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A/N:just so you guys know the reason why i chose overlord as the first world was because of the spells , i know that may seem stupid, but imagine going to naruto world and casting {Ia shub-niggurath}.



While david was leisurely asleep in his bed, Sebastian and the servant's were in utter chaos, the young master who's everyone thought was a retard finally spoke his first full sentence, and he asked for a video game, non of them understood how he knew what a video game is considering he didn't have any source of information or why he wanted it but all of them were doing every thing in their power to get it done, because this is the first thing the young master has asked for since he was borne.

and unlike his father most of the servant's didn't really hate him instead they pitied him so they wanted to help with everything they can.

When his father heard the information he didn't really care he has long disowned him and didn't really consider him his son from the very beginning, the only reason he didn't throw him to the street was that would dirty his reputation as one of the strongest and Richest person in the world


Around 2:30 pm david woke up as he heard a knocking on his door and heard Sebastian voice.

"young master everything you asked for is ready"

He got up and opened his door, there stood Sebastian with a dozen or so personal behind him all of them holding or dragging giant boxes, david nodded and got out of the way.

After a while the entire needed step up was ready

'system seal the room, and prevent any sound from going out or coming in, i don't want to be interrupted'



David got on the chair and put the head gear on and selected the game after that it was like he lost consciousness for a second before he found himself looking at a man with a naked upper body and only wearing short pants, next to him there was a window with panels like, race ,appearance... Etc it was the character creation menu.

'alright lets do this, race: undead-skeleton mage, for now atleast, and appearance well since i chose undead skeleton mage i can't change much since it' s pretty much a damn skeleton'


[system has infiltrated undetected into the data base of yggdrasil servers and found future evolutions for host race]

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[after two evolutions from skeleton mage host will be able to customize the appearance of his avatar]

"well that's good to know"

Affter david finished creating his charecter, he was now looking at a human skeleton about 1.80cm, wearing a worn out brown robe, he thought about naming his character something cool but affter thinking for a while and coming with nothing he just decided to go wth david.

Looking at the buttom right corner there was a START button there clicking on it his vision went black before he found him self in an empty forst, there was nothing in sight expet for him and the lush greenery.


[informing host that starting from now the powers and abilities host get will follow him along his journey ]

'does that mean if i level up and log out now i will still keep the spells and states'


[Negative host, those abilities and powers will not truly be your until you are transported to the new world, if by any chance you wanted and could find a way back to this world after being transported you will retain these powers]

'i see'

Suddenly he heard the system voic again


[strongest multiverse system will replace the game innate system for host]

[basic undead race traits unlocked:

Biological Penalties' Resistance

Bludgeoning Vulnerability V

Critical Hit Immunity

Dark Vision

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Death Immunity

Disease Immunity

Doubled Damage by Fire

Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary

Energy Drain Immunity

Good, Light and Holy Vulnerability IV

Good and Holy Consecrated Areas' Vulnerability II

Mind-affecting Immunity

Necromancy Resistance

Paralysis Immunity

Physical Penalty Resistance

Poisoning Immunity

Recover by Negative Energy

Sleep Immunity]

"wow i really hit gold by choseing the undead race didn't i"

suddenly david heard a rustling sound in the forest , on a closer look he could see that a bunch of small green humanoid like creatures coming towards him.

'goblins well they'll make good target practice'

David looked at bottum of his screen and saw the spell he have, for now he only have the fire ball spell.

He clicked at it and lifted his hand and pointed at the goblins, a fire ball the size of basketball formed at the tip if his finger and shot at the incomkng enemies, at the moment of contact a huge explosion thea encompassed 2 meter raduis took place that killed half the enmies.

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[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp...

[host leveled up: level 2]

[obtained total of 5 silver coins, mage staff, lowest grade data crystal]

[unlocked new spell :magic arrow]

(A/N:data crystals are what they use in yggdrasil tomake weapons, armor, and pretty much everything)

David continued to spam the magic arrow and fire ball spell till all the enemies were cleared


[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp]

[killed lvl 1 gobline : 10 Xp....

[host leveled up :level 3]

[obtained 10 silver coins, useless silver ring]

After all the enemies were dead david locked at his progress bar at the top left where his health and mana bar are and noticed that he has gained 2 new level

' well this is easy'

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[in the initial stage the enemy's are weak and its very easy to gain a level, real difficulty starts from level 10 and above]

'well that makes sense i guess'

'zues show me my status'



Race:undead, skeleton mage : level 1

Level :3

Health : 2

Mana : 2

STR : 1

AGL : 1

END : 1

DEX : 1

INT : 1

WIS : 1]

"alright let's get out of here"

After that david exited the forest looked for the beginner town, after 5 minutes he found it and went inside ,there was all kinds and race's of players and npcs, a veraity of shops from potion shop, armor shop, weapons, shop... Etc

David linked his bank account with his game account after that he sold all the useless stuff he had, bought new staff, a robe plus all the necessary items and exited the beginners town for more grinding.

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