chapter14 sudden and unexpected disaster

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In Changning Province, three gangs, four unions, green bamboo gang and flying eagle gang are the weakest two, and the twogang face is also a close match.

Although green bamboo Gang lost the battle of happy forest, they didn’t lose much manpower in fact. It can be said that they actually let the happy forest out on their own initiative.

After all, the previous Happy Forest can really not have any profit, a month at the top of the day to collect 4, 500 taels of monthly money is also good, in order to such a place to fight to the death with Flying Eagle Gang, why?

So two gang faction fought only one battle and, green bamboo gang gave up Happy Forest, and retreated directly to Perpetual Music Block next to Long Music Block.

But now they see that the happy forest is thriving under the control of Su Xin’s. They also hear that the monthly dividend of the happy forest is close to 100000 Liang, which makes green bamboo Gang even more jealous.

In particular, Little Chieftain Zhang Hong, who used to be in charge of Happy Forest, almost didn’t vomit blood on the spot.

He had a hard time in Happy Forest, the monthly money collected every month in addition to filial piety above, sent to the following, they do not have much money left.

But as soon as the flying eagle Gang guy comes, the happy forest directly becomes a consuming money hole, which makes many people in green bamboo Gang secretly laugh at Zhang Hong, saying that he is asking for food with a golden job.

And after quitting Happy Forest, Great Chieftain Dai Chong just gave him a short street next to Happy Forest for him to take care of, with only a few dozen stores, not even as good as Happy Forest.

On that night, Zhang Hong had enough to eat and drink and took several Lil ‘Bros to patrol the street. Looking up, he saw the brilliant scene of the opposite happy forest, which made him most feeling in the heart.

“His grandmother’s! Why didn’t those businessmen give me dividends when father was in charge of happy forest? No one bullies me, green bamboo Gang? "

Li’bro, who was behind Zhang Hong, echoed: “brother Hong, don’t be angry. Those businessmen are cheap! It’s said that the flying eagle Gang kid directly abandoned the old Huang who started the Gambling Hall, and a group of people obediently handed over the dividend. "

Zhang Hong buckled his nose and hummed coldly. “fuck his grandmother, knew that we had done it a little harder, and he could still make a fortune before he left, so that he would not be as down as he is now.”

“Huh? Brother Hong, look, isn’t that one of Flying Eagle Gang’s boys? " One of the gangster pointed to the street around the corner of the restaurant.

The restaurant was between Perpetual Music Block and Happy Forest, and they could see it as soon as they looked up, when a man in Flying Eagle Gang clothes was pouring water there drunk.

Today is the day they pay for the month, and once it is ten taels, which makes those gangster very excited.

Willing to come out to mix gang faction, there are few obediently and honestly people living, most of them are drunk today, issued monthly money, of course, immediately went out to have fun.

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So several normally close gangster, immediately came to the restaurant to eat and drink, but this time they did not dare to eat and drink for nothing, but obediently and honestly paid for it.

After all, what happened during the day is still fresh in my mind, and this Old Boss Su is not a good talker.

The gangster shook his body and lifted his pants. A ingot of silver fell out of his arms.

Seeing the ten grains of silver the size of the fist, the gangsters behind Zhang Hong’s eyes were red.

Sometimes they don’t have ten taels a month, and now the Flying Eagle Gang gangster, can come up with ten silver tael at will.

As soon as the gangster finished releasing the water, he looked back and saw Zhang Hong and them.

Flying Eagle Gang has fought green bamboo gang several times, and of course he knows green bamboo gang, but then he smiles contemptuously, holds the silver in his hand, turns around and walks away.

What about Little Chieftain? It’s not that we got beat up by Flying Eagle Gang, and we’re hanging out with Old Boss Su, but it’s more moisturizing than your Little Chieftain!

Seeing this disdain, Zhang Hong immediately exploded.

“How dare you laugh at my ? Pull over and call me! "

As soon as he saw that something was wrong, the gangster just tried to run, but he drank a little too much and staggered. Before he ran two steps, he was pushed to the ground by Zhang Hong and began to punch and kick.

“I’m flying eagle Gang! This is the boundary of flying eagle gang. I can’t spare you if you dare to come here! "

Zhang Hong sneered, “you Old Boss? The young brat? I’ll shoot you today and see what he can do with me! "

His fists rained down, and the gangster shouted a few times at first, but in the end there was no sound.


Zhang Hong shouted, and a lil ‘bro took a look, swallowed a saliva and said, “brother Hong, this guy was killed!”

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People look at each other and feel that things are getting bigger.

They just wanted to teach the boy a lesson, but they had a few drinks before they came out, and they beat him to death.

It’s nothing for gang faction to fight with each other, and it’s normal even to kill in a gang faction war.

But that was the decision of the top management of the gang faction. They were responsible for taking care of the government and taking care of the aftermath.

However, if the people under them kill people at random, it will not be so easy, and even their move will even lead to another war between the two gang faction.

“Brother Hong, what now?” Several gangsters have no idea.

Zhang Hong looked around and saw that there were no flying eagle Gang people around. The people he came with were still drunk in the tavern.

“No one saw it. Let’s go first. After all, this is the boundary of Flying Eagle Gang. Let’s go talk to Great Chieftain report.”

Zhang Hong secretly scolded himself for not light or heavy, which suddenly killed Flying Eagle Gang’s people, he certainly can not solve.

And to go to report Great Chieftain Dai Chong, with his greedy character, it is estimated that he will have to spend a lot of money.

Green bamboo gang’s Great Chieftain Dai Chong is addicted to gambling, and he loves money because he likes to gamble.

Zhang Hong went directly to the gambling hall Gold Filled Gambling Hall, of biggest in Perpetual Music Block and found Dai Chong very smoothly.

Dai Chong 50 odd years, is tall, surrounded by a half-man-tall drum urn gold hammer.

Because of his strange door weapon, in the Changning Province he also has a very loud nickname, called Exploding Heavens Hammer.

“Old Boss, I’m in some trouble.” Report of Zhang Hong very cautiously.

Dai Chong seemed to have won the money and was in a good mood. “what’s the matter with you,” he asked lazily.

“I accidentally killed a gangster in flying eagle gang.”

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“Oh, it’s just a little thing. I’ll just tell Flying Eagle Gang later and pay them for the burial expenses of the ten silver tael.” Dai Chong is still an indifferent tone.

Zhang Hong was dumbfounded. That’s it? Why does he always feel something’s wrong?

“Won’t old boss, flying eagle gang fight with us again because of this?” Zhang Hong couldn’t help asking.

Dai Chong waved: “don’t worry, we can’t fight. Even if we want to fight, flying eagle Gang won’t fight. You don’t understand the above things.

By the way, one of the three is just right for you. Let’s play a few games with me first. "

Zhang Hong was baffled to the mahjong table. All he knew was that he should not be responsible.

In the morning of the second day, Su Xin complexion sat in the main position of the hall of the happy forest, looking at the corpse on the ground and saying nothing. Other gangster also stood silently below.

“What the hell is going on?” Su Xin opens slowly.

Huang Bingcheng said with a look of grief: “it was green bamboo gang’s people who did it. Last night, the brother went to drink and came out to see him beaten to death and thrown on the street.”

The following gangster was angry. The eyes of several people who went to drink with the dead that night were red. They thought it was because of their carelessness that brother was killed by the people of green bamboo gang.

“Did you inform the help?” Asked Su Xin.

“The gang even knew better than us. Today, Mr. third tiger sent ten silver taels, saying that green bamboo Gang great chief Dai Chong sent the funeral expenses.” Huang Bingcheng looks depressed.


Su Xin directly dropped the teacup on the ground.

The following gangster is also a face of anger.

Their monthly money for a month is ten silver taels. Now if they kill someone, they will pay ten silver taels for burial, which is obviously humiliation!

“what does the gang mean? Just put up with it? "

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Su Xin is puzzled. Green bamboo gang and flying eagle Gang have a long history of grudges. Green bamboo Gang killed the flying eagle Gang’s people, and the senior members of the gang could bear it. This is not right.

“they didn’t say it directly, but that’s what they meant,” Huang Bingcheng said helplessly. "

Off the stage, gangster looks at Su Xin, and doesn’t know how Old Boss Su wants to solve it.

Su Xin’s subordinate except for a few dozen Flying Eagle Gang elderly, and the rest of the new youngster.

There is still blood in these youngster’s heart.

Even if I knew that I might die battle with green bamboo gang, I was not willing to hold back and see green bamboo gang kill his own brother and throw out 10 silver tael and pat his ass away.

On the contrary, those who have been fooling around for several years are much calmer.

The struggle between two gang faces is not so simple. Even if we want to fight, we need to talk on it.

The above shows that now do not want to get involved, rely on Su Xin subordinate, also went to die of it.

“Old Boss, what do we do now?” Huang Bingcheng asked in a whisper.

Su Xin touched his chin, and now he’s a little hard to get off.

Now in this situation, if he doesn’t fight, it is estimated that the prestige he has built up with difficulty will be exhausted.

And if you don’t send someone from above to fight, Flying Eagle Gang, what do you rely on? With these new recruits, youngster?.

After thinking for a moment, Su Xin said decisively, “I, Su Xin, will not let my brother die in vain! I’m going to ask the adopted father to send someone to ask for a fair return from green bamboo Gang! "

The gangster present suddenly mental inspire, Old Boss Su really did not let them down!

Ask someone to take the dead gangster out for burial. Su Xin asks Huang Bingcheng to take out 5000 tael of silver tickets and go to see Mr. third tiger with him.

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