hurts?”

“…I’m fine.”

I’m glad to hear he’s okay for the time being. The light is a little stronger than before, but I can’t tell the difference…

“Rimu, you evolved, right?”


“Do you know what changed about yourself?”


He doesn’t seem to understand it well. What’s going on?

“What’s wrong, Wataru-san?”

Alessia-san asked a little worriedly. I have to explain. Everyone was watching over me with concern.

“Rimu is fine. I’m sorry for worrying you all.”

“That’s a relief. Congratulations, Rimu-chan!”

Alessia-san said so while gently stroking Rimu. It’s a nice scene, isn’t it? The other ladies also congratulate Rimu and stroke him gently. I guess they care about Rimu after the evolution. I appreciate it.

Fuu-chan is also cuddling with Rimu and seems to be having some kind of conversation with him. I’m a little curious about what they are talking about.

“So, Wataru-san, I don’t know if it’s okay to ask, but you looked a little troubled. What’s wrong?” 

“Oh, it’s just that I asked Rimu how things had changed, and he didn’t really seem to understand either, so I wondered what was going on.”

“Oh, that’s right. I can tell by looking at his status. I’m curious too, so have a look at it.”

…Come to think of it, there was a useful thing called status. I forgot about it because I never opened it at all.

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Name: Rimu

Race: Angel Slime

Age: 2

Occupation: Wataru’s follower 

Level: 300 

Physical Strength: 6000
Magic Power: 648
Strength: 601
Intelligence: 613
Dexterity: 605
Luck: 30


Holy Magic Level 3
Healing Magic Level 1
Physical Resistance
Angel Level 1 (Unique) (NEW)

“Let’s see, his race is now Angel Slime, his level is 300, and he has an additional unique skill called Angel.”

Rimu’s age is now two years old. If I had checked his status carefully, I would have found out about Rimu’s birthday. I don’t really pay attention to the status, so I forget to look at it.

But the status numbers are so high. How strong is he? But Rimu’s thought is a word, right…? Age, huh?

He probably evolved because he reached level 300… I thought he’d be level 1 when he evolved, but that’s unfortunate. It would be even more awesome if he went back.

“That’s kind of awesome. …I honestly don’t feel comfortable with level 300… Level 300 slime, I mean Angel Slime. On top of that… what’s up with the unique skill?”

Surely Alessia-san is right; level 300 for a slime is awesome. Maybe Rimu was the first to become an Angel Slime. Moreover, it is a unique skill.

But I think Holy meant sacred. Holy Slime and Angel Slime… is it just me that the one that is holy seems to be more awesome?

“Haha, it sure does. I got up here because of the ship summoning, but it seems like it would be difficult under normal circumstances.”

“Yes, that’s true. So what about the unique skill Angel?”

Oh, I was satisfied with just the surface.

“I hadn’t checked in detail yet. I’ll take a look now.”

Let’s see, I strongly think of the angel part.


It is possible to change into angel form. When you change into the angel form, all stats will be increased by 1.5 times. The higher the skill level, the higher the increase.

Angel form? Is it possible that Rimu is transformed into a human? What about it? I don’t care that much about strength, but I don’t like the idea of Rimu’s form changing…

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“Well, it is said that Rimu can change into angel form. I’m kind of nervous.”

“That’s hard for me to imagine.”

…I know. I’m afraid to see the change, but if I don’t see it, I can’t help but wonder. …I’ll have him try.

“Rimu, do you think you can use your angel skill? If you can use it, can you give it a try?”

“I can do it.”

Apparently, he can. I’m getting scared.

“Then, please do it.”


…While I watched nervously. Rimu began to shine again. The light that intensified changed. A circle of light forms and floats above Rimu. The light forms wings and clings to both sides of Rimu.

T-this is it? It’s too cute. While maintaining his soft and round form… A halo and tiny wings shine on Rimu, making him look extremely pretty.

But it’s unexpected. I didn’t expect it to be so cute when the slime had a shiny white gold halo and tiny shiny white gold wings.

“Rimu, you’re extremely pretty. You look amazing, Rimu.”


“Yes, of course. I wonder if those feathers can make Rimu fly?”


Huh? If he grows wings, he can fly, right? Is that impossible? In terms of size, it’s not very big enough to lift up Rimu’s body, but since it’s originally light, it looks like it could float with some kind of magic.


When he said that, he started to move his little wings as hard as he could. Seriously cute. Oh, he floated a little bit. The speed of the wings isn’t that fast, but I still wonder if it’s something magical.

After flying up to my knees, he lost his balance and fell to the floor. At the same time as he fell, the halo and the angel’s wings returned to light and vanished.

“Rimu, are you okay?”


“It was hard to fly, wasn’t it? But it was your first time to fly, so it’s already very impressive.”


“Yes, it’s true. Rimu is very amazing.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer and hugged and rubbed Rimu. Rimu, you are too cute.

“Ahaha, it’s really interesting to be around you, Wataru-san. Rimu-chan is also very cute.”

It seems that this event has hit the spot with Alessia-san, and she is laughing hysterically. I think it was a mystical sight, but where is the pressure point?

“Wataru-san, I’m sorry about Alessia. Rimu-chan’s atmosphere was so divine; it was so awesome.”

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“No problem, Claretta-san. Thank you.”

Rimu was also praised and happily jumped to Claretta-san’s side. She smiled and gently stroked Rimu. What a beautiful sight, isn’t it?

“What will happen to Fuu-chan when she evolves?”

Marina-san is asking Fuu-chan a question. I don’t think she would understand. Fuu-chan is a wind slime, so I think she will evolve in a way related to wind. I’m looking forward to it.

After conversing for a while, Marina-san stood up, hugging Fuu-chan. …Did she understand? She seems to be full of some kind of motivation.

“Marina-san, did you find out what kind of evolution Fuu-chan is going to go through?”

“No, I didn’t. She didn’t know. That’s why she wants to do her best to level up.”

Ah, so she’s full of motivation. Marina-san is easy to understand when it comes to slime, isn’t she? I’m sure she’ll be proactive in defeating the monsters, so that’s a big help for us.

Now that Rimu’s evolution is finished and everyone and I are relieved, we can have dinner in peace. Actually, we would have arrived at the dark elf village, but, well, it can’t be helped.

If we had gone there now, we would have arrived at midnight, so it would be bad if there were a commotion. We’ll have to go on until the dark elf island is out of sight, and then we’ll wait there.

It was a fun dinner as everyone celebrated Rimu’s evolution. When Rimu and Fuu-chan go out on their sharing spree, all of them congratulate them and give them food.

Each time, they expressed their joy with their bodies before eating the food they received. What is interesting is that Fuu-chan also expresses her gratitude when she is congratulated. I wonder if she knows why she is being congratulated.

We finish dinner and return to our room. It’s been a good day, even though I’ve been a bit impatient with the sudden evolution.

“Master, we will be on the dark elf island tomorrow morning, right? Are we going to explore it right away?”

“Well, we’ll have to see how the village is doing. If things are going well, we should be out exploring in a couple of days.”

Now that I know that the Hideaway can be utilized on land as well, I can go exploring with a lot more ease than before. Now that the special ship has been unlocked, we can try out all sorts of things. What shall I buy?

“It’s been a month since the villages merged, and both villages have been cooperative and happy, so I think things are going to be okay.”

Ines is certainly right. They have much more freedom than they did in the past. As long as they don’t get into personal fights, it’s going well because even with the two villages merging, there are still so few of them.

“Felicia, if it’s like that and there are no problems, we’ll leave the village in a couple of days. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, no problem at all. We just met the other day, so it’s not a problem if I leave right away.”

…1 month, yeah, it feels like just the other day. I don’t think we should worry about that much. The village chief seems to be sad, though.

After dinner, we spend a leisurely time relaxing and chilling out. Rimu seems to enjoy changing into an angel, and whenever he feels like it, he comes in front of me and says, “Look,” and shows me how he changes and flies.

For now, his limit is still up to my knees, but I wonder if he will be able to fly around freely in the future. That looks fun too, but I think Rimu is cute, too, as he moves from one place to another. …That’s what worries me.

After he showed me how he flies in front of me, he asked me, “How’s it going?” I praise him with all my might. I’ve done this many times, but it’s always fun.

But he has to be careful not to transform in public. He is so cute, but if he stands out so much, he might be kidnapped.

“Fufu, Master, Rimu-chan, if you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll have a hard time tomorrow.”

Oh, I’ve been so absorbed in Rimu that quite a lot of time has passed. Let’s take a bath and go to bed. After taking a bath and after Rimu went to bed, I would run into Ines and Felicia. It’s fun when there are two partners, but there’s no chance of winning at all.

But I believe that if I keep challenging them, one day, I will get some reassuring skills. …Good night.

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