chapter9 reform

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Half an hour later, the owners of the casinos, brothels, restaurants and inns in the joyful forest were all gathered in the hall of zuiyue building, bowing their hands to each other to say hello. They all looked bitter.

In their business, it’s normal to pay regular money to gangs every month, but have you ever seen it paid three times a month?

At the beginning of this month, jolly forest originally belonged to green bamboo gang. They had already handed it in once.

As a result, as soon as they paid the regular money, the flying eagle Gang took up the joyful forest.

Let Liu Sandao’s greedy guy search for a while, they’ll have enough flesh pain. Now there’s another Su Xin, and it’s estimated that there will be another big bleeding.

“Boss Liu, boss Huang, it’s early for you to come here. Have you inquired about what kind of person this boss Su is?” Someone asked the two bosses in the front row.

Among these businessmen, the richest one is boss Liu, who is the owner of the brothel. The zuiyue tower is his industry.

Next is the owner of the casino Huang, whose Shunde gambling house can rank among the top five in the whole Changning mansion.

Although boss Liu is a brothel owner, he has a good appearance and is elegant and square.

Although the middle-aged, but a fierce look, but as if a scholar academy teaching general, rather than the sale of meat business brothel boss.

As for boss Huang, he is short and fat. Although he looks like a rich man, he is full of bitterness.

His gambling shop is getting more and more gold. Before that, Liu Sandao had a good scratch. This time, I don’t know how to be searched by Su Xin.

So in the face of people’s inquiries, boss Liu smiled, but boss Huang said viciously, “who knows what virtue he is? Anyway, he is not a good man. I heard that he just beat the boss of Wangji drugstore

Hearing this, they couldn’t help but look at each other. This new boss seems to be no good role to play.

However, they didn’t worry that Su Xin would also attack them. Their identity was different from that of Wang Pang who opened the medicine shop.

Their family has a great career. Hundreds of people in their hands follow them to eat. They are also famous people in Changning mansion.

If the flying eagle Gang dare to kill and maim them at will, the influence will be too great. The government will not ignore it.

“Boss Su is here!”

Outside the door, the group sang, interrupting all the bosses’ thoughts.

Seeing Su Xin, a young and handsome man, walk into the lobby, all the bosses feel a little uncomfortable.

It’s true that Suxin is too young to let them call such a young man less than 20 the eldest, which is very uncomfortable.

But even if they are uncomfortable, they can only bear it. Su Xin is not only the leader in charge of joyful forest, but also the adoptive son of the third tiger Lord.

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Ji Gang and Li bad with cold face followed him. That’s what tiger Third Master sent Su Xin to support him.

“You bosses, I’m going to take charge of joyful forest at the beginning. Please take good care of me.”

Su Xin sits in the main seat, smiling, and bows his hands to everyone, looking kind.

You boss gave boss Huang a sneak look. Boss Su looks pretty good. He’s not as ferocious as you said. At least it’s better than the last Liu Sandao.

Liu Sandao has been holding back for so many years. When he was in the upper position, he was very ambitious, but his attitude was rampant.

“Ha ha, boss Su is very kind. We will rely on you to escort us in the future.” Zuiyue Lou’s boss Liu also replied with a smile.

“Boss Liu is polite. It’s just about taking people’s money, dealing with people’s disasters, and taking your example money. How can our flying eagle sect let others bully you?”

Hearing Su Xin’s words, the bosses couldn’t help thinking in secret that others were bullying us? Thank goodness if you don’t bully us.

Speaking of this, Su Xin suddenly said, “speaking of protection fee , I really have something to discuss with you today.”

Hearing Su Xin’s words, all the bosses at the same time said in their hearts: finally, it’s time to get to the point.

In fact, they have also thought about what susin is calling them together for today, just for one word: money.

The so-called “one king and one courtier”, when green bamboo gang used to manage happy forest, this money was three hundred and twenty-one months.

Later, Liu Sandao was replaced, which became fifty-two.

Now Su Xin is here. Although he looks young and friendly, I’m afraid his appetite will not be small.

Boss Huang said: “boss Su, the rules of your flying eagle sect are really strange. The regular money just set at the beginning of the month will be changed now?”

His Shunde gambling house is getting more and more gold every day. Some time ago, Liu Sandao was very ruthless.

Therefore, he was also the most sensitive to the two words of example money, and could not help but make a sarcastic remark.

But after that, he regretted it. After all, he was the little leader of the flying eagle sect, who was in charge of the joyful forest.

Although he can’t do anything about him on the surface, it’s very simple to secretly disgust him and even make his business unable to go on in the happy forest.

The simplest thing is to let a few gang members stand at the entrance of his gambling house and rush to meet people. Within three days, his gambling house will be closed.

However, Su Xin didn’t care about him. He just glanced at him lightly, and then continued: “the rules are set by people. Liu Sandao can set them. Why can’t I set them? Now I’ve decided that in the future, I’ll be free of all your money! "

As soon as Su Xin said this, everyone was stunned.

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Don’t ask for money. What do Suxin and his men eat and drink?

The flying eagle Gang doesn’t give monthly money to its own gang members. They all follow their own eldest brother, who is responsible for giving them money.

If there is no regular money, Su Xin’s six or seventy people will disappear in less than three days.

Boss Liu said with a smile: “old Su is really a joke.”

Su Xin shook his head: “I’m not kidding. I’m not going to ask for the money in the future, but I’m going to charge it in another way.”

Once Su Xin said that, everyone knew it, and at the same time, they didn’t care about Su Xin.

It’s just a change of soup and medicine. What are those useless ones for? Think you’re different in another way?

“Boss Su, please explain the way.” Boss Liu continued wisely.

Su Xin stood up and said, “it’s very simple. What I want is 10% of the dry shares in your business, one dividend per month.”

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

No one thought that Su Xin’s appetite was so big, and his opening was a 10% stock.

With such a big appetite, it’s cheaper to say he’s a lion!

Ji Gang, who was standing behind Su Xin, still had a consistent smile on his face. He didn’t know what he was thinking.

Li huai had no half expression. He stood up for his dead face as if he had not heard Su Xin’s words.

Huang Bingcheng, who is guarding the door, is worried.

Su Xin, who came here before, didn’t give him a hint. If he knew that Su Xin did this, he would definitely stop it.

“Boss Su, are you kidding?” Boss Liu forced out a smile.

These stores, especially casinos and brothels, even make more than 12000 net profits every month at their best.

In this way, 10% of the dry stock is 12, which is equal to the increase of the regular money by dozens of times. This is simply cutting their meat with a knife!

Boss Huang snorted coldly: “boss Su, it’s just the greedy of human heart. My old Huang has been in Changning mansion for so many years, and has never heard of such rules! Even the most powerful Sanying association among the four associations of the three gangs has not won our shares! "

If Su Xin does this, it will have the greatest impact on him.

Because his Shunde gambling house makes the most money, it naturally takes more money than other businesses.

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Su Xin pressed his hand and motioned to everyone to be calm.

“Listen to me first, I don’t think it’s for nothing that I charge you for dry shares, but I have a way to double your monthly profit.”

When Suxin said this, all the people turned their mouths, obviously they did not believe it.

Boss Huang is even more yin and Yang strange airway: “Yo, boss Su still has this ability? I’ve been shopping for decades, but I dare not say that. "

Su Xin ignored him, but looked at boss Liu and asked, “boss Liu, I heard that zuiyue building used to be the largest and most luxurious brothel in Changning mansion. I don’t know why it can’t compare with several brothels in the center of Changning mansion now.”

With a wry smile, boss Liu explained: “it’s not because the capital has been moved. In the past, when Changning mansion was the capital, the most central city, such as changdefang, was where the imperial city was. That’s to pay attention to the face. Casinos and brothels are all forbidden.

Because of this, we all open gambling houses, brothels and other places on the edge of changlefang for the children of the powerful, the rich and the rich, and even the name changlefang.

However, after his majesty moved the capital, the Changning mansion did not pay so much attention to it. Changde square and other places also gradually emerged several large gambling houses and brothels.

The situation on both sides is almost the same. We naturally choose the place close to our home rather than come to changlefang for half an hour in a carriage.

I’m afraid changlefang can’t even protect the last joyful forest if we don’t rely on some nostalgic guests to visit us often. "

Many of the bosses nodded their heads. They all came from that era, and naturally they knew what was going on.

It can be said that their success is also due to changlefang, and their failure is also due to changlefang.

When the Zhou Dynasty moved the capital, some smart people had already bought land and built buildings in the center city, such as changdefang. When they reacted, there was no land for even building a thatched house.

Su Xin sat down and tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, saying, “boss Liu said in detail that the decline of changlefang is fundamentally due to two words: region.

Because the region is far away, in the case of the same scale and decoration of both sides, the guests are rarely willing to go far. In this case, why don’t we think of reform? "

“Reform? What reform? "

Boss Huang scoffed: “the scale of our stores is almost the largest in Changning mansion now. Even if we invest more money in decoration, it will only be a little better.

Such an advantage can’t attract a large number of guests at all. At that time, I’m afraid we can’t even earn the decoration money! "

Su Xin shook his head: “I’m not talking about redecorating, but reorganizing the joyful forest from the service.”


Many of the bosses on the scene looked at each other and felt strange about the word.

“There are many gambling houses, brothels, restaurants and inns in the happy forest. To put it bluntly, we only provide four kinds of services for the guests.

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But what we have done is not up to the standard, and we have not let our guests experience the most convenient service.

Guests gamble in the gambling house. If there is a girl around, I believe they will be more heroic when they bet.

If you win, you will reward the girls. If you lose, you will persuade them in soft words and build up your fighting spirit again.

And when I’m tired of gambling. I can serve the food and wine in this restaurant at any time. I’m on call.

At the end of the game, tired, tired, behind is the inn, will not rush home, just live in the happy forest.

So my idea is to break up all the shops in the joyful forest and regroup them, so that there is a brothel, tavern and Inn around every gambling house.

What the guests want to do can be done in the shortest time. "

Su Xin’s voice fell, many of the present bosses were stunned, and then Qi Qi clapped his thighs. How could they not have thought of this idea!

In fact, some guests did this before. First, go to the brothel to find a bunch of girls and then go to the gambling house to have fun.

But only some of the guests who are quite generous will do so.

After all, joyful forest is a long street. It takes a quarter of an hour to walk from one side to the other. Girls go far away, but the price will double.

And boss Huang’s Shunde gambling house is so popular not only because of his scale, but also because he is next to zuiyue building.

In fact, Suxin’s move is not new. In the past, many large casinos in foreign countries were operated in this way. In short, it only has four words: customer first.

There are so many bosses who have been in shopping malls for so many years, none of them are stupid. Su Xin will understand if he mentions it a little bit.

Boss Liu asked cautiously, “since that is the case, we have some shops, don’t we have to move again and move to another place?”

Su Xin nodded and said: “yes, but the land of joyful forest is planned in advance, almost big. You will not lose in exchange. Your shop is only poor in decoration.

You have a great business. You can still get a new decoration . What’s more, you can move to a new store. I think you can afford this silver. "

You bosses thought for a moment, and they were all moved.

If it’s just decoration, it’s just throwing money in it. I can’t even come back.

But if we add Suxin’s plan, it is likely to turn around.

Huang Bingcheng, standing beside Su Xin, hurriedly handed him a cup of tea.

Now he is very convinced of the boss. He has such a keen business mind. If he wants to do business, he may be able to run all the bosses on the spot.

Ji Gang, who is standing behind Su Xin, is also shocked. It seems that he looks down on Su Xin.

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