chapter1 the great villain system

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PS: Due to individual reasons in this book, all characters involved in the original work need to be obscured or their names changed.It’s not Author - kun’s deliberate mistake. Please forgive me.

In the shabby hut, the dim light radiates hazy brilliance, and only a thin figure can be vaguely seen crouching beside the table.

Su Xin’er very cautiously holds half of the mouldy steamed bread and swallows.

“No! I cannot eat it, this is for the elder brother.”

Su Xin’er resisted the hunger in his belly,Return the steamed bread to the bowl.

Looking at the teenager lying on the shabby bed, Su Xin’er’s eyes suddenly turned red.

“W, W, W! You must wake up, elder brother.Xin’er is useless, nothing, just cry,I want to go to the medicine shop to steal some medicine and get caught by the old shopkeeper.Even the bracelet that my mother left us was robbed. "

After crying for a while, Xin’er dried the tears from the corner of his eyes and calmed down.

She climbed to the rice bowl with a small body, counting the remaining rice grains, only a few dozen grains.

Very cautiously counted out 30 grains of rice and Xin’er began to make a fire to cook.

Although she is only seven years old, the children of the poor are already in - charge, which she already knew when she was five years old.

The moist firewood smoked her white face to black,It took a lot of effort for her to make a bowl of rice soup which could not be called porridge.

The small mouth sucked the rice soup, Su Xin’er’s eyes became red again, and tears slipped into the rice soup, was sucked into her mouth.

At this moment, the teenager who had been lying on the couch suddenly moved.Su Xin’er suddenly threw rice soup in his hand to the ground,He jumped into the boy’s arms and began to cry.

“wū wū wū! Elder brother, you finally wake up! Xin’er is so scared. Mom is gone. Dad is gone. Xin’er is so scared. Elder brother is going! "


Su Xin slowly opened his eyes and the memory in his mind seemed to remain in previous life.

previous lifeHe is the middle management of a machinery manufacturing company,Although it is not a gold collar family, it also has an annual salary of over 100,000.Subordinate is in charge of hundreds of people, plus he is less than 30 years old,Can be regarded as young and promising.

On a trip to the mountains, his bus was robbed by three gangsters,Those people aren’t just grabbing money, they even intend to insult a beautiful female passenger.

All over 30 people, only Su Xin stood out to stop,But as a result, he was killed by three gangsters.

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Over 30 passengers watched as he was killed,No one stood up to stop, including the female passenger who had just been rescued by him.

In Su Xin’s last memory, his blood gradually cooled down,Also cold down, and his heart.

Watching Su Xin’er in Huaili, Su Xin’s cold heart gradually warmed up.

In fact, he was awake three days ago,But during this time, he was familiar with the memory of this life,Can’t control the body.

But he can also feel this seven-year-old girl’s meticulous care and loneliness and helplessness.

This life of Su Xin is still called Su Xin. It is a small gangster of the Flying Eagle Gang in Three Gangs, Four Unions in the Great Zhou Dynasty Changning Prefecture,have lost both one’s parents, leaving only a seven-year-old younger sister Su Xin’er to live with him.

Three days ago, when flying eagle gang was fighting for territory with his old rival green bamboo Gang, he was framed by his own people and was seriously injured by the siege of green bamboo Gang, dying without treatment, which led to Su Xin’s crossed over.

Touching Su Xin’er’s head and watching Su Xin’er as a porcelain doll get the same pain as a little beggar in these three days, Su Xin’s heart is as painful as a needle prick.

“Xin’er is good, elder brother won’t leave.”

Su Xin’er rose from his arms with red eyes, took out the half nest steamed bread and handed it to Su Xin, proudly saying, “Look, elder brother, I left it for you specially.”

“Well, Xin’er is so good.”

Su Xin touched Xin’er’s head and swallowed up steamed bread stiff, which was already as hard as wood dregs.Already weak to the extreme of the body this just restored a little strength.

Seeing the elder brother eat steamed bread,Xin’er closed his eyes,Squinting in Su Xin’s arms.

In order to take care of Su Xin, she hardly slept in the past three days. Now when she saw that Su Xin finally woke up, she could finally lay down her mind and have a good sleep.

Put the sleeping Xin’er on the bed, Su Xin sneered in her heart: “previous life died to save people,Is this life itself framed for believing in brother really good people don’t live long while scourges live a thousand years?If so, then this life should be the worst bad person! "


Su Xin’s mind heard a loud noise.

“The host has met the requirements of the Great Villain System, and the System is officially open.In the process of integration, 10%, 30%, 70% and 100%.Fusion succeeded.”

Su Xin’s mental entered a white world,All around is the existence of white fog, only in front of a large screen.But above it is pitch-black.

“Hi Host No. 1Su Xin, welcome to the Great Villain System.”A robot like, non emotional voice sounded.

“Host No. 1? So I’m the first one to use the great villain system,Why did you choose me?Su Xin frowned and looked at everything around him, a familiar feeling sprang up.

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In his previous life, when he was reading novels, the word system was no stranger to him.

“There are two systems in the host and they will only be opened if one of them meets the requirements,” System said in a voice without any emotion.

“What is the other System?” Su Xin asked curiously.

“Great Hero System。”

Su Xin: “…”

“Swear to be a bad person, is it in line with the great villain system?”

Su Xin smiled bitterly: “Forget it, Great Villain is Great Villain. Good people don’t live long, while scourges live a thousand years, and the former life is a hero, but unfortunately it didn’t end well.”

“Then what’s the use of your Great Villain System?”Asked Su Xin.

The big screen in front of Su Xin suddenly lights up, and a wheel for lotus draw appears on it,There are six options above, which are Merit Law Category, One-time Use Category, Pill Medicine Category, Weapon Category, Miscellaneous Category, and Empty.

“What do these all mean?”

System explains, “Great Villain System accommodates all that Villain Character has in Wuxia World.

Lottery draw to Merit Law Category will appear a Villain character in random,Each Villain character random carries one or more merit laws and martial skills,The host can randomly extract one for cultivate, with an initial default proficiency of 5%.Can be increased with the cultivate of the host.

The lottery draw method of the One-time Use Category is the same as the Merit Law Category, but the merit law of the One-time Use Category does not require the host to deliberately cultivate. The default proficiency is 100 percent, but only one time can be used.

The well medicine category can be used to extract all kinds of well medicine. The wepon category is a variety of weapon, miscellaneous category covers all kinds of random items of wuxia world, space is to draw nothing.

In addition, please note that all the items in the Great Villain System are divided into stars, ranging from 0.5 Star to 5 Star. There are ten levels. Low Grade Lottery Draw can only draw items below 2.5 Star. "

“Lottery draw is also graded?”

“The lottery draw rating is low, middle, and high,” System said.Low Grade can only draw items below 2.5 Star, and the system gives the host a chance to low grade lottery draw once a day.

Middle Grade Lottery Draw can draw all items under 4 Star,And you can remove a dislike type, the host can accumulate 10 Low Grade Lottery Draw to redeem a Middle Grade Lottery Draw.

High Grade Lottery Draw can draw all items above 3 Star,can specify the draw extraction category, the host can accumulate 10 Middle Grade Lottery Draw to redeem a High Grade Lottery Draw. "

“High Grade Lottery Draw takes so long?” Su Xin frowned.

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This Great Villain System is very easy to understand, and Su Xin almost understands the key point.

Low Grade Lottery Draw is pure luck, six options, the chance to empty is not small.

Middle Grade Lottery Draw has the highest upper limit, but there is no minimum lower limit. In other words, even if Middle Grade Lottery Draw is used, it is possible to draw Half-Star.

Only High Grade Lottery Draw is more reliable, there is a minimum lower limit, and the type can be selected.

The system replied: “the host can also accumulate village points by the way of quest, and 10 village points can perform a low grade lottery draw,100 Villain Points can carry out Middle Grade Lottery Draw, 1000 Villain Points can carry out High Grade Lottery Draw.In addition, Villain Points can also buy things in Exchange Mall "

“Where is this Exchange Mall?”

“Exchange Mall cannot be turned on without completing the specified Quest.”

Su Xin asked, “What are these Quests?”

“Quest is generated by System Random, with no clear goal.”

Su Xin suddenly had a bad hunch: “What do you mean?”

System said: “it means the mood of quest to see system.”

Su Xin was speechless, this is really too willful!

System said: “Given the host’s first fusion, System gave the host an extra Middle Grade Lottery Draw once, and now the host has a Low Grade Lottery Draw once and a Middle Grade Lottery Draw once. Does the host perform lottery draw?

“Draw, of course. Give me a Middle Grade Lottery Draw first, and give up the empty one.”

The big-screen roulette starts to rotate continuously,In the eyes of Su Xin,Eventually I moved to Merit Law Category.

A slender young man with three scars on his face appeared.With the sword in his left hand, ash grey’s eyes made people shudder.

“Congratulations to the host for drawing the character Jin Wuming and bringing the book” Jin wumingquick sword “with him,No further extraction is required, merit law rating 2.5 Star. "

“Why is Jin WuMing’s evaluation so low?” Su Xin asked.

This is a strong man. Money Gang, from the first expert under the golden red of Shangguan, once killed iron sword Guo Songyang, quick sword unparalleled, sneaky

But I didn’t expect such an expert to evaluate 2.5 Star, which belongs to the middle stream. What kind of character does 5 Star have?

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System explained: “The host was mistaken. Jin WuMing was able to kill Guo Songyang because Guo Songyang was trying his sword.Not doing everything, and there is Shangguan Jinhong beside,Affect Guo Songyang’s mind.

And Jin WuMing ’s sword has a strong personal style,Except Jin WuMing, other people simply can’t cultivate it to 100% proficiency.So the rating will be reduced by 0.5 star.

Just like Li Xun Hua’s Flying Blade, only Little Li Flying Blade in Li Xun Huan’s hand is the case of Little Li Flying Blade.Others, even if they get the Flying Blade blade method,No second Li Xun Huan.

“Okay, I’ll take it. Another Low Grade Lottery Draw.”

lottery draw roulette turns up again, I do n’t know if the newcomer has lucky halo,Low Grade Lottery Draw even picked up the Merit Law Category, this time it was a young and handsome Dao Priest.

“Congratulations to the host for character Yin Zhiping, who brought merit law” Quanzhen Religion Primary Level Internal Merit “and martial skill” Quanzhen Religion Low Grade Sword Method “,Merit law rating Half-Star.The host can choose random extraction or spend 5 village points to make the specified selection. "

Su Xin has no choice but to find this Yin Zhiping who used to be a dragon knight.

This man did not do anything serious, either. He was called Dragon Knight once and was beaten up by everyone. He wished he could swallow up his life and strip it alive. It was bad luck.

But for Su Xin, the most pitiful thing is that he even brought two types of merit law. The “Quanzhen Religion Low Grade Sword Method” is chicken ribs (little value). He already has Jing Wuming’s Quick Sword. What else should he do?

Internal merit is OK, after all, he is just an ordinary person now, and urgently needs one internal merit to strengthen his basic strength.

Although Villain Point s can be chosen at a cost, now Su Xin’s hand does not even have one Villain Point.

“Extract random.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have successfully extracted the Quanzhen Religion Primary Level Internal Merit.”

Su Xin hesitated, is there really lucky halo?

With both the merit law and maritial skill in hand, Su Xin asked, “what do I do if I want to go out now?”

System replied: “The host only needs to meditate in his heart. No matter how long the host enters the System, it is only a moment to look outside, and there is no need to worry about the unattended situation of the body.”

Su Xin went out silently and mentally returned to his body.

Looking at Xin’er, who was asleep beside him and biting his finger,Su Xin swears that he will not let this younger sister suffer any more,Eat a little bit of bitterness.

Next to Su Xin’er, Su Xin began to sleep with her eyes narrowed.

He is still very weak, but because of cultivated Quanzhen Religion Primary Level Internal Merit, there is already a slight airflow in the body.

Daoism merit law fair and mild, although cultivate speed is not fast, but all aspects are average, in sleep, Su Xin can also slowly recover their body.

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