chapter11 greedy Third master tiger

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In the house of happy intent block Third Master tiger.

Third master tiger took the list given to him by Huang Bingcheng and smiled without saying a word. The middle-aged scribe beside him was holding the folding fan tightly, with a look of horror on his face.

“Adviser Li, how about my adopted son?” Asked the third master tiger, looking up.

Opening the folding fan fiercely, adviser Li said in a deep voice: “ruthless, spicy, thoughtful, the most important thing is to know how to advance and retreat.”

Third master tiger said slowly: “it’s true that he knows how to advance and retreat. Otherwise, it’s useless to have more means. In this case, I’ll take the property of humble virtue Gambling Hall.”

“How much for Su Xin?” Asked adviser Li.

“Let’s leave 2000 liang of the original land for him.

The original land of Shunde gambling house is also given to him . We only need cash.” Third master tiger waved his hand casually, but he was in a good mood.

Tens of thousands of liang of silver, even for his flying eagle Gang’s great chief, it’s a huge sum of money.

The most important thing is that there is no burden on the silver.

the man is beat by Suxin, and he has searched for all the silver.

The third master tiger just came out to coordinate with the government, and he could use his identity to do a good job in all aspects.

Even if the government wants to settle accounts after autumn, the crime of plundering the family wealth can’t be settled on his third master tiger, even if 90% of the money is owned by him.

In the happy forest, Huang Bingcheng excitedly reported the meaning of the third master tiger to Su Xin, but Su Xin didn’t feel excited at all, just sneered in his heart.

The appetites of my adopted father are much bigger than my imagination. He swallowed 99% of the silver and left 2000 Liang for myself.

Fortunately, the third master tiger was not interest humble virtue Gambling Hall , and finally left it to Su Xin.

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“Old Huang, the 2000 silver tael has 1300 Liang removed, and there are about 700 Liang left. Is it enough to simply decorate the humble virtue Gambling Hall with these silver?”

“Old boss, you want to build hall? It’s enough money. It doesn’t even need to be redecorated. It’s OK to buy a batch of tables and chairs again by changing several plaques, but it’s not in line with the rules. " Huang Bingcheng is scratching his head. It seems that he will never catch up with the old boss.

Su Xin asked, “why not behave?”

Huang Bingcheng explained: “in flying eagle Gang, only those with great leadership level are qualified to build hall. Other little leaders rent a house to live by themselves.”

Su Xin knocks on the table and says, “you say you are qualified. In other words Gang rules, it is not stated that the level of great chief is necessary to build a hall?”

Huang Bingcheng was stunned and said, “it seems that it is.”

“In that case, what does it matter if I build hall?”

Su Xin wants to build hall, but there is only one purpose, which is to increase the cohesion of his subordinate.

The concept of two is to discuss in a small broken house and a broad and bright hall.

Huang Bingcheng thought about it, but also thought about it.

It is not that Little Chieftain is not allowed to build Hall, but that no one will.

a small chief in Flying Eagle Gang , the most of which is the three or four streets under management. The monthly regular money is about two thousand at most, even a few hundred.

Building a hall requires tens of thousands of liang of white silver.

Instead of spending that money to build a hall, it’s better to keep it for yourself and enjoy it.

“Well, I’ll leave it to you. In addition to the necessary expenses, you can keep 100 liang of the 700 silver tael, and keep the rest for you.” Huang Bingcheng is a little greasy, but he does things very well. Su Xin is very relieved.

If you want a person to serve you, first of all, you must give him enough benefits. Otherwise, why do people work hard for you?

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So whether it’s previous life or now, Su Xin is very generous with her subordinate and take action.

“Thank you old boss! I’ll sell you my old Huang life later! " Huang Bingcheng took a picture of his thin chest, and tears filled his eyes.

Of course, most of his style is boot - liking, but it’s really moving.

He has been in flying eagle gang for more than ten years, but because of his strength, although he is slick, he has never been reused.

Now Su Xin not only gives him the right, but also gives him all the silver in his hand to keep, which makes Huang Bingcheng feel dead for his confidant.

After sending Huang Bingcheng away, Su Xin also went back to his house and bought a roasted chicken on the way back.

Push open the door, Xin’er immediately pours up, the small nose arch arch arch, surprise way: “ah!"! It’s roast chicken! "

“Come on, little greedy cat, wash your hands and eat.” Su Xin rubs Xin’er’s little head.

Xin’er nodded and ran to wash his hands.

After eating, Su Xin asked people to find two wooden posts to stand in the yard, and Huang Bingcheng to get two swords for himself when he went to Yamen to pick up and down.

The weapon made by ordinary blacksmiths is too many times. It’s better to use the piece of iron in your hand than the kind of weapon Su Xin.

The best weapon in Changning are all from the Dynasty court.

The blades, spear, sword, halberd and other weapon in Changning yamen are all replaced by the Dynasty court army after use, and distributed to Yamen Bukuai of each state precision for use. The materials are absolutely superior. They are all made in batches by the craftsmen in the army. They have been on the front and have seen blood.

Huang Bingcheng went to yamen once, only used 50 silver tael, and brought two Long sword to Su Xin.

In recent years, there have been many fewer wars and many armies have been eliminated. Some of their equipment has been distributed to various state premieres, and the number is not small.

In a warehouse of Changning , there are weapon and armor that can arm thousands of people, but the Bukuai of Changning Premiere is just over 100 people.

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So most of these things can only be put in the warehouse to rust, let alone 50 Liang, even 20 Liang, the keeper of the warehouse will be happy to sell them.

These two handles of Longsword are thin sword, three feet long, two fingers wide, light and flexible.

Another handle is the heavy sword, which is four feet long, four fingers wide, steady and thick, easy to cut.

The sword edge of these two swords is cold. Only in the subtle place can you see the subtle chop mark. It should have been reopened by someone. It has nothing to do with the brand-new two kings.

Su Xin holds thin sword in his left hand and heavy sword in his right hand, stabbing constantly on the stake.

But what he practiced was not the power of the sword, but the accuracy of the sword.

Every sword must stop just after it touches the stake. If it leaves a mark on the wood, it is a failure.

Su Xin now has two types sword method, one is Jing Wuming quick sword, the other is great Sumeru sword style.

Among them, the great Sumeru sword style tends to be defensive and complex. Su Xin mainly wants to use it to make up for quick sword’s emptiness in killing enemies, rather than to exhaust one’s limited abilities when quick sword is restrained.

Although Jin Wuming quick sword can’t improve the proficiency to 100 percent, this sword method is the simplest murder skill, which only pursues the quickness, ruthlessness and accuracy of pinnacle.

These three points can not only be reflected on Jing Wuming quick sword, but also be used when culturing other critical skills.

So Su Xin only aims to improve the proficiency of Jing Wuming quick sword, which is just the basic skill.

Seeing elder brother practicing sword here, Xin’er sat on the steps in front of the house and watched.

Wait until Su Xin has practiced with sweat, Xin’er to get water and towel to wipe the sweat for Su Xin.

“Elder brother, can I study the sword?” Xin’er stares at the thin sword in Su Xin’s hands, with a look of love in his eyes.

“Yes, but why does Xin’er want to study the sword?” Su Xin looks at Xin’er in surprise. At this age, girls should like the things like cloth dolls. Boys like swords.

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“After learning the sword method, I can protect elder brother and beat away those bad people who bully us,” said Xin’er, shaking his fist

“Well, elder brother is waiting for Xin’er to protect me.” Su Xin smiles and rubs Xin’er’s head.

Su Xin hands over the thin sword to Xin’er, but Xin’er joyous takes it over, looks pitifully at Su Xin.

Although it’s called thin sword, the whole sword is made of hundred refinements steel, which weighs more than ten jin. It’s too heavy for Xin’er, a seven-year-old child.

Xin’er two hands together can barely lift thin sword, let alone dance.

Su Xin smiles, takes thin sword, cuts one from the stake, quickly cuts it into a wooden sword and hands it to Xin’er, so one big, one small stands in front of the woody, once, stabs his sword towards the woody.

A month’s time is neither long nor short.

Su Xin stays at home in her small yard and is dedicated to cultivation. Many shops in the happy forest over there have been renovated and are ready to reopen.

At the end of the day, all the bosses of happy forest are in a dilemma.

Anyway, they also gave Su Xin their shares, and the decoration of the store was finished. A lot of money was invested. The success or failure depends on this.

When night veil comes, a carriage outside the happy forest comes in. This is the time for happy forest geneine to be happy.

The child sun of East City Sun family stepped out of the carriage and looked at the new happy forest. He said, “Oh, it’s not bad that he hasn’t come to decorate in a month. I’d like to have a good time today.”

The children Sun family is a smuggler of medical materials in East city biggest. They are specially responsible for smuggling various rare medical materials in the places of southern barbaran and three Asians to East Jin.

Although this business is dangerous, it will be a result of beheading on the spot if it is caught by the frontier guards of great Zhou Dynasty, but it is the wealth of Sun family, which is only a handful in the whole Changning precision.

With the financial resources of his sun family, even if happy forest is decorated here, he can go to other places to play, but he has been holding back for a month.

No one else, because childe sun is a nostalgic person.

When he was 13 years old, he was pulled to the first time of his life by the bad uncle of his family. Therefore, he has real feelings for the place of happy forest.

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